Kisah-kisah dan teropongan seorang siamang profesional di Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang, Selangor. Bukit Antarabangsa adalah kawasan berbukit ramai golongan artis dan professional tinggal. Blog ini kini mesra waktu pejabat. Sifat siamang adalah untuk melolong apa berita yang baik dan buruk di terima. Klik control play untuk mendengar lolongannya.
Bebel Without a Clause

Friday, May 25, 2012
Sasterawan Negara: Saya lagi gila dari Hang Samseng.
Kalau rupa dah macam orang gila, siapa nak dengar cakap orang ini.
Di Chow Kit Road, KL ramai iras seperti A Samad ISmail adalah orang gila.
Kerajaan perlu kaji semula kriteria dan syarat mengangkat seseorang itu sebagai sasterawan Negara. dulu Shanon lah ni A SamAd Ismail.
Pak Samad Said yang menjadi pengerusi boneka Bersih mengecam tindakan rakyat Melaka yang menyekat kemaraan Ambiga ke Melaka. Ini dijelaskan sewaktu wawancara dengan Portal upahan pakatan Rakyat Malaysiakini.
Pak Samad menggelarkan rakyat Melaka sebagai 'Hang Samseng' kerana kononnya menyerang majlis minum petang bersama Ambiga.
Sambil menyifatkan kumpulan itu sebagai "samsengan", A Samad mengaku malu dengan tindakan mereka kerana ia "bukan cara untuk mewaraskan demokrasi".
"Ketika Ambiga hendak ke Merlimau, lagi dahsyat. Saya dengar lebih kurang 200 samseng di Merlimau sudah menunggu. Ambiga dijemput oleh PAS untuk menghuraikan perjuangan bersih. Itu landas demokrasi", kata Pak Samad yang mempunyai janggut terpanjang di Malaysia.
Pak Samad mencabar Hang Samseng supaya berdepan dengannya
Sumber: Sini
Apa yang baik untuk angsa betina baik juga untuk angsa jantan?
Peribahasa Inggeris ( minta izin , ya Encik Baixa), What is good for the goose is also good for the gander, maknanya secara dasar adalah Kalau demonstrasi jalanan ini baik untuk seoRang peguam dan sekutu2 biol nya, maka seharusnya kaedah ini juga baik untuk peniaga kecil dari Dataran Merdeka yang telah mengalami kerugian semasa BERSIH 3.0.
Jadi kenapa harus DBKL masuk campur dalam hal ini. Bukankah peniaga2 ini mempunyai hak yang sama lebih2 lagi kawasan yang hendak di niagakan adalah hak orang awam dan bukan hak DBKL.
Peniaga2 ini mempunyai hak asasi untuk mencari rezeki yang halal.
Silat lihat apa kata MAHAGURU58.
Satu pengajaran bagi kita, Kalau nak buat apa2pun pastikan tiada kerosakan awam boleh berlaku dan janganlah masuk tahi dalam periuk nasi orang lain. Seorang peguam harus melihat apa yang bawa oleh mereka ini adalah satu mesej pengajaran Islam.
Yang lain2 kononnya nak mengangkat HERO siAmbiguity ,ingatlah orang lain pun ada hak,bukan kamu aje ada pundek , Orang lain pun ada juga.
Setiap orang ada had kesabarannya, jangan sampai sikap yang sebati dengan orang Melayu seperti Hang JEbat dan Prebet Adam.
Buat baik berpada2 buat jahat biar sekali.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Debat perdana akan diadakan diwaktu yang terdekat
Akan di adakan berperingkat2. Baru ada drama sinetron.
Round pertama:Rosmah vs Wan Azizah. Tajuk: isteri mithali atau menyesali?
Round kedua: Hassan Ali Vs Hadi Awang Tajuk: PAS sokong murtad atau mutant ?
Round ke3: Anwar Vs Najib Tajuk: siapa lagi hebat Mongolian atau China Doll?
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Muzakarah UMB dan PapaGOmo dululah baru muzakarah UMNO-PAS
Lupakan sahaja muzakarah antara UMNO-PAS. Kalau UMNO dan PAS bersatu pun nama pakatan ini akan dipanggil UMPAS atau HAMPAS.
Lebih2 lagi gol pos PAS pun berubah2.
Sekejap tanpa syarat dan Tiba2 semalam Nki Aziz pula buat syarat. lepas tu Hadi. apa ke Lancau ( nak pinjam frasa dari SATD) nama muzakarah, Kalau pelbagai syarat2 nak dimasukkan Pulak.
Cukuplah dengan syarat untuk menyatu padukan umat Islam.
Sebelum kita nak bermuzakarah saya rasa kita eluk tenguk keadaan dalaman UMNO lebih lagi Bloggers UMNO yang nampak tiada kesudahan.
asyik nak bergaduh2 aja. Sejak kebelakangan ini UMB pun ada masalah dengan PAPAGOMO yang saya kira ramai bloggers yang tiada mereka kisah tahu isunya.
Kita lupakan sengketa lama. Jom kita bermuzakarahkan dua bloggers gang ini. Amacam? Ada berani?
Saksikan lah positing ini dari APA.
Sebab ramai orang benci UMNO adalah angkara pegawai kerajaan?
Sila lihat YouTube pos tiang oleh Taiping mali. Kita tahu ramai yang benci UMNO bukan lah disebabkan perjuangannya tetapi adalaha gara 2 kongkalikong yang banyak dilakukan oleh pegawai 2 kerajaan baik di pusat atau di kerajaan tempatan. Disebabkan pengerjaan yang kurang efisyen mereka ini, ramai pengusaha rasa tertekan dan ada yang hilang akal dan pertimbangan sehingga menyalahkan UMNO diatas segala malang yang berlaku. Kita harus sedar bahawa rasuah yang wujud itu bilangan lebih banyak dari pihak pegawai 2 atasan yang tiada kecenderungan politik dan semata2 condong kepada duit. Ada pula yang mengatakan mereka ini berkomplot dengan PAS untuk melakukan rasuah dan mempastikan kesalahan ini dipalitkan kepada UMNO. Mana achi itu macam.
Kes meroyan dulu lepas tu mintak maaf. KahKah kah
Sumber di sini http://taipingmali.blogspot.com/2012/05/penjelasan-kejadian-amuk-ahli-umno.html
Kes meroyan dulu lepas tu mintak maaf. KahKah kah
Sumber di sini http://taipingmali.blogspot.com/2012/05/penjelasan-kejadian-amuk-ahli-umno.html
Monday, May 21, 2012
Mengapa ASTRO Edit kenyataan Anwar Ibrahim semasa BERSIH 3.0?
Sebab2 mengapa ASTRO terpaksa mengeditkan percakapan Anwar:
1. Tiada tembakan. Hanya, bunyi lepasan gas dan kentut Tukar Tiub . Kah kahkah.
2. Hanya 22,000 sahaja.Kenyataan Anwar hanya lah semata-mata untuk menipu dunia bahawa rakyat bersama dengannya. Yang hakikat adalah beberapa ribu sahaja. Dan antara nya adalah Tukar tiub kakakkah.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Bersih 3.0 rally drew a crowd of about 22,000 and the figure is way off from what the Opposition has claimed.
Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim said National News Agency Bernama had carried out a procedure to determine the strength of the crowd by using aerial view photographs.
"Using the photographic blocking system, it has been determined that 22,270 people were at the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28.
"This is close to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) estimated figure of 25,000 people but way off from what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had announced to the rest of the world," he told reporters.
