Kisah-kisah dan teropongan seorang siamang profesional di Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang, Selangor. Bukit Antarabangsa adalah kawasan berbukit ramai golongan artis dan professional tinggal. Blog ini kini mesra waktu pejabat. Sifat siamang adalah untuk melolong apa berita yang baik dan buruk di terima. Klik control play untuk mendengar lolongannya.
Bebel Without a Clause

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
7 Dalil Kenapa saya kata pertelingkahan Najib dan Mahathir mungkin wayang?
1. Pelik namun cuba Tanya diri anda kalau ini semua hanya gembar gembur storm before the calm.
2, Siapa yang rugi dengan kehadiran BN dalam media, isu2 yang mulanya di bangkitkan oleh pembangkang?
3. Adakah ini semua reverse physolologi bila DSAI telah pun masuk dalam Sungai?
4. Pembangkang kini bercuti. Tidak datang ke Parlimen untuk undi Akta Pengganas yang baru diluluskan dan ada yang leka pergi bercuti di Australia seperti Lim Guan Eng
5. Kini bukan Mahfuz taking the limelight situasi Sirul.
6. Rafizi pun tak dengar2 dalam media panas.
7. Tup tup, Che det kata saya setuju dengan penerangan Najib. So macamana...?
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Lapuran CNN menyatakan kapalterbang tidak mustahil di hack dan hijack,
Just Reported by CNN. Tak percaya ke?
Lapuran susulan ada juga insiden pergaduhan besar antara co-pilot and pilot.
Nampaknya ada kebenaran disebalik kehilangan MH370.
Lapuran susulan ada juga insiden pergaduhan besar antara co-pilot and pilot.
Nampaknya ada kebenaran disebalik kehilangan MH370.
Washington (CNN)Hundreds of planes flying commercially today could be vulnerable to having their onboard computers hacked and remotely taken over by someone using the plane's passenger wifi network, or even by someone on the ground, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.
One of the authors of the report, Gerald Dillingham, told CNN the planes, include the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the the Airbus A350 and A380 aircraft and have advanced cockpits that are wired into the same wifi system used by passengers.
"Modern communications technologies, including IP connectivity, are increasingly used in aircraft systems, creating the possibility that unauthorized individuals might access and compromise aircraft avionics systems," according to the report, which is based on interviews with cybersecurity and aviation experts.
The government investigators who wrote the report say it is theoretically possible for someone with just a laptop to:
-Commandeer the aircraft
-Put a virus into flight control computers
-Jeopardize the safety of the flight by taking control of computers
-Take over the warning systems or even navigation systems
The report explains as the air traffic control system is upgraded to use Internet based technology on both the ground and in planes, avionics could be compromised . Older planes systems aren't highly Internet based so the risk for aircraft 20 years and older is less.
The GAO report does not draw a roadmap on how this could be done, but it does say someone would have to bypass the firewall that separates the wifi from the rest of the plane's electronics. GAO Investigators say they spoke with four cybersecurity experts about the firewall vulnerabilities, "and all four said that because firewalls are software components, they could be hacked like any other software and circumvented. "

Commercial pilot John Barton told CNN, "We've had hackers get into the Pentagon. so getting into an airplane computer system I would think is probably quite easy at this point."
The report continues, "According to cybersecurity experts we interviewed, Internet connectivity in the cabin should be considered a direct link between the aircraft and the outside world, which includes potential malicious actors."
"A virus or malware planted in websites visited by passengers could provide an opportunity for a malicious attacker to access the IP-connected onboard information system through their infected machines," according to the report.
It says another way a hacker could get access to a plane's computers is through a physical connection and notes that whenever there is a physical linkage, like a USB plug in a passenger seat, if those wires are linked in any way to the airplane's avionics, that linkage creates a vulnerability. Experts told investigators, "If the cabin systems connect to the cockpit avionics systems and use the same networking platform, in this case IP, a user could subvert the firewall and access the cockpit avionics system from the cabin."
Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, along with Senators on the Commerce Committee requested the report. Congressman Peter DeFazio, (D) Oregon, who is the ranking member of the House committee tells CNN, "This report exposed a real and serious threat - cyberattacks on an aircraft in flight." He says that the Federal Aviation Administration, "must focus on aircraft certification standards that would prevent a terrorist with a laptop in the cabin or on the ground from taking control of an airplane through the passenger Wi Fi system. That's a serious vulnerability. "
The report concludes that the FAA needs to work on certification of aircraft avionics that will account for these vulnerabilities and remove them as possible threats to commercial aviation.
A source briefed on the report tells CNN that cyber security experts say these vulnerabilities exist and these scenarios are possible. But it is unclear how far the GAO went to test any of these possible scenarios. In the report, the GAO does not say whether this is based on actual testing or just theoretical mockups.
Captain Barton notes, "This is going to take a long time, vetted by the best experts in the world and safety people to make this technology secure and safe."

In a letter to the GAO, Keith Washington, Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration with the FAA said in part, the agency "recognizes that cyber-based threats to federal information systems are becoming a more significant risk and are rapidly evolving and increasingly difficult to detect and defend against. We take this risk very seriously." Washington went on to say "It is also important to note that the FAA had already initiated a comprehensive program to improve the cybersecurity defenses of the NAS (National Airspace System) infrastructure, as well as other FAA mission-critical systems. We are significantly increasing our collaboration and coordination with cyber intelligence and security organizations across the federal government and in the private sector."
"The Dreamliner and the A350 were actually designed to have the technology in it going forward to be able to have remote control intervention between the pilot and the ground or if an emergency were to happen in the air, " Barton said. But he quickly added, "It's going to take a long time before we get to the point where that technology is safe and secure."
Boeing did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but Airbus released a statement, which read: "Airbus, in partnership with our suppliers, constantly assesses and revisits the system architecture of our products, with an eye to establishing and maintaining the highest standards of safety and security. Beyond that, we don't discuss design details or safeguards publicly, as such discussion might be counterproductive to security."
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Did Boeing or its disgruntled employee hijack MH370?
It is seemed by the day we saw many air crashes that can provide answers to recent air incidents including the one currently haunting many Malaysians.
The loss of MH370 is I think the most mysterious incident ever.
Many conspiracies theory has surfaced but not like MH17 and many others. The black boxes were eventually found.
MH370 mystery still allow room to add many new theories. Even the super sleuth Sherlock Holmes could never unravel this mystery for many years to come.
Gone without a trace. Disappear into thin air or captured by Aliens or lost in the Twilight zone.
Probably, there is a twin Bermuda Triangle somewhere in the South China Seas or the Atlantic Ocean.
Looking at this video makes one wonder if pointing to Boeing as the culprit is a strong possibility. Mahathir may be right in asking Boeing why the elegant silence over its products. It is not impossible to download a program over a satcom systems. Boeing or some disgruntled employee is actually able to hack and link the system and later turn the aircraft into a drone. All qualified computer engineers would agree with me on that!
Boeing is now able to take over a plane easily without the help of a crazy pilot (that is another theory, considering the GermanWings crash in French Alps). And tell me what you think.
Watch video here
The loss of MH370 is I think the most mysterious incident ever.
Many conspiracies theory has surfaced but not like MH17 and many others. The black boxes were eventually found.
MH370 mystery still allow room to add many new theories. Even the super sleuth Sherlock Holmes could never unravel this mystery for many years to come.
Gone without a trace. Disappear into thin air or captured by Aliens or lost in the Twilight zone.
Probably, there is a twin Bermuda Triangle somewhere in the South China Seas or the Atlantic Ocean.
Looking at this video makes one wonder if pointing to Boeing as the culprit is a strong possibility. Mahathir may be right in asking Boeing why the elegant silence over its products. It is not impossible to download a program over a satcom systems. Boeing or some disgruntled employee is actually able to hack and link the system and later turn the aircraft into a drone. All qualified computer engineers would agree with me on that!
Boeing is now able to take over a plane easily without the help of a crazy pilot (that is another theory, considering the GermanWings crash in French Alps). And tell me what you think.
Watch video here
Friday, April 10, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
JOKOWI dah mula lemau..................................Jangan ada pemimpin yang mula sudah lemau atas janji2 yag tak realistik
Walaupun semangat ada namun matlamat mesti realistic dan kerja mest berpasukan. Kalau tidak kita akan jadi lemau, hangat2 tahi ayam, dan akhirnya rakyat akan membencikan kita.
