Kisah-kisah dan teropongan seorang siamang profesional di Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang, Selangor. Bukit Antarabangsa adalah kawasan berbukit ramai golongan artis dan professional tinggal. Blog ini kini mesra waktu pejabat. Sifat siamang adalah untuk melolong apa berita yang baik dan buruk di terima. Klik control play untuk mendengar lolongannya.
Bebel Without a Clause

Sunday, June 24, 2012
Some errata on Rafizi Ramli
Ada yang mempertikaikan tentang gaji dan fakta Mengenai Gaji Rafizi.
Star hari ini menyatakan dia hanya mendapat rm15k, walau bagaimana pun. Blog sel13 menyatakan lebih dari itu berdasarkan gajinya sebelum beliau menyertai kerajaan negeri Selangor adalah sebanyak RM30k (sumber http://sel13.com/archives/1439/rafizi_2).
Kita tak tahu mana yang betul. Tetapi tak mungkin beliau tinggalkan Phramaniaga untuk gaji yang jauh lebih rendah.
Beliau sebenarnya berkelulusan Electrical Engineer dan Chartered Accounting. blogspot sel13 ada bukti yang dia seorang chartered Accountant.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Rafizi letak jawatan: The untold story
Rafizi letak jawatan: The untold story
For a qualified chartered accountant, it is a surprise he quits his rm40k job knowingly he was the current blue eyed boy of Anwar. From his prime days as a star debater form MCKK and was already in the radar of Anwar.
After he resigned from Petronas, he was already waiting for offer from Anwar. So for him to resign is a bit mysterious for some but not to his rivals within the party.
If Anwar resigns , nobody will be surprise as he is not much of an economist. Rafizi has the background as he would have learned the economics essentials during his chartered accountancy days.
So why did he resign?
Rafizi lives in Bukit antarabangsa, Azmin's constituency.
After finding his chances to win in Kemaman dwindles , he is now struggling to find his place in PKR. The question is Where can he go.?
He was then already pictured as a machai for Anwar, and so onvincingly he was treated that way by the peers in PKR, not knowing that this lad has also big ambitions. Can blame him, he was a brilliant and best student in MCKK.
But He needed a platform to launch him to a higher level of political limelight.
As a master debater, he has an asset that he can use to attract attention of the younger generation.
No matter how revolutionary the ideas he may have, he needed a forum to attract a massive attention. Debating series with Kj on the NFC and PTPTN issues has propelled him to some kind of political stardom.
Pandan is a BN seat even though the state seats are all under The Opposition.
Knowing he has no chances in Kemaman, Pandan and Ampang are the next 2 clear choices.
Rafizi has lost many things when he left Petronas. He is not stopping just to be a machai . He is brilliant then Bard, the teacher.
He is much better debater than any kid on the block.
He is aiming for something more. And this time around he is not standing down, even if Anwar asks him to make way for other much senior than him. He has sacrificed too much when he was in Petronas.
He cannot give in any more. He wants to contest. Mak lamper and Azmin is standing his way.
Anwar is asking him to stand down. He said no way.Not again. The last time he had to stand down was during the AmK chief contest.
He is too smart. In fact he is much better than Azmin, Khalid Ibrahim and Zuraidah combined.
No way.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Pesanan terakhir Chin Peng: Agar Beliau dimaafkan. Nasihat Mat Sabu agar bertaubat
Menurut penolong peribadi ChinPeng , beliau meminta maaf kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang telah kehilangan nyawa saudara mara semasa darurat dan minta agar Mat Sabu bertobat dan balik ke pangkal jalan. Jangan jadi pengkhianat kata nya, kerana memang komunis dulu hendak bunuh itu orang Melayu yang menyokong raja Melayu. Jadi Mat Sabu itu jangan lah memandai2 nak putar belit fakta. silat baca berita dibawah ini. Chin Peng akan di Bakar di Sebuah perkampungan di Selatan Thai esok pagi.
Bekas Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya, Chin Peng, 90, sedang dirawat di sebuah hospital swasta di Bangkok dan berita terakhir yang diterima di sini mengatakan keadaannya semakin tenat.
Bekas Menteri Penerangan, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin Melalui blognya, zamkata. blogspot, berkata, beberapa kenalan rapat dari Malaysia dan Singapura yang melawatnya baru-baru ini mendapati keadaannya sangat uzur dan tidak lagi dapat mengenali orang yang melawatnya.
Menurut blog itu, seorang daripada dua pembantu yang berada di sisinya memberitahu, Chin Peng telah dikejarkan ke hospital dari rumahnya di luar kota Bangkok setelah keadaan kesihatannya semakin tenat.
Dua orang pembantunya cuba memberitahu tentang kedatangan pelawat, tetapi dia kelihatan seperti antara sedar dan tidak sedar.
Mereka diberitahu oleh salah seorang pembantu bahawa sebelumnya dia telah pun bercakap mengenai kematiannya.
Chin Peng dilahirkan di tingkat atas rumah kedai dua tingkat di Kampong Koh, Sitiawan Perak dan telah menjadi anggota Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) sejak berumur 15 tahun.
Dia dilantik menjadi Setiausaha Agung PKM pada 1947 setelah setiausaha agung pertamanya, Lai Te menghilangkan diri dengan membawa mas dan wang AS$1 juta (RM3.2 juta).
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
PAKAR: LYNAS lebih selamat dari Pakatan Pembangkang
Ada pulak mamat tionghua ini tak mahu ikhtiraf pulak. Macam lah dia ni Expert. Wei, pergi belajar lah wei.
Pakar Australia menyatakan bahawa proses dalaman Lynas lagi stabil dari proses dalaman Pakatan pembangkang. lebih2 lagi telah diaudit tiada shortcut atau jalan pintas atau jalan belakang dalam perlaksanaan proses nadir bumi di Lynas. Semua ada SOP yang jelas dan ikut piawaian antarabangsa.
Kentut YB Fuziah Salleh lagi merbahaya kerana berkemungkinan ada kunyit mutant dari Permatang Pauh.
The seven-member body, which is dominated by ruling-coalition lawmakers, recommended granting Lynas an operating licence to start processing rare earths imported from Australia at the plant in eastern Malaysia.
The facility was awarded a licence in February but the government froze that following protests by thousands of people, saying the panel would review the decision. It was not immediately clear when the licence would be issued.
"The committee found that up to now all the safety, health and environmental aspects in connection with the project... have been met," the panel said in a 74-page report. The panel was widely expected to rule in favour of the plant.
Opposition lawmakers refused to join the panel after work at the plant was allowed to proceed pending the review, which is the last procedural hurdle, although opponents are expected to step up their court action.
The plant in Pahang state has been billed by supporters as welcome foreign investment on Malaysia's relatively undeveloped east coast, and a way to break China's stranglehold on rare earths.
Rare earths are mineral elements used in the manufacture of high-tech gadgets ranging from iPods to missiles, and China's control of about 95 percent of world supply has raised concerns.
