Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Thursday, October 29, 2015

UMNO: When I was a boy, I had a dream......

Satu lagu yang akan buat kita tertanya tujuan masuk UMNO dulu kala.
Apakah kita mempunyai angan atau impian? Berjuang kerana agama, bangsa dan negara?
Atau perjuangan kita di sia-siakan?
Bila segala peraturan dilanggar dan kita hanya mampu melihat dan mengiyakan kerana takut kan bangsa kita kalah semasa pilhanraya akan datang.
Adakah adil bila hak kita dirampas?

A song that makes we ask ourselves, what was the objective of entering UMNO long, long time ago.
Was it a dream or a vision? Or just passing time?
To struggle for religion, nation and country?
When all rules and regulations are broken and we can only look and agree because of fear our nation will lose the next elections.
Is it fair when our rights had been robbed?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Timbalan Presiden UMNO: Adakah saya Scissors in the fold?

We must remind ourselves the Deputy President is elected to assist the president. Assistance in what way? He continually reiterated that his duty to the party is paramount to merely being an followship assistance in the party president.,
If he was an assistance to the President why wasn't him requested to assist the President when there was tons of money in the coffers? He was the BN Director of Elections then.
If the duty to perform to the Party is treated as a traitor to the Party, then I bet there is many more 'api dalam serkam'/'gunting dalam lipatan/duri dalam daging' in the party. And many of these traitors had been serving the party for many years, they are just probably fed up being treated look like an idiot. while the top leaders are just controlling from afar never really know what is the sentiment from the ground. A lot are being afraid to speak up because they are constantly being lablled as traitors. But until when?

Kita kena sentiasa mengingatkan diri bahawa Timbalan President di pilih untuk membantu President. Bantuan macamana? Beliau acapkali menyatakan tanggungjawab beliau kepada parti adalah lebih agung dari menjadi pembantu yang menurut arahan membabi buta kepada president.
Sekiranya, beliau adalah pembantu kepada President . mengapa beliau tidak diminta untuk membantu bila ada bertan-tan duit dalam simpanan. Beliau ketika itu adalah Pengarah Pilihanraya BN.
kalau tanggungjawab kepada Parti. di anggap mengjhianat parti maka saya berani kata ada ramai lagi 'api dalam serkam'/'gunting dalam lipatan/duri dalam daging' dalam Parti. Dan banyak yang penghianat ini telah berkorban untuk parti banyak tahun, mereka ini mungkin telah bosan di perbodohkan, sementara ketua di atas hanya mengawal dari jauh dan tidak pun tahu persasaan dari akar umbi. Ramai yang masih takut untuk menberi pendirian kerana takut di cop sebagai pengkhianat. Namun sampai bila?
KUALA LUMPUR: Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegaskan beliau bukan gunting dalam lipatan di dalam UMNO.

Malah Ahli Parlimen Pagoh itu mempertahankan tindakan beliau yang berterusan lantang menyuarakan apa yang tidak kena di dalam UMNO sebagai manifestasi sayangkan parti.

"Saya bukan 'gunting'.

"Kita sedang berhadapan dengan masalah dan saya tidak rela (berdiam diri) kerana saya sayangkan UMNO," kata Muhyiddin ketika menjawab soalan pada sesi dialog 'Berani Kerana Benar' anjuran Sinar Harian di Johor Baharu, pada Sabtu. Program itu disiar secara langsung melalui laman web, Sinar.TV

Tambahnya, selaku pemimpin yang berasal dari Johor, bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu tidak pernah gentar untuk berhadapan dengan segala kemungkinan termasuk implikasi terhadap kedudukannya dalam UMNO.

Beliau mengakui walaupun masih menjawat jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO, namun dinamik peranannya terutama melalui aspek pengurusan parti sudah tidak sama seperti dahulu.

"Mesyuarat yang lalu saya tidak lagi mempengerusikan mesyuarat pengurusan parti.

"Saya tak tahu bagaimana keadaan akan datang dan cara ini seolah-olah tidak menghormati keputusan orang yang memilih saya sebagai timbalan presiden parti," ujar Muhyiddin.

Selain itu, beliau mengakui ada mendengar khabar angin yang mengatakan wujudnya rancangan untuk menghalang beliau daripada merasmikan Perhimpunan Agung Sayap UMNO semasa Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Disember depan.

"Wallahualam, kalau ikut konvensyen atau tradisinya, timbalan presiden akan merasmikan perhimpunan sayap," kata beliau.
Muhyiddin turut berharap semua pihak di dalam UMNO memahami tindakan beliau tidak sepatutnya dilihat sebagai faktor menggugat kekuatan parti.

"Saya bukan merogol atau meliwat. Kalau pun presiden tidak mahu dengar tidak mengapa, cuma kalau silap mengakulah kesilapan," ujarnya.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lapuran MH17 adalah konspirasi Barat menyalahkan Rusia

Lapuran MH17 adalah konspirasi Barat menyalahkan Rusia.

Sila baca baik dan fahami apa yang ditulis .

Baca juga disini.Hanya yang bodoh sahaja akan terima repot Belanda itu. Tanpa black box d bagaimana boleh suruhanjaya itu mengatakan lokasi itu dating dari kawasan Russia.

Kita boleh menggunakan matematik untuk melastikkan Apollo 13 kembali ke arah bumi dengan menggunakan daya gravity bulan.
Baca lah komen dari link itu disini.
Baca disini untuk selanjutnya.

The missile exploded, just as designed, a few feet away from the plane. Simple math, isn’t it?
So, how come nobody can do the reverse calculation to PINPOINT the launch site, within a few feet?
We can easily calculate the trajectory of the Slingshot around the Moon, or landing on a freaking asteroid. Elon Musk’s rockets have consistently smashed into a tiny barge in the ocean.
So, the freaking math works on those occasions, but not for the MH17 investigation?
Don’t they have a calculator, an abacus, or a Slide Rule in the Netherlands? 😉
Jack Burton:
Have you ever heard of an air traffic crash investigation where the Black Box was kept secret? Have you ever heard of an air crash investigation that didn’t even ask for the air traffic control tapes?
When has an air crash investigation NOT asked for testimony of the Air Traffic Controller who was in contact and handled the planes flight details?
The bitch woman who was on MH-17 has been on vaction for over a year and a half, not seen or heard from. She never went back to the tower.
CNN and NPR pretend with a straight face that this is even an investigation! Fuck’n hell!
jeff montanye:
kind of reminds me of the 9-11 investigation (no black box data released whatsoever).
this also looked fishy to me:
Malaysia not only disallows inquests. It has forbidden family members of the 43 Malaysian victims from opening the coffins. None of the kin of those killed was permitted to view the victims in their coffins, Wan Lailatul Masturah said. “We were not allowed by the government, nobody must see. All the corpses who came back were not allowed to be opened.”
Latina Lover:
Could you imagine being denied the right to see your dead wife or child because the “government’ forbid it?? Does this not stink of a coverup?
Latina Lover:
Remember the Germanwings crash? It took less than 72 hours to release the cockpit recordings. Yet the Fucking Dutch can’t produce them after 15 months??
I’ll bet Putin has a copy of the black box recordings and is waiting for the right time to stick it to the USSA/EU/Dutch and Ukie stooges.
I remember looking into the 3 planes that went down after the one in Ukraine. All their black boxes were recovered in days, if not weeks…(Only because one went down in a somewhat remote area in Africa.)
So yes, it’s complete bullshit.

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