Selanjutnya disini
Jokowi memang layak disebut tokoh fenomenal sebelum dan setelah Pemilihan Presiden 2014. Mantan Wali Kota Solo itu kariernya melejit.
Sebelum menang sebagai presiden, ia terlebih dahulu menjadi pemenang Pemilihan Gubernur DKI-Jakarta berpasangan dengan Ahok. Berbekal popularitas saat memimpin Solo dan DKI, Jokowi ”naik kelas,” menjadi calon presiden yang diusung oleh Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP). Harapan publik sebelum pilpres begitu besar terhadap sosok Jokowi untuk memimpin Indonesia.
Salam dua jari sebagai ikon para pendukung Jokowi terus berkibar didunia maya dan dalam setiap perhelatan akbar kampanye yang mereka lakukan. Para pendukung Jokowi dengan suka rela membentuk ”organisasi” relawan untuk mendukung sang calon Presiden. Para relawan tumbuh seiring cita-cita dan harapannya masingmasing.
Harapan mereka begitu besar bahkan sangat muluk bahwa sosok Jokowi akan dapat mengatasi pelbagai persoalan yang sedang dihadapi Indonesia. Setelah Jokowi- JK resmi dilantik menjadi presiden, sorot mata rakyat dengan berjuta perasaan dan harapan terpahat saat mereka turut mengiringi sang Presiden dengan kereta kuda hingga pintu Istana.
Sejumlah media nasional dan internasional juga mengungkapkan hal yang sama. Majalah Time membuat cover khusus dengan judul A New Hope (Harapan Baru). Media-media di Tanah Air pun memuat headline yang hampir mirip, harapan baru kepemimpinan Jokowi di panggung politik nasional. Itulah politik.
Politik sebagai seni memoles citra dan elektabilitas. Dalam politik akan selalu muncul fenomena silih berganti ”pemimpin yang disanjung dan pemimpin yang junjung”. Tapi, jangan lupa, sejarah politik juga memperlihatkan banyak pemimpin yang disanjung dan dijunjung, berubah dengan cara yang sebaliknya.
Mereka yang Mulai Kecewa
Hasil survei Indo Barometer terbaru yang dirilis 5 April menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap kinerja Presiden Jokowi rendah. Hanya sekitar 57,5% masyarakat puas terhadap kinerja Presiden Jokowi. Survei ini dapat dimaknai sebagai peringatan dini (early warning) bagi pemerintahan Jokowi sebab pemerintahan baru berjalan enam bulan.
Ketidakpuasan para pendukung Jokowi dan sebagian rakyat lainnya dimulai dari sejumlah kebijakan Presiden yang kontroversial. Respons publik tidak terlalu bergairah saat Presiden mengumumkan susunan Kabinet Kerja. Nuansa politik balas budi masih terasa begitu kental ketimbang kabinet kerja dan profesional yang dijanjikan.
Drama politik Teuku Umar yang begitu kental, begitu telanjang di mata publik seluruh Indonesia. Reaksi publik yang ”diam” satu bulan setelah Presiden Jokowi- JK dilantik dengan menaikkan sekaligus mencabut subsidi premium telah membuat rakyat kecil ”terdiam.” Turun-naik harga BBM telah membuat perasaan dan hati rakyat terkoyak.
Walaupun semangat ada namun matlamat mesti realistic dan kerja mest berpasukan. Kalau tidak kita akan jadi lemau, hangat2 tahi ayam, dan akhirnya rakyat akan membencikan kita.
Selanjutnya disini
Jokowi memang layak disebut tokoh fenomenal sebelum dan setelah Pemilihan Presiden 2014. Mantan Wali Kota Solo itu kariernya melejit.
Sebelum menang sebagai presiden, ia terlebih dahulu menjadi pemenang Pemilihan Gubernur DKI-Jakarta berpasangan dengan Ahok. Berbekal popularitas saat memimpin Solo dan DKI, Jokowi ”naik kelas,” menjadi calon presiden yang diusung oleh Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP). Harapan publik sebelum pilpres begitu besar terhadap sosok Jokowi untuk memimpin Indonesia.