The plant has been dogged by protests by environmentalists and residents who fear harm from radioactive waste, posing a political headache for Prime Minister Najib Razak as he chases support for elections due by next year.
The panel said radiation levels were "low and safe" but would need to be monitored, along with air and water quality and public health.
Wong Tack, chairman of an NGO coalition opposing the facility, dismissed the findings and vowed more protests. Previous demonstrations have drawn thousands.
"It's expected. We never recognised this panel... The people will decide. We will never allow putting our children's future in their hands," he told AFP.
A Malaysian court in April dismissed a legal application by Pahang residents to halt work at the plant, which was originally schedule to start operations late last year.
Lynas has insisted the facility is safe and any waste will be stored and disposed of securely.
Pakar Australia menyatakan bahawa proses dalaman Lynas lagi stabil dari proses dalaman Pakatan pembangkang. lebih2 lagi telah diaudit tiada shortcut atau jalan pintas atau jalan belakang dalam perlaksanaan proses nadir bumi di Lynas. Semua ada SOP yang jelas dan ikut piawaian antarabangsa.
Kentut YB Fuziah Salleh lagi merbahaya kerana berkemungkinan ada kunyit mutant dari Permatang Pauh.
The seven-member body, which is dominated by ruling-coalition lawmakers, recommended granting Lynas an operating licence to start processing rare earths imported from Australia at the plant in eastern Malaysia.
The facility was awarded a licence in February but the government froze that following protests by thousands of people, saying the panel would review the decision. It was not immediately clear when the licence would be issued.
"The committee found that up to now all the safety, health and environmental aspects in connection with the project... have been met," the panel said in a 74-page report. The panel was widely expected to rule in favour of the plant.
Opposition lawmakers refused to join the panel after work at the plant was allowed to proceed pending the review, which is the last procedural hurdle, although opponents are expected to step up their court action.
The plant in Pahang state has been billed by supporters as welcome foreign investment on Malaysia's relatively undeveloped east coast, and a way to break China's stranglehold on rare earths.
Rare earths are mineral elements used in the manufacture of high-tech gadgets ranging from iPods to missiles, and China's control of about 95 percent of world supply has raised concerns.
The plant has been dogged by protests by environmentalists and residents who fear harm from radioactive waste, posing a political headache for Prime Minister Najib Razak as he chases support for elections due by next year.
The panel said radiation levels were "low and safe" but would need to be monitored, along with air and water quality and public health.
Wong Tack, chairman of an NGO coalition opposing the facility, dismissed the findings and vowed more protests. Previous demonstrations have drawn thousands.
"It's expected. We never recognised this panel... The people will decide. We will never allow putting our children's future in their hands," he told AFP.
A Malaysian court in April dismissed a legal application by Pahang residents to halt work at the plant, which was originally schedule to start operations late last year.
Lynas has insisted the facility is safe and any waste will be stored and disposed of securely.
Umar Vadillo kata Anwar Ibrahim Freemason semasa umar melawat MCOBA
Kickdefella ada menyebut perihal sangsi nya terhadap Umar Vadillo, saya pula teringin nak tahu siapa dia dan saya pula jumpa huraian beliau tentng Anwar seorang Freemason semasa beliau melawat MCOBA dala tahun 2010.
Sumber: disini
Sunday, 14 February 2010 08:37 Mohamed
Malay College (MCKK) was established in 1905 in the town of Kuala Kangsar by British rulers and since then has been the elite school where future sultans, prime-ministers and prominent public figures took their education. The alumni of this school are generally regarded as Malay intellectual elite.
On 10th February 2010 Malay College Old Boys Association (MCOBA) invited President of World Islamic Mint, Prof. Umar Vadillo, to give a talk in the HQ of MCOBA here in Kuala Lumpur. Muamalah Council Malaysia sincerely thanks Dato’ Faidz Darus, Deputy-President of MCOBA, and Mr. Ahmad Muslim Ali, secretary of MCOBA Executive Committee, for warm hospitality.
Although a small number of the Old Boys came to this lecture, they represented several generations of Malay College alumni.
Umar Pasha started off with the reminder that the foundation of the Reality is “La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Billah”, full stop, with no continuation “…but Riba is more practical”. He then gave to Old Boys an overview of Capitalism from historical and economic perspectives. He outlined the failure and disastrous impact of Capitalism on humanity but more significantly that Capitalism was a religion firmly imposed on the entire world in the 20th century through breaking up European and Muslim empires into little national states under total financial control of International Banking. He stressed on the importance of understanding that Capitalism could not be Islamized as it was an alien ideology the heart of which was Riba and Kufr, the only way to deal with Capitalism is to reject it in its totality and establish the Deen of Islam too in its totality. Umar Pasha then briefly exposed the fraud of Islamic Banking by paralleling the absurdity of the very idea of Islamizing banks with Islamizing brothels. “With the methodology of Islamic bankers I can easily Islamize brothels, all I need to do is to hire an Imam who will marry my clients for few minutes and divorce them after, oh yeah and I’ll have a prayer room in the brothel so that the visitors can pray on time”.
Umar Pasha also reminded the Old Boys that British left Malaya in 1957 not quite completely but left behind a little package, namely Constitution. The package though being little was very heavy, it guaranteed not only the economic control over the new state but also set conditions under which Islam could never be reality again. “This little package makes it completely irrelevant who comes to power, UMNO or PAS or freemason Anwar Ibrahim, the country will remain a little capitalist enterprise at the total mercy of the international financial oligarchy who will repeat 1997 lesson from time to time to teach you just that”, – stated Umar Pasha.
He also explained why the return of Gold Dinar and Silver Diram was the first step not only towards the liberation from deadly grip of International Usury but more significantly to the restoration of the Deen and political unification of the Ummah.
He proposed a number of initiatives on practical participation of MCOBA in the project of Gold Dinar in Malaysia.
“So, dear Old Boys, my message to you is that you have to decide, whether you want Islam or you want Capitalism, for you can’t have both, it is impossible. You are considered by many as the locomotive of this nation, so it is up to you whether you lead your people to the fantasy world of Wawasan20/20 or to the Deen of Allah. But remember, this crisis is the war of Allah upon Capitalism, and Allah will most certainly win, so make sure you take the right side in the war”, – concluded Umar Pasha.
The Old Boys were very attentive and, after asking during Q&A many pertinent questions on technicality of Gold Dinar implementation, expressed interest to explore the matter in earnest and agreed to bring Prof. Umar Vadillo’s proposals to the MCOBA Cooperative.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Anwar dikuasai US atau menguasai US?
Cheney Escalates Lunatic
War Drive Against Iran
By Jeffrey Steinberg
Executive Intelligence Review
Lyndon LaRouche minced no words in discussions with colleagues on Nov. 22, accusing Vice President Dick Cheney and the "Israeli Mafia" of being behind the latest destabilization of Lebanon-the assassination on Nov. 21 of Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel. LaRouche cited other Israeli provocations since the Lebanon War of July 2006, including a string of confrontations with French peacekeepers, and threats to attack German ships in the Mediterranean that are part of the Lebanon peacekeeping effort, as "state-of-mind" evidence of the war intent.