Rais said he would be happy to provide information to interested parties on how the figure was derived, adding those who wanted to have it "reconfirmed can also get the photographs from us for other authorities to examine."
Sumber: Di sini
1. Tiada tembakan. Hanya, bunyi lepasan gas dan kentut Tukar Tiub . Kah kahkah.
2. Hanya 22,000 sahaja.Kenyataan Anwar hanya lah semata-mata untuk menipu dunia bahawa rakyat bersama dengannya. Yang hakikat adalah beberapa ribu sahaja. Dan antara nya adalah Tukar tiub kakakkah.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Bersih 3.0 rally drew a crowd of about 22,000 and the figure is way off from what the Opposition has claimed.
Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim said National News Agency Bernama had carried out a procedure to determine the strength of the crowd by using aerial view photographs.
"Using the photographic blocking system, it has been determined that 22,270 people were at the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28.
"This is close to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) estimated figure of 25,000 people but way off from what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had announced to the rest of the world," he told reporters.
Rais said he would be happy to provide information to interested parties on how the figure was derived, adding those who wanted to have it "reconfirmed can also get the photographs from us for other authorities to examine."
Sumber: Di sini
Anggota Bee Gees meninggal dunia semalam
Nostalgia. Saya amat minat lagu itu dan seringkali nyanyi dalam band saya lagu BeeGees ini "To Love Somebody".
(CNN) -- Robin Gibb, one of three brothers who made up the disco group the Bee Gees behind "Saturday Night Fever" and other now-iconic sounds from the 1970s, died on Sunday, according to a statement on his website.
He was 62.
Gibb "passed away today following his long battle with cancer and intestinal surgery," said the statement, which was attributed to his family. He died in England at 10:47 a.m. (5:47 a.m. ET), according to a post on his official Twitter feed.
News of his death set off a torrent of reaction in social media. Musician Bryan Adams, for instance, lamented "another great singer dying too young" on Twitter, while fellow British band Duran Duran and current pop sensation Bruno Mars were among many who posted their condolences.
"The Bee Gees were/are the gold standard when it comes to pop/r&b melody, harmony and vocal arrangement. Massive loss," wrote prolific pop songwriter Claude Kelly on his Twitter feed.
Reflecting on the career of Robin Gibb Diagnosed with colon and liver cancer, Gibb had been in a coma as he battled pneumonia earlier this spring, representative Doug Wright said.
Doctors believe that Gibb had a secondary tumor, Wright said April 14, confirming a news account in the UK newspaper The Sun. Gibb had emergency surgery in 2010 for a blocked bowel and then had more surgery for a twisted bowel, Wright confirmed.
The only surviving member of the three Bee Gees is brother Barry, 65.
Robin's twin brother, Maurice, died in 2003 from a twisted bowel. And younger brother Andy Gibb -- who was not part of the group -- died at 30 from a heart infection.
Robin Gibb's death followed by just three days the loss of another major star of the 1970s disco era -- Donna Summer, who died Thursday of lung cancer at age 63.
"First Donna Summer passes and now another 70s icon, Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees passes," actress Marlee Matlin tweeted Sunday.
Robin Gibb was born in 1949 on Isle of Man off the British coast, and the Gibb boys grew up in Manchester. The family later moved to Redcliffe, Australia, where their group performed on television as the B.G.'s -- a moniker they later altered to the Bee Gees. Their father, Hughie, was a drummer and big-band leader.
The family returned to England in the 1960s, and they began to emerge on an international scale. Through the end of that decade and into the next, they crafted melodies that utilized their unique voices to gain acclaim thanks to songs such as "I Started a Joke," "To Love Somebody" and "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart."
By the mid-1970s, they transitioned to develop more dance-oriented hits such as "Jive Talkin' " and "Nights on Broadway."
Yet for all these earlier successes, the Bee Gees skyrocketed to new heights with the 1977 release of "Saturday Night Fever," a movie starring John Travolta that was built around the group's falsetto voices and disco-friendly songs.
In the latter part of the 1970s, the Bee Gees "dominated dance floors and airwaves. With their matching white suits, soaring high harmonies and polished, radio-friendly records, they remain one of the essential touchstones to that ultra-commercial era," the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame says on its website.
"Saturday Night Fever" and the group's 1979 album "Spirits Having Flown" yielded six No. 1 hits, "making the Bee Gees the only group in pop history to write, produce and record that many consecutive chart-topping singles," according to the Hall of Fame.
While often more in the background, Robin Gibb was the lead singer on several of the Bee Gees' top tunes including "I Started a Joke" and "I've Gotta Get a Message to You." He also recorded several solo albums during his career.
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, the Bee Gees sold more than 200 million albums, and their soundtrack album to "Saturday Night Fever" was the top-selling album until Michael Jackson's "Thriller" claimed that distinction in the 1980s.
In a 2008 interview with Music Week, Robin Gibb shared one of his all-important rules for songwriting: "always keep a tape running," in order to capture a moment of brilliance and inspiration.
"You never know in a three-hour writing session when you are going to come up with something and then if you'll remember it completely," he said. "All the ideas, everything, will be on tape and then you can always refer back at any time.
"Melodies will be born for the first time during writing and unless you have it on tape you haven't got any way of remembering them. That is a cardinal rule."
He also spoke of how he found it "good to have deadlines and pressure."
"We certainly had a deadline with 'Fever' to write all those songs. I think, in one week, we wrote 'How Deep Is Your Love,' 'Night Fever,' 'Stayin' Alive,' 'If I Can't Have You' and the rest. Having a deadline sharpens you up, it gets you out of bed and it stops you going to bed, too," Gibb said.
Gibb is survived by his wife, Dwina; his daughter, Melissa, and sons Spencer and Robin-John.
(CNN) -- Robin Gibb, one of three brothers who made up the disco group the Bee Gees behind "Saturday Night Fever" and other now-iconic sounds from the 1970s, died on Sunday, according to a statement on his website.
He was 62.
Gibb "passed away today following his long battle with cancer and intestinal surgery," said the statement, which was attributed to his family. He died in England at 10:47 a.m. (5:47 a.m. ET), according to a post on his official Twitter feed.
News of his death set off a torrent of reaction in social media. Musician Bryan Adams, for instance, lamented "another great singer dying too young" on Twitter, while fellow British band Duran Duran and current pop sensation Bruno Mars were among many who posted their condolences.
"The Bee Gees were/are the gold standard when it comes to pop/r&b melody, harmony and vocal arrangement. Massive loss," wrote prolific pop songwriter Claude Kelly on his Twitter feed.
Reflecting on the career of Robin Gibb Diagnosed with colon and liver cancer, Gibb had been in a coma as he battled pneumonia earlier this spring, representative Doug Wright said.
Doctors believe that Gibb had a secondary tumor, Wright said April 14, confirming a news account in the UK newspaper The Sun. Gibb had emergency surgery in 2010 for a blocked bowel and then had more surgery for a twisted bowel, Wright confirmed.
The only surviving member of the three Bee Gees is brother Barry, 65.
Robin's twin brother, Maurice, died in 2003 from a twisted bowel. And younger brother Andy Gibb -- who was not part of the group -- died at 30 from a heart infection.
Robin Gibb's death followed by just three days the loss of another major star of the 1970s disco era -- Donna Summer, who died Thursday of lung cancer at age 63.
"First Donna Summer passes and now another 70s icon, Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees passes," actress Marlee Matlin tweeted Sunday.