Salam dua jari sebagai ikon para pendukung Jokowi terus berkibar didunia maya dan dalam setiap perhelatan akbar kampanye yang mereka lakukan. Para pendukung Jokowi dengan suka rela membentuk ”organisasi” relawan untuk mendukung sang calon Presiden. Para relawan tumbuh seiring cita-cita dan harapannya masingmasing.
Harapan mereka begitu besar bahkan sangat muluk bahwa sosok Jokowi akan dapat mengatasi pelbagai persoalan yang sedang dihadapi Indonesia. Setelah Jokowi- JK resmi dilantik menjadi presiden, sorot mata rakyat dengan berjuta perasaan dan harapan terpahat saat mereka turut mengiringi sang Presiden dengan kereta kuda hingga pintu Istana.
Sejumlah media nasional dan internasional juga mengungkapkan hal yang sama. Majalah Time membuat cover khusus dengan judul A New Hope (Harapan Baru). Media-media di Tanah Air pun memuat headline yang hampir mirip, harapan baru kepemimpinan Jokowi di panggung politik nasional. Itulah politik.
Politik sebagai seni memoles citra dan elektabilitas. Dalam politik akan selalu muncul fenomena silih berganti ”pemimpin yang disanjung dan pemimpin yang junjung”. Tapi, jangan lupa, sejarah politik juga memperlihatkan banyak pemimpin yang disanjung dan dijunjung, berubah dengan cara yang sebaliknya.
Mereka yang Mulai Kecewa
Hasil survei Indo Barometer terbaru yang dirilis 5 April menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap kinerja Presiden Jokowi rendah. Hanya sekitar 57,5% masyarakat puas terhadap kinerja Presiden Jokowi. Survei ini dapat dimaknai sebagai peringatan dini (early warning) bagi pemerintahan Jokowi sebab pemerintahan baru berjalan enam bulan.
Ketidakpuasan para pendukung Jokowi dan sebagian rakyat lainnya dimulai dari sejumlah kebijakan Presiden yang kontroversial. Respons publik tidak terlalu bergairah saat Presiden mengumumkan susunan Kabinet Kerja. Nuansa politik balas budi masih terasa begitu kental ketimbang kabinet kerja dan profesional yang dijanjikan.
Drama politik Teuku Umar yang begitu kental, begitu telanjang di mata publik seluruh Indonesia. Reaksi publik yang ”diam” satu bulan setelah Presiden Jokowi- JK dilantik dengan menaikkan sekaligus mencabut subsidi premium telah membuat rakyat kecil ”terdiam.” Turun-naik harga BBM telah membuat perasaan dan hati rakyat terkoyak.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Teenager Amos Yee was charged today (31 Mar) in the State Courts with
multiple charges. He was arrested on Sunday (29 Mar) for a video he posted that
allegedly celebrated the death of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan
Yew. The eight-minute-long video also included remarks about Christianity that
some people found insensitive.
The three charges, which were read out to him in court today, were under Section 298 and Section 292(1)(a) of the Penal Code, as well as Section 4(1)(b) of the Protection from Harassment Act:
For the first charge under Section 298, the charge sheet stated that the YouTube video created by Amos Yee “contained remarks against Christianity, with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of Christians in general”.
As for the Protection from Harassment Act charge, Amos Yee’s video “contained remarks about Mr Lee Kuan Yew which was intended to be heard and seen by persons likely to be distressed” by the clip, according to the charge sheet.
The Court also granted him a bail amount set at $20,000, under the condition that he will not post, upload or otherwise distribute any comment or content, whether directly or indirectly, to any social media or online service or website, while the current case against him is ongoing. The amount has been posted, and he is out on bail.
After the charges were read, his father told reporters, “I want to take the opportunity to say very sorry to Prime Minister Lee.”
The video, called Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!, had been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Lawyer Chia Boon Teck, who was among those who made police reports against the teenager, said:
News of Amos Yee’s arrest has made headlines over the world (‘Arrest of Amos Yee made World News‘).
One person who was upset with the teenager for creating the video is Telok Blangah grassroots leader Jason Tan. In a Facebook post, Mr Tan has threatened to cut off the teenager’s penis and “put it in his mouth” (‘Grassroots leader threatens to cut off boy’s penis‘):

Mr Tan has since deleted his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, a netizen Abdul Salim Harun told TRE that he made a similar police report against former YPAP member Jason Neo in 2011.