Things have become so tense between the French and Israeli governments over the Lebanon crisis, that French soldiers serving in the Lebanese peacekeeping mission are now authorized to shoot at Israeli Air Force jet fighters overflying Lebanon, after a failed Paris meeting in mid-November between French and Israeli military officials.
LaRouche warned that the climate is being set for an Israeli military raid on Iran's purported nuclear weapons sites, which would lead to a mobilization of support for a larger attack on Iran, involving the United States and other nations-with the quiet but enthusiastic backing of many frightened Sunni Arab regimes, which are being stampeded by the Cheneyacs in Washington into this suicidal stance.
LaRouche characterized the Gemayel assassination as a signal of Israeli plans to launch a military strike against Iran in the near future-at the urging of Cheney and his own masters within the Anglo-American "war party."
Evidence of these Cheney-encouraged Israeli attack plans have been visible in recent weeks, including in President Bush's widely reported comments to French President Jacques Chirac that, "I do not discount the possibility that Israel will attack Iran, and if it does this-I will understand it." Those comments were reported in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz on Nov. 22. And President Bush has reportedly repeated the point recently in several other venues.
A Nov. 22 editorial in Ha'aretz signed by Gideon Samet further warned of just such an Israeli sneak attack on Iran: "Close your eyes and think about the possibility that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, together with the chief of staff, the minister for strategic threats, and his other advisers, will wrack his brain and decide to act against the Iranian nuclear threat-and imagine what this means for you. This is the man," he warned, "who is responsible for managing a failed war against a guerrilla army in Lebanon. Does this make you feel calm?" Samet referenced the Seymour Hersh article, published in the Nov. 20 New Yorker magazine, which warned that Cheney is still intent on a military attack on Iran, and that U.S. and Israeli special forces commandos are already operating on the ground inside the country, planting site markers for future bombings, and organizing sabotage operations by Kurds, Baluchis, and Azeris.
Bibi Rants
On Nov. 24, speaking in Jerusalem at a conference of the Orthodox Union, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a close Cheney ally, openly called for Israeli action against Iran in the most rabid of terms. Describing Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as representing a greater danger for the Jewish people than did Adolf Hitler, because of Iran's alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons, Netanyahu declared, "The future of the Jewish state is as in danger as it has ever been in the last half-century." Making a not-so-veiled reference to Israel's own extensive, undeclared nuclear weapons program, Netanyahu said, "We must use the powers that we've amassed to make the Jews no longer defenseless and able to shape their destiny and protect their future. This is the most important thing that we can do today. Everything else is secondary." Several weeks earlier, in a speech in Los Angeles, Netanyahu was even more blunt: "It's 1938, and Iran is Germany. And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs."
LaRouche concluded his warning of an imminent Cheney-encouraged Israeli attack on Iran with a caution against what he called "kinematic thinking." Do not look for narrow cause and effect, LaRouche warned. There has been a long-term master plan to blow up the entire extended Southwest Asia and Persian Gulf region, to bring about an end to the post-1648 Westphalian era of the nation-state system, and in particular, to destroy the United States. This, he concluded, is what is driving Cheney and company to now seek to play the Israeli "breakaway ally" game to detonate that long-standing plan.
Such a U.S.-backed Israeli strike against Iran, though militarily inconsequential-unless Israel were to use nuclear weapons-would trigger a wave of global asymmetric warfare, the kind of permanent "clash of civilizations" that Britain's Arab Bureau operative Dr. Bernard Lewis has been promoting for decades. Lewis, like long-time British agent-of-influence Dr. Henry Kissinger, has been a top advisor to Vice President Cheney, frequently leading informal seminars at the Vice President's residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington.
Kissinger Speaks-and Cheney Acts
Kissinger himself weighed in for an Israeli strike against Iran in a ponderous op-ed piece, published in the Nov. 24 Washington Post, and several European newspapers. While ostensibly promoting diplomatic dialogue among the United States, Europe, the Sunni Arab states, and Tehran, Kissinger pointedly wrote: "The nuclear negotiations with Iran are moving toward an inconclusive outcome. The Six [the UN Security Council's permanent five plus Germany-ed.] eventually will have to choose either effective sanctions or the consequences of an Iranian military nuclear capability and the world of proliferation that implies. Military action by the United States is extremely improbable in the final two years of a Presidency facing a hostile Congress-though it may be taken more seriously in Tehran. Tehran surely cannot ignore the possibility of a unilateral Israeli strike if all negotiation options close."
Later in the same op-ed, Kissinger also promoted the idea, already being peddled by neo-conservatives in the Vice President's office and at the American Enterprise Institute, of an American-European-Sunni Arab alliance with Israel against Iran-what Kissinger euphemistically called a "policy of equilibrium" between Iran and the Sunni regimes.
The same time that Kissinger's rant appeared in the Post, the Wall Street Journal published a Nov. 24 wildly provocative lead front-page story, titled "Religious Divide: To Contain Iran, U.S. Seeks Help From Arab Allies." Mischaracterizing the flurry of U.S. diplomacy as "a bid to stabilize the region and build a coalition to contain Iran's Shi'ite regime," author Jay Solomon accurately catalogued a full-court press by top Bush Administration officials, to align Sunni Arab regimes against Tehran, in what amounts to a bizarre war alliance of Washington, Tel Aviv, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Solomon did quote Middle East scholar Vali Nasr of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California, warning against such a campaign: "The whole rhetoric of containing Iran could spark competing extremism," he warned. "Washington doesn't want to be seen as actively encouraging this."
Or do they? The fact that Vice President Cheney, the leading war-hawk in the Bush Administration, kicked off the Sunni Arab dialogues, with a Nov. 24 trip to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, underscores that some in the Bush Administration are in no way backing off from plans for hard military confrontation before leaving office-perhaps, even before the 110th Congress is sworn in at the beginning of January 2007.
Joshua Muravchik, an AEI resident scholar and leading neo-con propagandist, put it bluntly in an article published in the November/December 2006 issue of Foreign Policy. "Make no mistake," he wrote, "President Bush will need to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities before leaving office. It is all but inconceivable that Iran will accept any peaceful inducements to abandon its drive for the bomb. Its rulers are religio-ideological fanatics who will not trade what they believe is their birthright to great power status for a mess of pottage. Even if things in Iraq get better, a nuclear-armed Iran will negate any progress there."
Muravchik warned, "The global thunder against Bush when he pulls the trigger will be deafening, and it will have many echoes at home.... We need to pave the way intellectually now and be prepared to defend the action when it comes.... The defense should be global in scope. There is a crying need in today's ideological wars for something akin to the Congress for Cultural Freedom of the Cold War, a global circle of intellectuals and public figures who share a devotion to democracy. The leaders of this movement might include Tony Blair, Vaclav Havel, and Anwar Ibrahim." More Rense.com
Sunday, June 17, 2012
A samad said Akan lari Dari PKR?
Benarkah ada ura-2 satu angkatan A Samad Said gila Akan lompat ke BN dalam beberapa hari lagi?