Robin Gibb was born in 1949 on Isle of Man off the British coast, and the Gibb boys grew up in Manchester. The family later moved to Redcliffe, Australia, where their group performed on television as the B.G.'s -- a moniker they later altered to the Bee Gees. Their father, Hughie, was a drummer and big-band leader.
The family returned to England in the 1960s, and they began to emerge on an international scale. Through the end of that decade and into the next, they crafted melodies that utilized their unique voices to gain acclaim thanks to songs such as "I Started a Joke," "To Love Somebody" and "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart."
By the mid-1970s, they transitioned to develop more dance-oriented hits such as "Jive Talkin' " and "Nights on Broadway."
Yet for all these earlier successes, the Bee Gees skyrocketed to new heights with the 1977 release of "Saturday Night Fever," a movie starring John Travolta that was built around the group's falsetto voices and disco-friendly songs.
In the latter part of the 1970s, the Bee Gees "dominated dance floors and airwaves. With their matching white suits, soaring high harmonies and polished, radio-friendly records, they remain one of the essential touchstones to that ultra-commercial era," the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame says on its website.
"Saturday Night Fever" and the group's 1979 album "Spirits Having Flown" yielded six No. 1 hits, "making the Bee Gees the only group in pop history to write, produce and record that many consecutive chart-topping singles," according to the Hall of Fame.
While often more in the background, Robin Gibb was the lead singer on several of the Bee Gees' top tunes including "I Started a Joke" and "I've Gotta Get a Message to You." He also recorded several solo albums during his career.
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, the Bee Gees sold more than 200 million albums, and their soundtrack album to "Saturday Night Fever" was the top-selling album until Michael Jackson's "Thriller" claimed that distinction in the 1980s.
In a 2008 interview with Music Week, Robin Gibb shared one of his all-important rules for songwriting: "always keep a tape running," in order to capture a moment of brilliance and inspiration.
"You never know in a three-hour writing session when you are going to come up with something and then if you'll remember it completely," he said. "All the ideas, everything, will be on tape and then you can always refer back at any time.
"Melodies will be born for the first time during writing and unless you have it on tape you haven't got any way of remembering them. That is a cardinal rule."
He also spoke of how he found it "good to have deadlines and pressure."
"We certainly had a deadline with 'Fever' to write all those songs. I think, in one week, we wrote 'How Deep Is Your Love,' 'Night Fever,' 'Stayin' Alive,' 'If I Can't Have You' and the rest. Having a deadline sharpens you up, it gets you out of bed and it stops you going to bed, too," Gibb said.
Gibb is survived by his wife, Dwina; his daughter, Melissa, and sons Spencer and Robin-John.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Siapakah I dalam the IFILES - Cerita baik buruk dari Barat pasal Anwar?
Buku baru dalam bahasa omputeh pasal , the rise and fail , and the re-rise and the eventual re-fall of anwar from the eyes of omputeh expats . Will be an interesting book to read. The info is released after a brief retreat in Langkawi by the expats.
Source : disini
(A Story in Many Parts)
By Jonathan Smith
KL will always be my home away from home, and to my mind, Anwar Ibrahim will always be part of it.
Back in the early 1980s, this was a sleepier place, much more laid back. Getting a good beer was fairly easy, and the smell of halal food mixed with the nearby savoury smell of sizzling pork. Gossip was cheap and frequently more right than not.
Anwar was the talk of the town when I first arrived, the young up-and-comer who had put aside his revolutionary ways to join Mahathir’s circle, the Islamist radical who liberally quoted Shakespeare and TS Eliot, and, on occasion, Ho Chi Minh. No one doubted his keen mind or his ambition.
Aside from that, no one knew anything about him. But we’d soon learn.
Those of us in the expat community – Brits, Yanks, Aussies, Canadians, the odd German – had a vested interest in learning more about this remarkable fellow. We figured that any business we did here would run through him eventually. The station chiefs for the CIA, MI-6, and KGB also wanted to know where he’d come from and where his allegiances lay. With Umno, with PAS, with the Saudis? But whatever he’d been before, he was now an Umno man, and he kept his counsel close, and his past as much a mystery as possible.
That didn’t stop any of us from digging, and later on pouring more money than might seem reasonable into finding out. We could all tell that this was a man on the way up, and sleepy Southeast Asia was soon poised to take off. Big time.
Then as now, money loosened tongues. Men and women would talk off the record and on. Some would tell you the unvarnished truth, but most would mix truth and lies to keep you coming back. We all knew the game. Many of us had intel backgrounds, so some of this was familiar territory. Stories had to be checked and cross-checked, rumours run to ground. Even then, a lot of what was out there was speculation and hearsay. Over the years, each of us compiled our own files on the man. Each of us used what we had, and we traded among ourselves, much as we did for other key Umno men who ruled the country. But Anwar’s file was worth almost as much as Mahathir’s, and in time, even more.
When he eventually made his move on Mahathir, we –
But I’m getting ahead of myself. This is a story of the man without a face, or, if you prefer, the man with many faces, the man who could be everything to anyone, whose every move was calculated to advance his own goals. It is the story as we saw it and as we learned it. It is the story told by documents and eyewitnesses.
It is a personal story, because I lived it, too. I spent decades, off and on, following this trail, through smoke-filled dives in Bangsar, Georgetown, Kuching, and elsewhere; through clandestine meetings in Putrajaya and Singapore and Ankara; through conference rooms and board rooms in Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States.
This is the story of Anwar Ibrahim. We put it together over the years, a group of expats, old hands, if you will, who were good at comparing notes. Much of what is in here is simply documented fact that has disappeared in the mists of time. More is based on in-person interviews with principals and eyewitnesses. Some is hearsay and rumour, unreliable intimations from unreliable sources – but remarkable for how it predicted the world in which we now live, and showed us what Anwar would do and did.
This is the story of the greatest, most nimble, most articulate, and ultimately the most flawed opportunist of our times. A chameleon. A charmer. A brilliant but ultimately tragic persona. What you will read over the coming weeks is the result of collecting these stories, these interviews, these files, into a single work. I’ve always considered these to be the I-Files – though the reason I chose that name would likely surprise you.
How all of this information was gathered – who has the goods on whom, who were the narrators, who the interviewees – is so classified at Langley and at Lambeth and Vauxhall Cross that I didn’t even dare question it. That would have gotten me into far too much trouble. With Malaysia facing Anwar’s last chance at becoming Prime Minister; with the man who put in motion a decades-old plan to radicalise this tolerant and easy-going nation so keen to take power; with so much of his story untold, I knew it was time.
It is high time that this story was told.
- JS
Kuala Lumpur, April 2012
It was a steamy night in Little India, around eight in the evening, in September 1991. The air was thick with foreboding, or at least with humidity.
A burly Western businessman, by his pallor and his eyes most decidedly British, strolled along the Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. His beige linen jacket was slung over his shoulder, and the telltale stains around his under-arms were proof of the extreme humidity of this September evening, even by KL standards.
He knew he wasn’t being followed. He knew that the average Malaysian looking at this obvious mat salleh couldn’t have cared less where he was going. He knew he would look odder if he spent all his time looking suspicious.
He knew all of this, but he couldn’t help it. For a decade and more he and his fellows had tracked their quarry, and seen leads and secrets and even some of the men carrying them vanish. He was in no mood to join them.
Finally, at the grubby and rundown door to an even grubbier restaurant, bar and hotel, the Englishman paused, looked furtively around, and then entered The Coliseum.
With its stained-white walls, worn tile floors, and threadbare linens, the place had plenty of atmosphere, and the waiters had plenty of attitude. This was, and remains, perhaps KL’s greatest colonial relic. The Chinese waiters, wearing white long-sleeved shirts un-tucked, looked like they had worked here since the place opened back in 1921.