At the time Jason Neo had posted a religiously and racially offensive caption to a photo which he uploaded on his Facebook page.
The posting showed a photo he had taken of a school bus with Malay children from Huda Kindergarten, in Woodlands, dressed in their uniform which includes traditional Malay headwear. On the photo, Jason Neo captioned it as:
Jason Neo’s posting caused a furor online and police reports were made against him.
In Jan 2012, Mr Abdul received a letter from the police informing him that investigation is still in progress:

About a year later on 25 March 2013, Mr Abdul posted a note online saying that he still had not received any updates from the police with regard to their investigation on Jason Neo’s racist remark.
Yesterday (30 Mar 2015), Mr Abdul told TRE that since the last letter he received from the police in Jan 2012, he has heard nothing. That is, more than 3 years have past and nothing is heard on the outcome of the investigation on Jason Neo (‘No news on Jason Neo case after more than 3 years‘).
But in the case of Amos Yee, it appears that the police were very efficient in conducting their investigation, able to bring charges against the teenager in a record time of 4 days, after he posted the offending video on 27 Mar.
Yee’s pre-trial conference has been set for two weeks from now, at 4pm on Apr 17
Teenager Amos Yee was charged today (31 Mar) in the State Courts with multiple charges. He was arrested on Sunday (29 Mar) for a video he posted that allegedly celebrated the death of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The eight-minute-long video also included remarks about Christianity that some people found insensitive.
The three charges, which were read out to him in court today, were under Section 298 and Section 292(1)(a) of the Penal Code, as well as Section 4(1)(b) of the Protection from Harassment Act:
For the first charge under Section 298, the charge sheet stated that the YouTube video created by Amos Yee “contained remarks against Christianity, with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of Christians in general”.
As for the Protection from Harassment Act charge, Amos Yee’s video “contained remarks about Mr Lee Kuan Yew which was intended to be heard and seen by persons likely to be distressed” by the clip, according to the charge sheet.
The Court also granted him a bail amount set at $20,000, under the condition that he will not post, upload or otherwise distribute any comment or content, whether directly or indirectly, to any social media or online service or website, while the current case against him is ongoing. The amount has been posted, and he is out on bail.
After the charges were read, his father told reporters, “I want to take the opportunity to say very sorry to Prime Minister Lee.”
The video, called Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!, had been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Lawyer Chia Boon Teck, who was among those who made police reports against the teenager, said:
News of Amos Yee’s arrest has made headlines over the world (‘Arrest of Amos Yee made World News‘).
One person who was upset with the teenager for creating the video is Telok Blangah grassroots leader Jason Tan. In a Facebook post, Mr Tan has threatened to cut off the teenager’s penis and “put it in his mouth” (‘Grassroots leader threatens to cut off boy’s penis‘):

Mr Tan has since deleted his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, a netizen Abdul Salim Harun told TRE that he made a similar police report against former YPAP member Jason Neo in 2011.
At the time Jason Neo had posted a religiously and racially offensive caption to a photo which he uploaded on his Facebook page.
The posting showed a photo he had taken of a school bus with Malay children from Huda Kindergarten, in Woodlands, dressed in their uniform which includes traditional Malay headwear. On the photo, Jason Neo captioned it as:
Jason Neo’s posting caused a furor online and police reports were made against him.
In Jan 2012, Mr Abdul received a letter from the police informing him that investigation is still in progress:

About a year later on 25 March 2013, Mr Abdul posted a note online saying that he still had not received any updates from the police with regard to their investigation on Jason Neo’s racist remark.
Yesterday (30 Mar 2015), Mr Abdul told TRE that since the last letter he received from the police in Jan 2012, he has heard nothing. That is, more than 3 years have past and nothing is heard on the outcome of the investigation on Jason Neo (‘No news on Jason Neo case after more than 3 years‘).
But in the case of Amos Yee, it appears that the police were very efficient in conducting their investigation, able to bring charges against the teenager in a record time of 4 days, after he posted the offending video on 27 Mar.