Dan Ada juga desasdesus seorang pensyarah , Si beri2 kot, juga akan lompat keluar dari Pakatan Haram?
Friday, June 15, 2012
CIA dah tahu Anwar merancangkan untuk song lap Rm 3b

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
What is the name?: Suara Anak Haram belum bertelur dah rioh sekampung
Dekat PRU ini kita akan kedengaran berita2 gempak namun itu semua fitnah, hanya mencipta persepsi yang salah terhadap Barisan Nasional. Jangalah kita leka dan tertipu dengan kerena Pakatan Haramjadah.
Yang di katakan NGO seperti BERSIH, Bar Council dan SUARAM sebenarnya iblis bertopeng manusia.
Pakatan Rakyat faces an uphill climb to victory at GE13. With an unforgiving electoral future, it has tried street demonstrations through hijacking the Bersih movement and, starting two years ago, through foreign courts, to bring the Government down.
Suaram, a nominally independent NGO, petitioned the French courts to investigate the Scorpene submarine deal two years ago, an investigation now picking up steam in the time-honoured French manner of suddenly-ending procrastination.
The Scorpene deal has been the locus for much of Pakatan's more bizarre conspiracy theorising, ranging from allegations of bribes directed to Datuk Seri Najib Razak during his time as Defence Minister to a nebulous, never-explained connection to the murder of Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa, the Mongolian model whose murderers were sentenced to death three years ago.From the increase in the court's activities, together with allegations of never-released 'proof' of wrongdoing by Najib,
Suaram has launched a series of press conferences and events, including a suspiciously political RM10,000 table dinner scheduled for later this month, to promote its agenda and publicise the French court's activities.
Most NGOs do not hold multi-thousand ringgit dinners over foreign court cases, let alone ones that will still need another two or more years to develop, and so it might be helpful to understand more about Suaram.
Ordinary attempts to investigate the organisation appear doomed to failure. The NGO's web site goes to great pains to tell an ordinary reader or viewer nothing about its membership, especially its leadership.The Choice has worked to develop a listing of key personnel.
By no means is this complete; nevertheless, here is a sample:
Cynthia Gabriel, Director of Suaram, is municipal councillor in the Petaling Jaya City Council, appointed by the Pakatan government of Selangor.
Tian Chua is the PKR Member of Parliament for Batu – and of course, PKR's Vice President.
Irene Fernandez is a PKR Supreme Council Member.
Elizabeth Wong is a former Coordinator of Suaram, apparently still involved in its governance, and is now a PKR state assembly member in Selangor.
Dr Kua Kia Soong is a former DAP Member of Parliament.
Sivarasa Rasiah is a PKR Member of Parliament for Subang, Petaling.
Dr Syed Husin Ali is the former Deputy President of PKR.
The links continue outside of Pakatan member parties. S Arutchelvan is the Secretary-General of Parti Sosialis Malaysia, a PKR ally; Dr Nasim Hashim is its President.
Premesh Chandran works for malaysiakini.com, and with Tian Chua and Elizabeth Wong was a member of the Network of Overseas Student Collective of Australia.
This pattern – of stacking nominally independent entities with Pakatan Rakyat personnel while hiding their allegiance to maintain the façade of independence – carries over from the Hindraf rallies in 2007, through the Bersih movement, to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's 'independent election observers' – those such as Nick Xenophon and other
Anwar allies whom Anwar is using to call GE13 a farce – unless, of course, Anwar wins.Anwar Ibrahim is not a stranger to Suaram. He certainly managed to out-fox Ambiga at Bersih 3.0, and transformed a reasonable protest into mayhem.
But Suaram is well known to PKR because so many PKR members are managing Suaram.However, even though Suaram acts like a political party intent on smearing Najib with evidence, it will not even produce this evidence outside of France.
Suaram behaves like a political ally of PKR in everything it does rather than an objective and independent NGO. It is almost wholly made up of Opposition politicians and journalists.
Here are some questions for Suaram:
Why will you not produce copies of the evidence given in the French case that you claim is so very damning?
If as you claim the original evidence cannot be taken out of France, surely copies can be.
What is your complete membership list?
How many Pakatan Rakyat politicians, leaders, and party members occupy your leadership? Why does your web site refuse to disclose this information?
Have you informed the French court of your heavy Pakatan membership? The French court has stated that it will be 2-3 years before its investigation is complete.
Why are you holding press conferences and events on the matter now? How is this tied to GE13 and Pakatan's efforts?
Your RM10,000 dinner, scheduled for 15 June, is entitled, "Scorpene 2.0." Are you trying to evoke Bersih?
Why are you having a RM10,000 dinner over a case that will not be at issue for at least two years? Is this a pre-GE 13 stunt of sorts to attract publicity?
To what extent are you using malaysiakini.com as a dedicated outlet for your activities, and do you disclose your ties with the site to its readers in every article on this case?
How often do you report on your activities to PKR leadership – other than Tian Chua of course, who is not only one of your leaders, but Vice President of PKR?
These are simple questions that any independent organisation would answer without hesitation.Count on Suaram refusing.
And that is because the similarities between Suaram and PKR are so striking that one could almost say that Suaram = PKR = Suaram
Source: ApaNama
Yang di katakan NGO seperti BERSIH, Bar Council dan SUARAM sebenarnya iblis bertopeng manusia.
Pakatan Rakyat faces an uphill climb to victory at GE13. With an unforgiving electoral future, it has tried street demonstrations through hijacking the Bersih movement and, starting two years ago, through foreign courts, to bring the Government down.
Suaram, a nominally independent NGO, petitioned the French courts to investigate the Scorpene submarine deal two years ago, an investigation now picking up steam in the time-honoured French manner of suddenly-ending procrastination.
The Scorpene deal has been the locus for much of Pakatan's more bizarre conspiracy theorising, ranging from allegations of bribes directed to Datuk Seri Najib Razak during his time as Defence Minister to a nebulous, never-explained connection to the murder of Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa, the Mongolian model whose murderers were sentenced to death three years ago.From the increase in the court's activities, together with allegations of never-released 'proof' of wrongdoing by Najib,
Suaram has launched a series of press conferences and events, including a suspiciously political RM10,000 table dinner scheduled for later this month, to promote its agenda and publicise the French court's activities.
Most NGOs do not hold multi-thousand ringgit dinners over foreign court cases, let alone ones that will still need another two or more years to develop, and so it might be helpful to understand more about Suaram.
Ordinary attempts to investigate the organisation appear doomed to failure. The NGO's web site goes to great pains to tell an ordinary reader or viewer nothing about its membership, especially its leadership.The Choice has worked to develop a listing of key personnel.
By no means is this complete; nevertheless, here is a sample:
Cynthia Gabriel, Director of Suaram, is municipal councillor in the Petaling Jaya City Council, appointed by the Pakatan government of Selangor.
Tian Chua is the PKR Member of Parliament for Batu – and of course, PKR's Vice President.
Irene Fernandez is a PKR Supreme Council Member.