The chicken chops were sizzling in the kitchen, and the tables were full of mat salleh tourists, a sprinkling of expat businessmen, and a few locals in search of authentic (but greasy) Western food. The expats liked to imagine Somerset Maugham pausing for a glass of fine, chilled draft Tiger at the bar, before retiring to his room.
On this particular evening, the Englishman sat down across from a starched-shirt American, who was sporting a crew-cut, a Brooks Brothers blazer, and a look of nervous intensity on his squarejawed face. The American was officially known to the community as a commercial attaché at the U.S. embassy, but expat business executives knew better. It was a small world in KL, and many of these men had moved back and forth through two worlds for their entire adult lives.
The American was actually station chief, and had been here for more than three years, since the late 1980s. The Brit was the Managing Director of a major multinational.
It was a most peculiar meeting, in a most predictable place. The two men greeted one another, ordered a round of Tigers, and seemed to mutter to each other rather than speaking in conversational tones, almost as though they were sharing a secret.
“I trust you are well,” began the Englishman, pleasantly enough.
“Let’s get to the point,” barked the American, cutting off his interlocutor with a glance. “Your company has both American and British shareholders. And you have a big opportunity here to conquer the Malaysian market. And that means going through the new Finance Minister.” He took a pull on his Tiger, and gave a short, dry laugh. “You need to go through that Umno man who used to be a fan of Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh. The one who then got in good with Mahathir after first making his name as an Islamic firebrand. The one everyone says is Dr M’s new blue-eyed boy.” Another short, staccato laugh. “Well, lemme tell you something: Washington is also very interested in the new Finance Minister.”
The Englishman put his Tiger down, mopped a bit of beer off his moustache with a slight gesture of irritation, and stared for a moment at the American.
“Yes, dear boy, I know of our mutual interests. That is the reason we are here,” snapped the Brit.
“Right,” said the American. “Then let’s get started…”
For the next two hours, the two men talked, and the Brit was amazed to watch the man work. Nervous intensity or not, the fellow simply absorbed every intricate detail handed off to him as if he’d know it his whole life. When it was over the American spook handed the businessman a dossier. Neither looked at it, and both went their separate ways. A lot of information had gone right to Langley in return for this binder; it had better be worth it.
When the Brit got back to his hotel, and opened the file, he was more than a little surprised. The materials here narrated a psychological and political profile on Anwar Ibrahim that the Americans were keeping, drawn from dozens of sources, but which in its entirety, had never been shared outside the embassy. One might say it supplemented his own file, but that is like saying that the Earth supplements the Moon.
It was the story of the child of two Umno stalwarts, born, raised, and schooled in moderation, who imbibed the worst currents of the late 1960s – Communist sympathies, violent radicalism, and Wahhabi Islam.
It was the story of the student radical who would marry the daughter of one of the men who ran psy-ops against student protesters, the Islamic firebrand who would fall into line at Umno and become the right-hand man to the Education Minister who had had him imprisoned.
It was the story of the former radical who would later become the shrewd, charming Deputy Prime Minister in that most Establishment of Governments, loved by the foreign press for being somehow different from that very Establishment. It was the story of the prodigal son who became would-be successor to the throne – and, though he couldn’t know it then, later the would-be usurper.
It was the story of a man so shrewd, so cynical, and so self-absorbed, that he would say anything, do anything, if it helped him to squash his enemies and get ahead.
But that was all still years away.
Right now, as his eyes feasted on the dossier, the British businessman marveled at the detail. This was better than Le Carrè. There were photos, eyewitness interviews, and even reports on American government officials. CIA’s reputation was overstated in the movies, but they were very good at building files, and often doing nothing at all with them.
He kept reading. The psych profile told that at Anwar’s core were only two things: A love of himself so great as to be clinical narcissism, and opportunistic ambition unrivaled even in the energetic political classes of Malaysia.
The first was a big fad in psychology at the time, but the more he read, the more the Brit thought it might fit.
And after the file was sitting on the coffee table, in a specially locked briefcase, hidden by a wave of cigarette smoke, one thing was clear: If there was a single theme to Anwar’s zig-zagging life and career, a single motivation, it was indeed opportunism.
He did not know it then, but over the years, the file, passed from confidant to confidant, would grow, and grow. It would tell a tale that reached back decades and ran more than twenty years beyond that day.
It would tell of the man who seemed like Dr M’s blue-eyed boy, but who was a Trojan Horse for the worst impulses of the Saudis, a man who would play with the minds of a generation of Malaysian youth and instill them with thoughts of racial supremacy and extremism, a man who hated the Chinese and their schools and saw them as a threat to his project. He was the Caliphate in a Zegna suit, the man the Wahhabis would fund and guide for decades in their drive to make over Malaysia in their image – and they chose well. Not even Hasan Ali could imagine achieving so much in his wildest dreams.
The files would hold the story of a man whose compulsive drive for power was already incredible by the time he entered Government – and who grew more morally corrupt and hungrier for power as time went by. It would record his management of his wife’s, and his own, wealth into not merely a source of luxury, but as a lever to climb Umno’s ranks. It would note the way he developed more and more funds to buy his way into political power, to enjoy the office of Deputy President of Umno, and to use that money and that power to prepare to take down Dr M.
It would tell the story of the man who started as an Islamist radical, but pivoted into the Shakespeare-quoting “voice of democracy” – for foreign journalists and leaders, who ate it up. They saw him as their own Shah of Iran; but at his core, he would remain in their eyes the Saudis’ man through and through. He was their perfect replacement for Dr M, who was too pragmatic, too moderate for the hard-core Islamists.
And, as the files would show, he would nearly be Dr M’s downfall – but his pride and his ambition brought him into the open too early, and he blew it. Never to be outdone, he went from the Malay and Muslim supremacist to the liberal, from oppressor of the media to tortured martyr, and he would rise again as Dr M’s successor left the judiciary free to release him.
Sources would add to the file, telling the story of secret Western and Saudi attempts to free him, and the warm welcome they gave him when he was freed. They would pick him back up and bring him back to money and power, always wanting him for their own ends. And he would oblige them … but perhaps to his own ambitions? Was he Puppet or Puppeteer? Agent of Change or Double Agent?
Later on, thanks to “I,” the story would climax in GE 12, and the Opportunist’s finest hour. The quest for power roared again in that tumultuous 2008, and the files revealed the biggest bluff, the dashed hopes, and the tragic political error of the infamous September 16th promise, the failure of his own making. It would tell of the new sodomy allegations, the ones all of the foreign intelligence services were convinced were true, but one that may have been a honey trap….or not.
And it would tell of the followers and allies, friends and faithful, whom that flawed man used and cast aside, and used again. It would tell of his fragile coalition, held together out of raw hatred of Umno and mutual distrust. It would contain witness statement after witness statement of the man’s own pride and self-regard sabotaging his chances, and his coalition’s. It would tell of his cunning understanding of the human mind, how small rallies like Hindraf and Bersih could turn into giant stories – all manipulated, stoked and exploited for his own glory and power. In the end, those files would show the lack of a core in this man and how that would mean the lack of a core in his own coalition.
Finally, it would tell the story of Sodomy II from the inside, from its start to its stunning finale. It would contain notes from reporters who met with that flawed man, and how he could not help but make himself into what they wanted, all over again – but be caught out, this time. It would tell of how he and his Saudi and Western friends used Turkey, the embassy, the ties with Erdogan and Gul, and how he grew overconfident in their protection. How his every word was suddenly subject to scrutiny, and he, unprepared for it, suffered.