Yee’s pre-trial conference has been set for two weeks from now, at 4pm on Apr 17
The three charges, which were read out to him in court today, were under Section 298 and Section 292(1)(a) of the Penal Code, as well as Section 4(1)(b) of the Protection from Harassment Act:
Penal Code
Uttering words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person
298. Whoever, with deliberate intention of wounding the religious or racial feelings of any person, utters any word or makes any sound in the hearing of that person, or makes any gesture in the sight of that person, or places any object in the sight of that person, or causes any matter however represented to be seen or heard by that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years, or with fine, or with both.
Sale of obscene books, etc.
292. (1) Whoever -
(a) sells, lets to hire, distributes, transmits by electronic means, publicly exhibits or in any manner puts into circulation, or for purposes of sale, hire, distribution, transmission, public exhibition or circulation, makes, produces, or has in his possession any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, painting, representation or figure, or any other obscene object whatsoever;
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with fine, or with both.
Protection from Harassment Act (2014)
Harassment, alarm or distress
4. (1) No person shall by any means -
(a) use any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour; or
(b) make any threatening, abusive or insulting communication,
which is heard, seen or otherwise perceived by any person (referred to for the purposes of this section as the victim) likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and, subject to section 8, shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
For the first charge under Section 298, the charge sheet stated that the YouTube video created by Amos Yee “contained remarks against Christianity, with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of Christians in general”.
As for the Protection from Harassment Act charge, Amos Yee’s video “contained remarks about Mr Lee Kuan Yew which was intended to be heard and seen by persons likely to be distressed” by the clip, according to the charge sheet.
The Court also granted him a bail amount set at $20,000, under the condition that he will not post, upload or otherwise distribute any comment or content, whether directly or indirectly, to any social media or online service or website, while the current case against him is ongoing. The amount has been posted, and he is out on bail.
After the charges were read, his father told reporters, “I want to take the opportunity to say very sorry to Prime Minister Lee.”
The video, called Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!, had been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Lawyer Chia Boon Teck, who was among those who made police reports against the teenager, said:
“Mr Lee spent his life helping Singaporeans to put food on the table and build roofs over our heads. Since we need not worry about food and shelter, we can indulge in contemplating our right to hurt others with our words in the name of freedom of speech.”
News of Amos Yee’s arrest has made headlines over the world (‘Arrest of Amos Yee made World News‘).
One person who was upset with the teenager for creating the video is Telok Blangah grassroots leader Jason Tan. In a Facebook post, Mr Tan has threatened to cut off the teenager’s penis and “put it in his mouth” (‘Grassroots leader threatens to cut off boy’s penis‘):
Mr Tan has since deleted his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, a netizen Abdul Salim Harun told TRE that he made a similar police report against former YPAP member Jason Neo in 2011.
At the time Jason Neo had posted a religiously and racially offensive caption to a photo which he uploaded on his Facebook page.
The posting showed a photo he had taken of a school bus with Malay children from Huda Kindergarten, in Woodlands, dressed in their uniform which includes traditional Malay headwear. On the photo, Jason Neo captioned it as:
“Bus filled with young terrorist trainees?”
(i.e, implying that the Malay children from Huda Kindergarten were “terrorist trainees”)
Jason Neo’s posting caused a furor online and police reports were made against him.
In Jan 2012, Mr Abdul received a letter from the police informing him that investigation is still in progress:
About a year later on 25 March 2013, Mr Abdul posted a note online saying that he still had not received any updates from the police with regard to their investigation on Jason Neo’s racist remark.
Yesterday (30 Mar 2015), Mr Abdul told TRE that since the last letter he received from the police in Jan 2012, he has heard nothing. That is, more than 3 years have past and nothing is heard on the outcome of the investigation on Jason Neo (‘No news on Jason Neo case after more than 3 years‘).
But in the case of Amos Yee, it appears that the police were very efficient in conducting their investigation, able to bring charges against the teenager in a record time of 4 days, after he posted the offending video on 27 Mar.
Yee’s pre-trial conference has been set for two weeks from now, at 4pm on Apr 17
Teenager Amos Yee was charged today (31 Mar) in the State Courts with multiple charges. He was arrested on Sunday (29 Mar) for a video he posted that allegedly celebrated the death of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The eight-minute-long video also included remarks about Christianity that some people found insensitive.