Elizabeth Wong is a former Coordinator of Suaram, apparently still involved in its governance, and is now a PKR state assembly member in Selangor.
Dr Kua Kia Soong is a former DAP Member of Parliament.
Sivarasa Rasiah is a PKR Member of Parliament for Subang, Petaling.
Dr Syed Husin Ali is the former Deputy President of PKR.
The links continue outside of Pakatan member parties. S Arutchelvan is the Secretary-General of Parti Sosialis Malaysia, a PKR ally; Dr Nasim Hashim is its President.
Premesh Chandran works for malaysiakini.com, and with Tian Chua and Elizabeth Wong was a member of the Network of Overseas Student Collective of Australia.
This pattern – of stacking nominally independent entities with Pakatan Rakyat personnel while hiding their allegiance to maintain the façade of independence – carries over from the Hindraf rallies in 2007, through the Bersih movement, to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's 'independent election observers' – those such as Nick Xenophon and other
Anwar allies whom Anwar is using to call GE13 a farce – unless, of course, Anwar wins.Anwar Ibrahim is not a stranger to Suaram. He certainly managed to out-fox Ambiga at Bersih 3.0, and transformed a reasonable protest into mayhem.
But Suaram is well known to PKR because so many PKR members are managing Suaram.However, even though Suaram acts like a political party intent on smearing Najib with evidence, it will not even produce this evidence outside of France.
Suaram behaves like a political ally of PKR in everything it does rather than an objective and independent NGO. It is almost wholly made up of Opposition politicians and journalists.
Here are some questions for Suaram:
Why will you not produce copies of the evidence given in the French case that you claim is so very damning?
If as you claim the original evidence cannot be taken out of France, surely copies can be.
What is your complete membership list?
How many Pakatan Rakyat politicians, leaders, and party members occupy your leadership? Why does your web site refuse to disclose this information?
Have you informed the French court of your heavy Pakatan membership? The French court has stated that it will be 2-3 years before its investigation is complete.
Why are you holding press conferences and events on the matter now? How is this tied to GE13 and Pakatan's efforts?
Your RM10,000 dinner, scheduled for 15 June, is entitled, "Scorpene 2.0." Are you trying to evoke Bersih?
Why are you having a RM10,000 dinner over a case that will not be at issue for at least two years? Is this a pre-GE 13 stunt of sorts to attract publicity?
To what extent are you using malaysiakini.com as a dedicated outlet for your activities, and do you disclose your ties with the site to its readers in every article on this case?
How often do you report on your activities to PKR leadership – other than Tian Chua of course, who is not only one of your leaders, but Vice President of PKR?
These are simple questions that any independent organisation would answer without hesitation.Count on Suaram refusing.
And that is because the similarities between Suaram and PKR are so striking that one could almost say that Suaram = PKR = Suaram
Source: ApaNama
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Diskriminasi Rohingya boleh mencetuskan perang atas Islam dan Melayu Kedah di Tanah Seri (Tennaserim)
Salah satu misteri dunia, dimana datangnya kaum Rohingya sebenarnya. Sama juga dengan kaum Roma, dan kaum Gypsy yang lain. Misteri ini adalah punca kaum ini di diskriminasikan di Burma baik di Bangladesh..
Di tanah seri, Melayu Kedah amatlah mundur tidak seperti melayu Kedah dari Semenanjung Malaysia. Kita takut perang Buddhist dan Islam akan turut dirasa oleh kaum Islam yang lain.
ASEAN perlu campur tangan kerana sekiranya masaalah tidak dibendung maka ia akan mengancam kestabilan ASEAN, terutamanya diSelatan Thailand yang juga diancam oleh peganut Buddaha yang eksterim.
The Rohingya, whom the BBC calls “one of the world’s most persecuted minority groups”, are the little-publicised and largely forgotten Muslim people of the coastal Rakhine state of western Myanmar. Their historic lineage in Rakhine dates back centuries, as fishermen and farmers.
Monday, June 11, 2012
FAM bersubahat dalam gol kontroversi Singapura?
Sampai hari ini tiada sebarang aduan yang dibuat terhadap mutu pengadilan pengadil dari Hong Kong semasa perlawanan Singapura-Malaysia di Kallang Stadium.
Keputusan ini akan memnjadi detik penentuan walaupun perlawanan timbal balik akan diadakan di Malaysia tidak lama lagi kerana Malaysia telah di bookiekan untuk kalah dengan berbezaan gol 1-0 atau seri 3 sama keatas.
Ini adalah satu pencapaian untuk FAM dan bolasepak Malaysia kerana rakyat Malaysia kini boleh mengetahui status perlawanan itu dengan lebih tepat sekali.
Gol yang dihasilkan oleh pemain Singapura melalui indirect free kick dalam kotak penjaga gol adalah amat kontroversi kerana sebabnya tidak masuk akal dan tidak sama sekali ada dalam buku peraturan pengadil tetapi didapati dalam buku Bookie. -mesti adal gol pada minit ke 85/86. Hhaha,
Kita hairan mengapa FAM juga membisu melainkan mereka juga bersubahat.
Keputusan ini akan memnjadi detik penentuan walaupun perlawanan timbal balik akan diadakan di Malaysia tidak lama lagi kerana Malaysia telah di bookiekan untuk kalah dengan berbezaan gol 1-0 atau seri 3 sama keatas.
Ini adalah satu pencapaian untuk FAM dan bolasepak Malaysia kerana rakyat Malaysia kini boleh mengetahui status perlawanan itu dengan lebih tepat sekali.
Gol yang dihasilkan oleh pemain Singapura melalui indirect free kick dalam kotak penjaga gol adalah amat kontroversi kerana sebabnya tidak masuk akal dan tidak sama sekali ada dalam buku peraturan pengadil tetapi didapati dalam buku Bookie. -mesti adal gol pada minit ke 85/86. Hhaha,
Kita hairan mengapa FAM juga membisu melainkan mereka juga bersubahat.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Gadis Sarawak 'makanan' ruji Azmin Ali?
Dulu kita disajikan dengan makan 'kegemaran' Anwar Ibrahim, Mee Sodo, versi Mee Soto di Sungai Buloh. Kini kita disajikan dengan satu lagi jenis Mi, yang sangat masyhur dari Sarawak dan kononnya amat digemari Azmin Ali yang dipanggil Kolo Mee (Kolok atau Kulu-mMi).
Mi ini boleh didapati dimana2 di Kuching tapi yang paling sedap dari Beemer, Petra Jaya.
Berikut adalah percakapan yang sempat dirakam antara orang yang menyerupai 'Azmin' dan 'China' Doll, yang ada mengatakan berasal dari Sarawak:
Doll: Hai, Abang Azmin!
AA: Hai! Kawan kamek madah sitok ada Mi Kolok, Nyaman madah nya(h).
Doll: Kalau Kitak mauk Kolok Mi, kenak makan di Toilet. Lebih Nyaman.
AA: Mauk gilak.
Doll: Mauk air kon kah?
AA: Bilik air pun mau taruk air kon kah?