It would tell of how the man the old Western spooks once feared was now the man they quietly mocked as the eternal loser, the man who would be martyr but was actually his own worst enemy. It would tell of how even the West eventually decided to leave him behind, and how he raged at them, as even his own party and coalition pulled away.
It would record, in scorching detail, his ultimate failure. Back in 1991, however, much of this was still to come. Now, groggy with fatigue, the Brit shook his head, stubbing out his cigarette. He fell into an uneasy sleep, his mind absorbed in the story. He took the file with him, and he shared it among those close to him – competitors or not, they knew this was one area they’d need a common strategy. Anwar was said to already be on the move, and commerce became almost impossible without paying homage to a mysterious figure in Malaysia known as “Mr. Ten Per Cent.” Favours were traded, large sums exchanged off-ledger, and over time, the file disseminated to a select few.
Those same few expats found their lives still revolving around Malaysia years and even decades later. Some married local girls. One or two even converted. Most couldn’t stand to be away from the energy and excitement. They did business. They prospered. And they all watched Anwar.
They watched him rise and fall and rise again, creating groupie love before him and bitter anger and fear in his wake. They all saw his narcissism come to flower in his total lack of empathy for his closest friends – and his worst enemies. He was a guru, a spiritual guide, to his followers, until the moment he turned on them. In the late 1990s, when he finally went after the Old Man, he miscalculated. He failed. He was so convinced of his own importance that he denied to himself the clear signs that Mahathir was ready to strike back at him. It was to happen again, with the September 16th crossover ploy, and this a full decade after the failed whispering campaign and coup attempt against Dr M.
The expats took it all in from their perch in servant-filled Damansara houses or downtown KL luxury apartments. They talked about him over the weekly golf match. They watched Anwar for years and years as he advanced what they believed to be his only real goal: himself. And then, finally, after an extended reflection during a heady weekend retreat in Langkawi, they decided to get the story out. Once and for all.
This, then, is his story, and the long and perilous hunt for his story. This is the full history, as the spooks and businessmen and diplomats and their myriad local and foreign sources and secret documents revealed it. This, then, is what the expats called The I-Files.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Sudah sampai masanya Baba di berikan status Bumiputera
Saya sudah lama teringin menyentuh isi ini.
Dulu guru Bahasa melayu dalam kelas saya juga seorang Baba yang bernama Koh KIm Bok. Guru saya ini amat pandai bermain gasing dan beliau pernah mengelilingi Malaysia bermain acara sukan ini mewakili negari Melaka.
Saya berbendapat bahawa Nyonya dan Baba ini sedikit special untuk masyarakat diMelaka. Kerana kita memang serasi dan amat hormat menghormati antara masyarakat Melayu dan China Baba.
Lebi-lebih lagi Bahasa Melayu dan budayanya adalah hampir sama melainkan kouniti Baba mempunyai unsur budaya China yang amat ketara. Siapa tidak kenal dengan Baba KimTeck seorang pelupur Dondang Sayang yang amat masyhur di bumi Melaka. Dan Andre Goh,, yang segak berbaju Melayu, telah mewarna dunia nyanyian berdekad lama,
Bahasa ibunda Baba ialah Bahasa Melayu. Mereka berpantun berjoget macam orang Melayu jugak.
Sebelum merdeka, kaum2 Baba dan Chetti pernah diiktirafkan sebagai Bumiputera dan mereka ini amat gemar lagu Melayu Asli.
-------------------------------------------------dari wikipedia----------------------------
Baba dan Nyonya adalah segolongan keturunan kaum Cina yang unik kedudukannya di kalangan kaum Cina yang terdapat di Negeri-negeri Selat, Tanah Melayu (kini sebahagian Malaysia), khususnya di negeri Melaka. Bagaimanapun, sebahagian mereka enggan mengakui bahawa mereka adalah orang Cina tetapi sebaliknya mendakwa bahawa mereka adalah rakyat British dan amat berbangga dengan kedudukan ini. Tambahan pula, mereka mengeji pendatang-pendatang Cina yang baru, [1] dan mempunyai kelab tersendiri yang tidak membenarkan pendatang-pendatang Cina masuk. Mereka memanggil diri mereka sebagai "Baba" atau "Peranakan" kerana kebudayaan mereka, yang berasal daripada warisan tradisi Cina, mempunyai unsur-unsur pengaruh kebudayaan Melayu. Penyesuaian dan resapan budaya mereka terhadap suasana sosio-budaya di persekitaran mereka di zaman silam, iaitu melalui perkahwinan campur yang berlaku di antara kaum-kaum Cina dan Melayu, adalah punca utama mengapa generasi-generasi seterusnya memanggil mereka sebagai "Baba". Dari segi anutan, kebanyakannya masih mengekalkan agama tradisional Cina dan Buddha, namun telah ramai yang memeluk agama lain seperti Kristian yang amat popular di kalangan remaja.
Kebanyakan anak-anak Baba dibesarkan mengikut cara hidup dan upacara-upacara agama orang Cina yang diubah oleh unsur-unsur kemelayuan serta unsur-unsur tempatan yang lain. Dalam seratus lima puluh tahun yang lalu, upacara ini telahpun diubah suai. Penghidupan moden yang terlalu cepat meninggalkan sedikit demi sedikit masa lapang untuk persembahan ke atas pengorbanan yang tidak berkesudahan itu. Upacara ini semakin berkurangan disebabkan juga oleh pengaruh Barat, tetapi masih terus diamalkan.[2]
Pada kurun ke-15, wilayah-wilayah kepulauan Melayu selalunya memberi penghormatan kepada pelbagai kerajaan seperti Negara Cina dan Siam. Hubungan diplomatik yang erat telah dibina sejak kurun ke-15, semasa pemerintahan Parameswara, apabila Laksamana Cheng Ho, seorang Cina Muslim melawat Melaka. Menurut penerangan traditional, pada 1459, Raja Cina telah menghantar puteri, Hang Li Po, kepada Sultan Melaka sebagai satu tanda penghargaan kepada penghormatannya. Pengikut-pengikut puteri tinggal di Bukit Cina pada mulanya dan akhirnya lahirnya Peranakan. Peranakan mengkekalkan kebanyakan budaya dan kepercayaan nenek moyang mereka, tetapi bahasa dan budaya Melayu telah diasimilasi. Mereka membina budaya pemakanan yang unik. Banyak sumber memberi tuntutan bahawa Peranakan adalah kahwin campur dengan orang Melayu tempatan; hal ini mungkin akan lari daripada factor pengikut-pengikut puteri Cina tinggal di Bukit Cina yang mengembara ke Melaka dengan Laksamana Yunnan berbangsa Cina Muslim. Namun, kekurangan peringatan yang fizikal secara keseluruahan telah menyebabkan ramai pakar sukar percaya terhadap asal-usul etnik Peranakan Cina.
Sejak beberapa kurun, Peranakan telah mewujudkan satu budaya yang unik dengan mengkekalkan banyak tradisi Cina, seperti meraikan perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, perayaan Tanglung, dengan mengikut budaya tempatan dan juga penjajah. Terdapat tanda-tanda Portugis, Belanda, British, Melayu, dan Indonesia pengaruh dalam budaya Baba dan Nyonya.