The three charges, which were read out to him in court today, were under Section 298 and Section 292(1)(a) of the Penal Code, as well as Section 4(1)(b) of the Protection from Harassment Act:
Penal Code
Uttering words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person
298. Whoever, with deliberate intention of wounding the religious or racial feelings of any person, utters any word or makes any sound in the hearing of that person, or makes any gesture in the sight of that person, or places any object in the sight of that person, or causes any matter however represented to be seen or heard by that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years, or with fine, or with both.
Sale of obscene books, etc.
292. (1) Whoever -
(a) sells, lets to hire, distributes, transmits by electronic means, publicly exhibits or in any manner puts into circulation, or for purposes of sale, hire, distribution, transmission, public exhibition or circulation, makes, produces, or has in his possession any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, painting, representation or figure, or any other obscene object whatsoever;
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with fine, or with both.
Protection from Harassment Act (2014)
Harassment, alarm or distress
4. (1) No person shall by any means -
(a) use any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour; or
(b) make any threatening, abusive or insulting communication,
which is heard, seen or otherwise perceived by any person (referred to for the purposes of this section as the victim) likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and, subject to section 8, shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
For the first charge under Section 298, the charge sheet stated that the YouTube video created by Amos Yee “contained remarks against Christianity, with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of Christians in general”.
As for the Protection from Harassment Act charge, Amos Yee’s video “contained remarks about Mr Lee Kuan Yew which was intended to be heard and seen by persons likely to be distressed” by the clip, according to the charge sheet.
The Court also granted him a bail amount set at $20,000, under the condition that he will not post, upload or otherwise distribute any comment or content, whether directly or indirectly, to any social media or online service or website, while the current case against him is ongoing. The amount has been posted, and he is out on bail.
After the charges were read, his father told reporters, “I want to take the opportunity to say very sorry to Prime Minister Lee.”
The video, called Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!, had been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Lawyer Chia Boon Teck, who was among those who made police reports against the teenager, said:
“Mr Lee spent his life helping Singaporeans to put food on the table and build roofs over our heads. Since we need not worry about food and shelter, we can indulge in contemplating our right to hurt others with our words in the name of freedom of speech.”
News of Amos Yee’s arrest has made headlines over the world (‘Arrest of Amos Yee made World News‘).
One person who was upset with the teenager for creating the video is Telok Blangah grassroots leader Jason Tan. In a Facebook post, Mr Tan has threatened to cut off the teenager’s penis and “put it in his mouth” (‘Grassroots leader threatens to cut off boy’s penis‘):
Mr Tan has since deleted his Facebook page.
Meanwhile, a netizen Abdul Salim Harun told TRE that he made a similar police report against former YPAP member Jason Neo in 2011.
At the time Jason Neo had posted a religiously and racially offensive caption to a photo which he uploaded on his Facebook page.
The posting showed a photo he had taken of a school bus with Malay children from Huda Kindergarten, in Woodlands, dressed in their uniform which includes traditional Malay headwear. On the photo, Jason Neo captioned it as:
“Bus filled with young terrorist trainees?”
(i.e, implying that the Malay children from Huda Kindergarten were “terrorist trainees”)
Jason Neo’s posting caused a furor online and police reports were made against him.
In Jan 2012, Mr Abdul received a letter from the police informing him that investigation is still in progress:
About a year later on 25 March 2013, Mr Abdul posted a note online saying that he still had not received any updates from the police with regard to their investigation on Jason Neo’s racist remark.
Yesterday (30 Mar 2015), Mr Abdul told TRE that since the last letter he received from the police in Jan 2012, he has heard nothing. That is, more than 3 years have past and nothing is heard on the outcome of the investigation on Jason Neo (‘No news on Jason Neo case after more than 3 years‘).
But in the case of Amos Yee, it appears that the police were very efficient in conducting their investigation, able to bring charges against the teenager in a record time of 4 days, after he posted the offending video on 27 Mar.
Yee’s pre-trial conference has been set for two weeks from now, at 4pm on Apr 17
Friday, April 3, 2015
Singapura antara 4 tertinggi hutang atas GDP namun tidak bangkrap pun
Pengamal ISA dan kadar GST yang lebih tinggi dan tiada pengecualian.
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