Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nurul Izzah: Murtad ke Mutant?

Bagi sesiapa yang tidak tahu bahasa Inggeris, pun boleh buktikan dari video ini bahawa Nurul Izzah mempromosikan 'kebenaran untuk murtad' (12:05). Kesimpulannya, kenyataan dari Nurul Izzah akan menimbulkan keraguan seperti:
"Orang yang layak mejadi Islam seharusnya adalah orang berkualiti. Yang ada dosa kalau nak murtad ok. kerana kita mahu kualiti. Dah alang-alang, minum arak, tak puasa macam orang kafir. Baik jadi kafir. Kita tidak perlu sekat orang macam ini yang nak murtad. Kalau suka China Doll , tak nak murtad. OK. "
Maka itu maksudnya, bagi saya SPM Inggeris gred A ini.

Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut silalah ke blog mahaguru58.


Just wondering how some folks like 'No Rule Izzah' is going to defend herself when its her turn to stand before the Almighty in the Yaum al Akhirat and explain her call for people to be free to choose whom they worship?

I thought that as mankind grow technologically more advanced, they'd be much more able to figure out the difference between the Supreme Creator and those figments of their own imagination whom they take to be their god?

Looks like many so called modern 'educated' folks living today are much more screwed up than those considered as being primitive!

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