Doll: Sik. Kalau kitak mauk air kon, makan kamek gula HACKS. Nyamai gilak.
Mi ini boleh didapati dimana2 di Kuching tapi yang paling sedap dari Beemer, Petra Jaya.
Berikut adalah percakapan yang sempat dirakam antara orang yang menyerupai 'Azmin' dan 'China' Doll, yang ada mengatakan berasal dari Sarawak:
Doll: Hai, Abang Azmin!
AA: Hai! Kawan kamek madah sitok ada Mi Kolok, Nyaman madah nya(h).
Doll: Kalau Kitak mauk Kolok Mi, kenak makan di Toilet. Lebih Nyaman.
AA: Mauk gilak.
Doll: Mauk air kon kah?
AA: Bilik air pun mau taruk air kon kah?
Doll: Sik. Kalau kitak mauk air kon, makan kamek gula HACKS. Nyamai gilak.
Friday, June 8, 2012
PTPTN Unisel perlu di gantung? Dah bagi bola tak nak Score, Rafizi berlakun filem hindustan
Semalam tergelak Tengok Khalid Ibrahim dan Rafizi Ramli marhaban sakan bila ada ura2 PTPTN digantung Bagi peljar yang nak ke Unisel.
Cuba bayang kan Pakatan Rakyat kata mereka boleh laksanakan penghapusan ptptn seluruh negara dalam masa 100 hari. Kalau sepuluh negeri 100 hari maka Selangor secara logiknya mampu laksanakan 10 hari. Alahai Kalau 10 hari aje tak ada Pinjaman tak pe kot.
Ini memberi masa untuk kerajaan negeri Selangor untuk mengeluarkan dana yang di kutip dari projek bukan2 seperti potong pokok, pasir zon bersih dll. Tapi saya fikir ini semua lakunan atau berita2 pergantungan hanya gempak sahaja.
BN nak tengok macamanan si Luncai di PKR melatah. Seharusnya, rakyat mengajar PAkatan haram ini, bahawa cakap itu senang tapi bila menempuh keadaan yang sebenarnya baru tahu langit tinggi rendah.pergilah buat demo kat UNISEl atau di bukit antarabangsa...
Kalau tak mampu nak kotakan jangan berjanji, atas kertas semua nampak molek. Da bagi bola tak hendak score Pulak.
binawe pun yer striker.Ini mesti da kena beli.
Nak debat pun debat lah tapi jangan lawan tangkap kamu seluar terlondeh.
ini baru acah aje.
Bila kena batang hidungnya tak hendak Pulak ambil peluang untuk menunjuk kehebatan mereke dalam PakatanRakyat.Pooodah!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Ini dia Dark Shadow Cabinet.. Orang mati dan da terkeluarpun masih ada lagi
Selalunya bila ada orang mati atau dah ditendang keluar ,
shadow cabinet (ini ikut british style lah ni) akan dirombak semula seakan2 cabinet yang betul.
Sumber: Di sini
shadow cabinet (ini ikut british style lah ni) akan dirombak semula seakan2 cabinet yang betul.
Sumber: Di sini
Senarai Jawatankuasa Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat Mengikut Kementerian
YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, YB Mohamed Azmin Ali, YB Sivarasa Rasiah
YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, YB William Leong, YB Ahmad Kasim,
YB Fuziah Salleh
YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, YB Mohamed Azmin Ali, YB Sivarasa Rasiah
YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, YB William Leong, YB Ahmad Kasim,
YB Fuziah Salleh
YB Lim Kit Siang, YAB Lim Guan Eng, YB M Kulasegaran, YB Ngeh Koo Ham,
YB Gobind Singh Deo, YB M Manogaran
YB Lim Kit Siang, YAB Lim Guan Eng, YB M Kulasegaran, YB Ngeh Koo Ham,
YB Gobind Singh Deo, YB M Manogaran
YB Dato’ Seri Hj Abdul Hadi Awang, YB Ust Nasharudin Mat Isa,
YB Salahuddin Ayub, YB Dr Hatta Ramli, YB Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, YB Taib Azamuddin,
YB Khalid Samad
YB Dato’ Seri Hj Abdul Hadi Awang, YB Ust Nasharudin Mat Isa,
YB Salahuddin Ayub, YB Dr Hatta Ramli, YB Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, YB Taib Azamuddin,
YB Khalid Samad
YB Dato’ Johari Abdul , YB Salahuddin Haji Ayub, YB Karpal Singh
YB Dato’ Johari Abdul , YB Salahuddin Haji Ayub, YB Karpal Singh
YB Mohamed Azmin Ali, YB Dzulkifli Ahmad, YAB Lim Guan Eng
YB Mohamed Azmin Ali, YB Dzulkifli Ahmad, YAB Lim Guan Eng
YB Dato’ Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, YB Khalid Samad, YB Tan Kok Wai
YB Dato’ Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, YB Khalid Samad, YB Tan Kok Wai
YB Dato’ Kamarul Bahrin Abbas, YB Dato’ Mahfuz Omar, YB Gobind Singh Deo
YB Dato’ Kamarul Bahrin Abbas, YB Dato’ Mahfuz Omar, YB Gobind Singh Deo
YB Dato’ Rashid Din, YB Dato Wan Abd Rahim Wan Abdullah,
YB Er Teck Hwa
YB Dato’ Rashid Din, YB Dato Wan Abd Rahim Wan Abdullah,
YB Er Teck Hwa
YB Chua Tian Chang, YB Nasir bin Zakaria, YB Charles Anthony Santiago
YB Chua Tian Chang, YB Nasir bin Zakaria, YB Charles Anthony Santiago
YB Ahmad Kassim, YB Taib Azamuddin Md Taib, YB Sim Tong Him
YB Azan Ismail, YB Dr Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut, YB Jeff Ooi
YB Ahmad Kassim, YB Taib Azamuddin Md Taib, YB Sim Tong Him
YB Azan Ismail, YB Dr Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut, YB Jeff Ooi
YB Yusmadi Yusoff, YB Che Uda Che Nik, YB Chong Eng
YB Yusmadi Yusoff, YB Che Uda Che Nik, YB Chong Eng
YB Amran Abdul Ghani, YB Dato’ Mahfuz Haji Omar, YB Teo Nie Ching
YB Amran Abdul Ghani, YB Dato’ Mahfuz Haji Omar, YB Teo Nie Ching
YB Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid, YB Muhammad bin Husin, YB M Kulasegaran
YB Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid, YB Muhammad bin Husin, YB M Kulasegaran
YB Nurul Izzah Anwar , YB Dr Che Rosli Che Mat, YB Chow Kon Yeow
YB Nurul Izzah Anwar , YB Dr Che Rosli Che Mat, YB Chow Kon Yeow
YB Hee Loy Sian, YB Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, YB Nga Kor Ming
YB Hee Loy Sian, YB Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, YB Nga Kor Ming
YB Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, YB Dato’ Seri Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin,
YB Liew Chin Tong
YB Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, YB Dato’ Seri Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin,
YB Liew Chin Tong
YB Ab Aziz Ab Kadir, YB Dato’ Ab Halim bin Ab Rahman, YB M Manogaran
YB Ab Aziz Ab Kadir, YB Dato’ Ab Halim bin Ab Rahman, YB M Manogaran
YB Sivarasa Rasiah, YB Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar, YB P Ramasamy
YB Sivarasa Rasiah, YB Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar, YB P Ramasamy
YB Tan Tee Beng, YB Mohd Firdaus bin Jaafar, YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook
YB Tan Tee Beng, YB Mohd Firdaus bin Jaafar, YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook
YB Dr Lee Boon Chye, YB Dr Mohd Hayati Othman, YB Dr Tan Seng Giaw
YB Dr Lee Boon Chye, YB Dr Mohd Hayati Othman, YB Dr Tan Seng Giaw
YB Zuraida Kamaruddin, YB Siti Zailah bt Mohd Yusuf, YB Fong Po Kuan
YB Zuraida Kamaruddin, YB Siti Zailah bt Mohd Yusuf, YB Fong Po Kuan
YB Manikavasagam a/l Sundaram, YB Dato Wan Abd Rahim Wan Abdullah,
YB Fong Kui Lun
YB Manikavasagam a/l Sundaram, YB Dato Wan Abd Rahim Wan Abdullah,
YB Fong Kui Lun
YB Wee Choo Keong, YB Dr Lo’ Lo’ Haji Mohd Ghazali, YB Lim Lip Eng
YB Wee Choo Keong, YB Dr Lo’ Lo’ Haji Mohd Ghazali, YB Lim Lip Eng
YB Zulkifli Nordin, YB Salahuddin Haji Ayub, YB Tony Pua
YB Zulkifli Nordin, YB Salahuddin Haji Ayub, YB Tony Pua
YB Gobalakrishnan a/l Nagapan, YB Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, YB Chong Chien Jen
YB Gobalakrishnan a/l Nagapan, YB Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, YB Chong Chien Jen
Belajarlah sejarah PAP untuk mengenali siapa itu DAP!