Pada pertengahan abad ke-20, kebanyakan Peranakan dididik oleh Inggeris, akibat daripda penjajahan British atas Malaya, dan kecenderungan gologan tersebut mudah menerima budaya baru. Disebabkan Peranakan mudah menerap budaya Inggeris dan berpendidik, kebanyakan jawatan perkhidmatan dipenuhi oleh mereka. Interaksi antara British dengan mereka menyebabkan mereka memeluk agama Kristian. Hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat Peranakan menjadi berpengaruh di Melaka dan Singapura serta mereka lebih dikenali sebagai King’s Chinese (Cina Raja) kerana mereka lebih taat kepada Mahkota British. Disebabkan interaksi daripda pelbagai budaya dan bahasa, kabanyakan Peranakan bertutur tiga bahasa, dan dapat bercakap dengan Cina, Melayu dan British. Biasanya mereka bekerja sebagai pedagang, dan pertenggahan antara Cina, Melayu dan Barat; terutamanya, British.
Dulu guru Bahasa melayu dalam kelas saya juga seorang Baba yang bernama Koh KIm Bok. Guru saya ini amat pandai bermain gasing dan beliau pernah mengelilingi Malaysia bermain acara sukan ini mewakili negari Melaka.
Saya berbendapat bahawa Nyonya dan Baba ini sedikit special untuk masyarakat diMelaka. Kerana kita memang serasi dan amat hormat menghormati antara masyarakat Melayu dan China Baba.
Lebi-lebih lagi Bahasa Melayu dan budayanya adalah hampir sama melainkan kouniti Baba mempunyai unsur budaya China yang amat ketara. Siapa tidak kenal dengan Baba KimTeck seorang pelupur Dondang Sayang yang amat masyhur di bumi Melaka. Dan Andre Goh,, yang segak berbaju Melayu, telah mewarna dunia nyanyian berdekad lama,
Bahasa ibunda Baba ialah Bahasa Melayu. Mereka berpantun berjoget macam orang Melayu jugak.
Sebelum merdeka, kaum2 Baba dan Chetti pernah diiktirafkan sebagai Bumiputera dan mereka ini amat gemar lagu Melayu Asli.
-------------------------------------------------dari wikipedia----------------------------
Baba dan Nyonya adalah segolongan keturunan kaum Cina yang unik kedudukannya di kalangan kaum Cina yang terdapat di Negeri-negeri Selat, Tanah Melayu (kini sebahagian Malaysia), khususnya di negeri Melaka. Bagaimanapun, sebahagian mereka enggan mengakui bahawa mereka adalah orang Cina tetapi sebaliknya mendakwa bahawa mereka adalah rakyat British dan amat berbangga dengan kedudukan ini. Tambahan pula, mereka mengeji pendatang-pendatang Cina yang baru, [1] dan mempunyai kelab tersendiri yang tidak membenarkan pendatang-pendatang Cina masuk. Mereka memanggil diri mereka sebagai "Baba" atau "Peranakan" kerana kebudayaan mereka, yang berasal daripada warisan tradisi Cina, mempunyai unsur-unsur pengaruh kebudayaan Melayu. Penyesuaian dan resapan budaya mereka terhadap suasana sosio-budaya di persekitaran mereka di zaman silam, iaitu melalui perkahwinan campur yang berlaku di antara kaum-kaum Cina dan Melayu, adalah punca utama mengapa generasi-generasi seterusnya memanggil mereka sebagai "Baba". Dari segi anutan, kebanyakannya masih mengekalkan agama tradisional Cina dan Buddha, namun telah ramai yang memeluk agama lain seperti Kristian yang amat popular di kalangan remaja.
Kebanyakan anak-anak Baba dibesarkan mengikut cara hidup dan upacara-upacara agama orang Cina yang diubah oleh unsur-unsur kemelayuan serta unsur-unsur tempatan yang lain. Dalam seratus lima puluh tahun yang lalu, upacara ini telahpun diubah suai. Penghidupan moden yang terlalu cepat meninggalkan sedikit demi sedikit masa lapang untuk persembahan ke atas pengorbanan yang tidak berkesudahan itu. Upacara ini semakin berkurangan disebabkan juga oleh pengaruh Barat, tetapi masih terus diamalkan.[2]
Pada kurun ke-15, wilayah-wilayah kepulauan Melayu selalunya memberi penghormatan kepada pelbagai kerajaan seperti Negara Cina dan Siam. Hubungan diplomatik yang erat telah dibina sejak kurun ke-15, semasa pemerintahan Parameswara, apabila Laksamana Cheng Ho, seorang Cina Muslim melawat Melaka. Menurut penerangan traditional, pada 1459, Raja Cina telah menghantar puteri, Hang Li Po, kepada Sultan Melaka sebagai satu tanda penghargaan kepada penghormatannya. Pengikut-pengikut puteri tinggal di Bukit Cina pada mulanya dan akhirnya lahirnya Peranakan. Peranakan mengkekalkan kebanyakan budaya dan kepercayaan nenek moyang mereka, tetapi bahasa dan budaya Melayu telah diasimilasi. Mereka membina budaya pemakanan yang unik. Banyak sumber memberi tuntutan bahawa Peranakan adalah kahwin campur dengan orang Melayu tempatan; hal ini mungkin akan lari daripada factor pengikut-pengikut puteri Cina tinggal di Bukit Cina yang mengembara ke Melaka dengan Laksamana Yunnan berbangsa Cina Muslim. Namun, kekurangan peringatan yang fizikal secara keseluruahan telah menyebabkan ramai pakar sukar percaya terhadap asal-usul etnik Peranakan Cina.
Sejak beberapa kurun, Peranakan telah mewujudkan satu budaya yang unik dengan mengkekalkan banyak tradisi Cina, seperti meraikan perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, perayaan Tanglung, dengan mengikut budaya tempatan dan juga penjajah. Terdapat tanda-tanda Portugis, Belanda, British, Melayu, dan Indonesia pengaruh dalam budaya Baba dan Nyonya.
Pada pertengahan abad ke-20, kebanyakan Peranakan dididik oleh Inggeris, akibat daripda penjajahan British atas Malaya, dan kecenderungan gologan tersebut mudah menerima budaya baru. Disebabkan Peranakan mudah menerap budaya Inggeris dan berpendidik, kebanyakan jawatan perkhidmatan dipenuhi oleh mereka. Interaksi antara British dengan mereka menyebabkan mereka memeluk agama Kristian. Hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat Peranakan menjadi berpengaruh di Melaka dan Singapura serta mereka lebih dikenali sebagai King’s Chinese (Cina Raja) kerana mereka lebih taat kepada Mahkota British. Disebabkan interaksi daripda pelbagai budaya dan bahasa, kabanyakan Peranakan bertutur tiga bahasa, dan dapat bercakap dengan Cina, Melayu dan British. Biasanya mereka bekerja sebagai pedagang, dan pertenggahan antara Cina, Melayu dan Barat; terutamanya, British.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Kempen Desinosifikasi Pulau Pinang: Kenapa UMNO harus berterimakasih Kepada BERSIH
Sejak kebelakangan kits telah saksikan peningkatan demonstrasi di kalangan persatuan Melayu. satu di Shah Alam dan suatu lagi di depan rumah Ambiga. selama ini Melayu berkurangan dalam hal ehwal demo mendemo ini. Kalau baik untuk mereka maka baiklah untuk kita. Good for the goose is also good for the gander.
Tidak mustahil sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh blogger Gopal ini akan ada satu perarakan raksaksa seperti dinyatakan dibawah ini satu demonstrasi besar-besaran akan diadakan di Pulau Pinang untuk de-sinofikasikan Pulau Pinang kembali kepada orang2 Melayu dengan tidak menggunakan kotak undi sebagai cara.