Telah banyak saya sentuh pasal DAP dan PAP. Corak pemerintahan DAP sudah pasti akan sama dengan PAP. Hanya sekarang nampak sedikit perbezaan disebabkan mereka baru satu penggal sahaja. Kalau nak disamakan coraknya adalah sama dengan PAP semasa mereka mulai memerintah negara yang pernah bernama Temasik,
Pada awalnya, negera ini diperintah dengan mengambil kira pendapat dan kehendak orang Melayu kita itu. Kommuniti Melayu kita itu amat significant kerana populasi ketika itu amatlah kecil maka nisbah orang2 Melayu hampiri 50% dan ada yang kata melebihi, Namun kalau dilihat sama diPulau Pinang dengan sikap malas orang Melayu maka nisbah yang mendaftar sebagai mengundi kurang dari orang2 Cina walaupun nisbah dari segi penduduk Melayu Pulau Pinang melebihi kaum Cina.
Dengan pemberat yang agak kuat maka orang2 Melayu dijanjikan Presiden dan bangsa Cina akan mengambil jawatan PM.
Tetapi kuasa yang diberikan kepada LKY dan PAP telah di gunakan secara licik menghapuskan kuasa politik orang Melayu dengan memasukkan orang2 Cina dari Taiwan dan Hong Kong yng lebih berkelayakan untuk menjadi bos kepada orang2 Melayu disemua pelusuk sektor kerajaan lebih2 lagi Polis.
maka nisbah orang2 Melayu terus memecil dan kuasa Cina bertahta menerusi PAP.
Kawasan orang2 Melayu pun diambil melalui dekri yang bertopengkan kehendak perlembagaan. Setelah hilang suara dipeti undi maka politik orang2 Melayu pun agak terhapus selama2nya. Maka, orang2 Melayu dimungkiri janji bila jawatan Presiden tidak lagi direservekan untuk orang2 Melayu. Artikel 153 dan hak istimewa orang Melayu pun sekadar dijadikan hiasan didalam perlembagaan.
Untuk mengenali DAP, kita harus tengok PAP, kerana jiwa dan perjuangan mereka adalah sama. Hanya, perjalanan untuk menuju agak lambat kerana pengaruh orang2 Melayu masih menjadi satu ancaman bagi DAP.
Tidak hairan sekiranya dan memang logikpun, strategis DAP akan mengaturkan langkah bagaimana hendak menghapuskan kuasa politik Melayu untuk selamanya. Model di Singapura sudah ada, Apa bak fikirkan lagi? DAP sekarang ini hebat menjalankan restructuring/reengineering demografik penduduk Pulau Pinang. Pembangunan Kondo mewah adalah satu cara untuk memecilkan . atau mengawalkan nisbah penduduk melayu diPulau Pinang dengan penukaran alamat kaum TiongHua dari kawasan berkedekatan termasuk Perak dan Kedah.
Terutamanya di Pulau sendiri, orang2 Melayu tidak akan menang lagi kerusi di kawasan Pulau hanya di Seberang Perai kerana kalau mereka tidak dapatkan Seberang perai kali ini, mereka akan hanya berpuashati dengan Pulau Mutiara.
Penjualan haram tanah kerajaan negeri (Bayan Mutiara) yang telah menjadi isu hangat dulu adalah untuk mengaut dana untuk program sosial-engineering DAP.
Sila baca ulasan lain:
Pada awalnya, negera ini diperintah dengan mengambil kira pendapat dan kehendak orang Melayu kita itu. Kommuniti Melayu kita itu amat significant kerana populasi ketika itu amatlah kecil maka nisbah orang2 Melayu hampiri 50% dan ada yang kata melebihi, Namun kalau dilihat sama diPulau Pinang dengan sikap malas orang Melayu maka nisbah yang mendaftar sebagai mengundi kurang dari orang2 Cina walaupun nisbah dari segi penduduk Melayu Pulau Pinang melebihi kaum Cina.
Dengan pemberat yang agak kuat maka orang2 Melayu dijanjikan Presiden dan bangsa Cina akan mengambil jawatan PM.
Tetapi kuasa yang diberikan kepada LKY dan PAP telah di gunakan secara licik menghapuskan kuasa politik orang Melayu dengan memasukkan orang2 Cina dari Taiwan dan Hong Kong yng lebih berkelayakan untuk menjadi bos kepada orang2 Melayu disemua pelusuk sektor kerajaan lebih2 lagi Polis.
maka nisbah orang2 Melayu terus memecil dan kuasa Cina bertahta menerusi PAP.
Kawasan orang2 Melayu pun diambil melalui dekri yang bertopengkan kehendak perlembagaan. Setelah hilang suara dipeti undi maka politik orang2 Melayu pun agak terhapus selama2nya. Maka, orang2 Melayu dimungkiri janji bila jawatan Presiden tidak lagi direservekan untuk orang2 Melayu. Artikel 153 dan hak istimewa orang Melayu pun sekadar dijadikan hiasan didalam perlembagaan.
Untuk mengenali DAP, kita harus tengok PAP, kerana jiwa dan perjuangan mereka adalah sama. Hanya, perjalanan untuk menuju agak lambat kerana pengaruh orang2 Melayu masih menjadi satu ancaman bagi DAP.
Tidak hairan sekiranya dan memang logikpun, strategis DAP akan mengaturkan langkah bagaimana hendak menghapuskan kuasa politik Melayu untuk selamanya. Model di Singapura sudah ada, Apa bak fikirkan lagi? DAP sekarang ini hebat menjalankan restructuring/reengineering demografik penduduk Pulau Pinang. Pembangunan Kondo mewah adalah satu cara untuk memecilkan . atau mengawalkan nisbah penduduk melayu diPulau Pinang dengan penukaran alamat kaum TiongHua dari kawasan berkedekatan termasuk Perak dan Kedah.
Terutamanya di Pulau sendiri, orang2 Melayu tidak akan menang lagi kerusi di kawasan Pulau hanya di Seberang Perai kerana kalau mereka tidak dapatkan Seberang perai kali ini, mereka akan hanya berpuashati dengan Pulau Mutiara.
Penjualan haram tanah kerajaan negeri (Bayan Mutiara) yang telah menjadi isu hangat dulu adalah untuk mengaut dana untuk program sosial-engineering DAP.
Sila baca ulasan lain:
Keris ingin meneruskan lagi penerangan mengenai PAP yang juga diwarisi oleh DAP. Lihat sahajalah apa yang terjadi di Pulau Pinang. Apa jadi pada Melayu dan Islam?. Apakah bangsa Melayu PAS dan PKR tidak kisah dipinggirkan suatu hari nanti?
Ikuti penerangan ini yang boleh kita semua jadikan pengajaran.
Peminggiran Melayu di Singapura bermula sebaik sahaja Parti Tindakan Rakyat atau PAP berkuasa di pulau sekangkang kera itu. Kita perlu melihat perjalanan sejarah pulau Singapura untuk melihat bagaimana PAP yang diketuai oleh Lee Kuan Yew meminggirkan Melayu secara fizikal dan secara penghapusan sejarah.
Sumber: Disini
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Apa da jadi , semua IT dapek kek YTL?
Terperanjat bila eden dapek tahu tadi semua hal ehwat IT dalam Kementerian Perlajaran diserahkan bulat2 kepada YTL Communucations SB.
Semuo tak kiro hardware ko software ko.
Ini sama macam tutup pintu rezeki semua Melayu yang berpuloh2 tahun belajar IT, dah kena bercucuk tanam.
Ini macam dah serah bulat2 industri yang bernilai berbillion2 kepada orang bukan Melayu dan menutup satu industri dimana orang2 Pribumi dapek mencuba untuk mempintas kaun Cina di Malaysia.
Aiseyman, TPM. Susah kalau gitu. Ini satu keputusan yang paling tidak cerdik. Sumber lain disin
Semuo tak kiro hardware ko software ko.
Ini sama macam tutup pintu rezeki semua Melayu yang berpuloh2 tahun belajar IT, dah kena bercucuk tanam.
Ini macam dah serah bulat2 industri yang bernilai berbillion2 kepada orang bukan Melayu dan menutup satu industri dimana orang2 Pribumi dapek mencuba untuk mempintas kaun Cina di Malaysia.
Aiseyman, TPM. Susah kalau gitu. Ini satu keputusan yang paling tidak cerdik. Sumber lain disin
Perjuangan DAP adalah sama dengan PAP iaitu menghapuskan artikel 153
Pernah tidak kita dengar DAP atau PAP memperjuangkan hak bumiputera dimana2 ucapan pemimpin mereka?
Mungkin klip berita diatas mengingatkan kita asal usul penubuhan DAP dan PAP iaitu menghapuskan hak2 pribumi disemua negeri2Selat? Singapura dan Christmas Island sudah pun mereka berjaya.
Next change: Pulau Pinang dan Melaka?

Monday, June 4, 2012
Bandar Ampang Bandar Togel?
Tak sampai 8 hari aku tinggalkan Amapng, bermacam2 perkara telah berlaku di daerah Ampang.
1. Desakan ahli2 masjid Bukit Antarbangsa meminta Azmin bersumpah marhabalah di Masjid Bukit Antarabangsa. Desakan itu telah di sahut didepan balai polis.Tiada sumpah marhabalh hanya membuat lapuran sahaja.Tapi Azmin pula perlu buat di masjid. Hahaha..
Sumber: http://aakj.blogspot.com/
2. Bandar Bunga Tanjung dah pula menjadi Bandar Pokok Togel, Lihat saja dimerata2 Bukit Antarabangsa dan Ampang, pokok2 ditebang bukan untuk di 'prune'kan tapi macam nak bunuh pokok2 yang tekah hidup subur dan menjadi ikon di kawasan Ampang. mana tidak marah penduduk2 yang kini terpaksa pasang aircon tengah malam kerana cuaca semakin panas.
Mak Lampir pun 'hot' jugak kerana tempat dia hendak hingap telah berkurangan. Dengar2 Mak Lampir dah tak mahu tengok cerita 'The 3 stooges'. Betul ke?
1. Desakan ahli2 masjid Bukit Antarbangsa meminta Azmin bersumpah marhabalah di Masjid Bukit Antarabangsa. Desakan itu telah di sahut didepan balai polis.Tiada sumpah marhabalh hanya membuat lapuran sahaja.Tapi Azmin pula perlu buat di masjid. Hahaha..
Sumber: http://aakj.blogspot.com/
2. Bandar Bunga Tanjung dah pula menjadi Bandar Pokok Togel, Lihat saja dimerata2 Bukit Antarabangsa dan Ampang, pokok2 ditebang bukan untuk di 'prune'kan tapi macam nak bunuh pokok2 yang tekah hidup subur dan menjadi ikon di kawasan Ampang. mana tidak marah penduduk2 yang kini terpaksa pasang aircon tengah malam kerana cuaca semakin panas.
Mak Lampir pun 'hot' jugak kerana tempat dia hendak hingap telah berkurangan. Dengar2 Mak Lampir dah tak mahu tengok cerita 'The 3 stooges'. Betul ke?
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- Anwar dikuasai US atau menguasai US?
- A samad said Akan lari Dari PKR?
- CIA dah tahu Anwar merancangkan untuk song lap Rm 3b
- What is the name?: Suara Anak Haram belum bertelur...
- Diskriminasi Rohingya boleh mencetuskan perang ata...
- FAM bersubahat dalam gol kontroversi Singapura?
- Gadis Sarawak 'makanan' ruji Azmin Ali?
- PTPTN Unisel perlu di gantung? Dah bagi bola tak n...
- Ini dia Dark Shadow Cabinet.. Orang mati dan da te...
- Belajarlah sejarah PAP untuk mengenali siapa itu DAP!
- Apa da jadi , semua IT dapek kek YTL?
- Perjuangan DAP adalah sama dengan PAP iaitu mengha...
- Bandar Ampang Bandar Togel?