Bacalah. Sumber takemon.wordpress.com
Bersih appears to have paved the way for the rise of an otherwise complacent and relatively docile political force in Malaysia, its vast rural Malay population.
Ambiga Sreenivasan and the opposition of the Chinese DAP and Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat have ensured a swifter more effective means of realization of the idea of “Ketuanan Melayu”.
Not content with vehemently opposing government assistance to the Malays to advance themselves to the level of the Chinese and Indians in commerce and education, Bersih and the Chinese led opposition has engaged in widespread race hate campaigns directed against Malays. Their latest stunt has now opened up the floodgates to accessing power through illegal street marches, unsubstantiated scurrilous allegations against politicians treated as fact, the force of mob rule and abandonment of the ballot box.
Bersih by its intransigence and its attempt at a naked power grab has signed the death warrant for liberal parliamentary democracy in Malaysia. Bersih’s contempt for the rule of law is manna to the restless rising Malay consiousness.
Regardless of government shortcomings over the decades, the Malays have remained largely steadfast in their support for UMNO and everything Malay it stands for. The Malays are and have always been unwavering in their support for their rulers, their traditions, their community, language, customs and their religion.
That loyalty has long been viewed by others erroneously as a sign of weakness and a sign of backwardness in the Malays. Wrong. Lee Kuan Yew himself once analysed this fall back position on culture and traditions in the Chinese referring to it in the following terms : “culture is that ballast” societies seek to rely on in a changing world.
Culture and tradition provides a sense of stability, balance and purpose. It serves as an anchor in times of turmoil and uncertainty. And there is no greater demonstration of the truth of that statement than is found to exist in the lives of the Malays. Especially the rural Malays.
The Malays have clung on to their “Adat” for centuries with little dilution of its truths and its meanings attached to them. It is their Adat what underpins the concept and the political ideology of the idea of “Ketuanan Melayu”, an idea that is anathema to the migrant classes in Malaysia who will not accept the primacy of the Malays as the first people and the recognized owners of what is “Tanah Melayu”.
Bersih has now somewhat and perhaps unintentionally presented the more radical Malays with an unprecedented opportunity on a silver platter, for the Malays to accelerate the process of Ketuanan Melayu. The means Bersih has adopted is the same tool by which the Malays will set out to carve their political objectives in a New Malaysia they will define. And in place of the ballot box Bersih has shown the more radical amongst the Malays how to use their sheer numbers, riot and disobedience of the law to overcome their timidity in politics.
Many more Malays today are talking of adopting the Bersih method of riot to topple amongst others, that Chinese dominated government of Penang state. It will be according to some, their first major step in a campaign to reclaiming what they believe was always rightfully theirs since time immemorial. A Malay dominated Malaysia.
To the rising rural Malay political consciousness this is redemption of their dignity and reclaiming their cultural heritage given away without their consent at the birth of Malaya first then Malaysia. They will now without hesitation (and courtesy of Bersih’s riot) seek to achieve this political objective by emulating and applying those same methods of the opposition and Bersih as endorsed by Guan Eng, Penang’s chief minister.
If the state of Penang falls by this method, it will without doubt re draw Malaysia’s present multi party and multi cultural landscape. Replacing it will be what Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand have adopted and enforced for ages. A homogenous political culture where culture and traditions of the majority and their politics will become inseparable. Such a change will stand testament to the failure of the Westminster system in a multi cultural democracy. In fact it will re define the meaning of democracy as we now understand it.
The Malays now view the precedence created by lawyers in the Malaysian Bar Council , Ambiga Sreenivasan, Anwar Ibrahim and Guan Eng in street marches and false propaganda campaigns, as a legitimate means for their planned actions across the states. Their methods will necessarily include defiance of legitimate authority, definance of the courts and discarding the ballot box to as a means to an end as Bersih has done.
Substituting the age old democratic process including the ballot box and the courts with those new methods which now Bersih appears to have adopted for themselves, the more radical Malays will seek to secure their political objectives with the same weapons of conflict introduced by Bersih and the opposition.
Unsubstantiated allegations against individual politicians like Penang’s chief minister, his race based Chinese dominated party in much the same way Bersih has used such unfounded allegations against the government of Malaysia and its individual ministers will be substituted for the truth and for policies. And who could blame the Malays now for logically assuming that the precedents set by Bersih has valid moral authority and the force of law over established democratic principles and institutions as the ballot box and the courts?
If as is believed the Malays plan to use street marches, demonstrations, civil society disruptions and general pandemonium to force their demands through they have the numbers to achieve that end. In short if they plan to do what the government they say has tolerated of an unrepresentative mob in Bersih they will succeed.
Bersih after all is nothing more than a mob without a lawful mandate seeking to overthrow government outside of the ballot box on the basis of a whim and a prayer. Most of their demands were met by government. They had no purpose nor reason to defy the law and to riot on 28 April 2012.
Without equivocation it can be said that Bersih has ushered in the birth of Ketuanan Melayu. Ketuanan Melayu is now a juggernaut that will not stop till it achieves all of the objects of Ketuanan Melayu and returns Malaysia to the absolute control of Malays with a government that is Malay complete with, laws, rules and regulations that are consistent with their Adat.
Goodbye to the Westminster traditions of parliamentary democracy as a political legal concept Malaysians have enjoyed at the expense of its majority people till now. Hello street marches, mob rule, unsubstantiated rumours and fear mongering of street mobs as a means of achieving power. Thanks again to Bersih.
And the Malays it appears are serious about their threat. They are in a majority. It is food for thought for the non Malays to contemplate and digest on 28 April 2012 when they face up at Dataran Merdeka.
It appears that Bersih in the heat of its rabid anti Malay propaganda campaigns has miscalculated terribly by precipitating a backlash of a Malay polity feeling under seige. The unintended consequences of a revolution in a hurry by a woman in a hurry cannot be ignored by rational logically minded people.
Malays across the political spectrum will in time to come, thank Ambiga Sreenivasan and Bersih for galvanizing their political consciences into action. (see ”Unintended Consequences of an Arab Revolution” in an earlier post).
Ushering in the birth of that perennial bogey of Malaysian politics, Ketuanan Melayu is midwife to its re birth, Ambiga Sreenivasana, the DAP, PKR and Bersih. In the process, Bersih like the youth of Egypt and Syria and other Arab states has become the catalyst for the rise of a very large dormant and often ignored section of the Malaysian political landscape. The majority Malays.
Apart from a selective politically correct urban Malay elite, the evidence points to a surge in Malay support for the Barisan and UMNO ( McNair Andersen, US State Department February 2012). Independent polls point to the rise of a more reactive, politically savvy, aggressive and nationalistic core within the wider Malay political spectrum.
From within the core in that spectrum are those who agitate for the imposition of Ketuanan Melayu. No more is there a tolerance for consensual or gradual development of Ketuanan Melayu. The call now is for more urgent and immediate action.
Much like with Egypt’s Islamic Brotherhood and its raft of Islamic and traditional parties, these groups within the Malaypolity have been largely ignored by the ‘mainstream’ non Malay opposition and media. To some extent the same is also true of some elements of government. In particularly its urban elitist Malays like Anwar Ibrahim, Zaid Ibrahim and Tengku Razaliegh. These three individuals and dozens more like them are considered nothing more than political chameleons and opportunists on a short Chinese leash by their Malay kin.
Unlike the rural Malays, the opposition enjoys the support of vast social and political networks in the west and in the Chinese diaspora, all allied to anti Islamic NGO groups. The Malay’s though like the Egyptian example have been insular and isolated till now. Isolated from their kith and kin in south east Asia (Indonesia, the Phillipines and Thailand) by colonial rule. The actions of Bersih on 28 April 2012 has precipitated a crisis they will live to regret.
The Malays have now been given that ”kiss of life” by Bersih in much the same way the Egyptian elites and their pro western youth provided for the Islamic brotherhood and their allies unintentionally catapulting the Brotherhood and the traditional and religious parties into a power orbit beyond their wildest dreams.
Bersih in a myopic self centred execution of the individual political ambitions of its leader has failed to factor in or foresee the resulting consequential damage of its actions to the existing liberal political framework that is Malaysia. In its wake it has awakened a sleeping dragon in Ketuanan Melayu.
The failures of Bersih in this respect may be irreversible. It may well be the forerunner of a disastrous future for non Malay Malaysians not content with their prosperous existence for decades in a country they call their own. It may now well be that the ultimate objective of Malay independence will be realized by the majority Malays.
31 August and the cosmetic “declaration of independence” engineered y the British and Chinese in 1957 may well be history soon. Thanks to Bersih, the DAP and PKR.
It appears that the stage has now been set for the irreversible and inevitable rise of Ketuanan Melayu, the ideology and the aspirations of a majority in a democracy. Unlike Bersih the loud hailer of a minority they the Malays have the numbers. Their government is the incumbent government and the advantage is their.
Guan Eng Penang’s chief minister has made the fatal mistake of endorsing support for the Bersih rally in Kuala Lumpur on 28 April 2012. He has in the process given legitimacy to the idea of unrepresentative crowds from a minority demanding a transfer of power outside the ballot box. Demanding the removal of a duly elected government of a majority on the whim of a suspicion and the strength of political gossip.
What would Guan Eng do if a Malay gathering of say 500,000 (as is being planned by Malays) demanding the de sinofication of Penang, the removal of its Chinese leaders and a return to its traditional Malay cultural roots occurs in the days to come? It is not a proposition anyone especially Guan Eng ought to take lightly. Such a scenario is now more of a reality than it ever was before.
Thanks to Bersih. Thanks to loud minorities planned counter rallies by Malays demanding change as particularly in the constitution (outside the democratic process as Bersih claims legitimacy to) is now a reality.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Samaunkol AK47 to be next Donkey DAP?
which donkey is more handsome 😝? Arsepen or the guy who used to fail the people from Pulau Manis?
Read this latest 'shite' from pure shite but a gem.
It is hard to believe the general vacancy is NOT conspired by neither Samaunkol or Aspen.
At last a position for these UMNO failures are now within their grasp.
their jobs are only to demonising UMNO.
never in their fucking minds is the interest of the Malays in DAP.
They are just donkeys or Mules waiting to be onto the big time!!,
As expected, Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim finally quits DAP as its vice-chairman, barely three years after joining it.
In his short text message to Bernama, he did not give any reason for the decision but it is publicly known that the row over his dejection for Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28 prompted him to leave the opposition.
Personally, I perceive it as a true gentleman's move. Besides, being the only Malay general in the Chinese-dominated circle, he probably realised how he has all the while been made as strap for the party's leadership.
He couldn't speak louder than Karpal, Kit Siang or Guan Eng. He got to spell out everything before the top leadership for any statement he wanted to make.
However, Bersih 3.0 was his wake up call. At 78, he believe in his country's stability, prosperity and peace as most important than extreme politics. He is old enough to detect the rotten agenda behind Bersih and its devastating impact on national security.
Even as a DAP leader then, the Senator was seldom heard. Despite being with the opposition, he valued national harmony and didn't believe in unseating a popular government by means of force. He loves the country just like others who objected to Bersih.
As for the DAP, it has to find a 'Malay replacement' for him to give the impression that it is a multi-racial party. But who would be the donkey this time?
Tunku Aziz's next move is still unknown. However, he is a wise man...
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Pukimak punyer Patrick Teoh dan rakan2 mengherdik Najib dan Melayu di O2, London
Sedih saya melihat beberapa ultra kiasu yang kurang ajar mengherdik seorang PM yang dipilih dengan sah. Setelah beberapa fitnah seperti Altantuya dan Scorpene maka mereka kini menggunakna laungan BERSIH untuk memalukan PM di London. Adakah mereka ini ingin mengajar kita, orang Melayu menjadi lebih kirang ajar. 2 can play at the same game, mah.
Sasikhlah video dan lebih2 lagi komen dari Patrick Teoh dan Feroz Dawson. Msaalha cina ultra kiasu dan Mat Salleh celup ingat mereka ini pandai sangat,berak pun tak tahu nak cebok.
Pikir2kanlah. Orang Melayu UMNO ada diri. Tetapi nampaknya ini telah terlampau kerapdan saya pikr sudah sampai masanya orang2 Melayu stand up and be counted.Even if our lives are lost. I maybe not obessed with Najib, but heckling is not our culture. UMNO members must stand up and always be prepared.
If our leaders are treated this way, there is no othe way but to safeguard our honour.
Sasikhlah video dan lebih2 lagi komen dari Patrick Teoh dan Feroz Dawson. Msaalha cina ultra kiasu dan Mat Salleh celup ingat mereka ini pandai sangat,berak pun tak tahu nak cebok.
Pikir2kanlah. Orang Melayu UMNO ada diri. Tetapi nampaknya ini telah terlampau kerapdan saya pikr sudah sampai masanya orang2 Melayu stand up and be counted.Even if our lives are lost. I maybe not obessed with Najib, but heckling is not our culture. UMNO members must stand up and always be prepared.
If our leaders are treated this way, there is no othe way but to safeguard our honour.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dari badurrakyat: kenapa bersih diadakan di Dataran dan bukan Stadium Merdeka
Hakikat nya dengan bilangan yang hanya 40ribu, kekurangan sambutan akan lagi ketara. Sebab tu mereka buat ditempat yang sempit dan impak kepada perniagaan untuk mengwujudkan huruhara.
Dari badut rakyat
Sambutan Ulang Tahun UMNO Ke-66 disambut dengan begitu bersemangat dan meriah Malam Semalam.Stadium Bukit Jalil yang mempunyai kapasiti 100,000 penuh sesak sehingga tidak cukup tempat duduk.Tidak salah jika dikatakan bahawa sambutan ini adalah yang paling bersemangat dan hebat sejak berakhirnya era pemerintahan Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.Petikan lirik lagu UMNO iaitu,‘UMNO Terus Mara’ adalah tepat untuk menggambarkan perjuangan parti yang banyak berjasa ini.Walaupun dicabar,ditentang dan diasak dari luar,dari dalam dan sejak dahulu sehingga sekarang, UMNO kekal tegak berdiri memikul amanah agama, bangsa dan negara.Jika Pakatan Haram masih enggan mengakui akan kekuatan UMNO,maka mereka harus berfikir sekali lagi selepas menyaksikan perhimpunan raksaksa ini.
Tetapi,saya yakin bahawa Pakatan Haram sebenarnya cukup maklum akan kekuatan UMNO dan kerana itulah mereka perlu mengadakan BERSIH,perlu mempersoalkan sistem pilihanraya, perlu menggembar-gemburkan kisah pengundi hantu dan sebagainya untuk dijadikan alasan apabila kalah dalam pilihanraya nanti.saya tahu lah semua ini.saya pun bekas Pakatan Haram juga.oppsss...Kerana itulah juga mereka tidak jemu-jemu berusaha menjatuhkan UMNO melalui jalan belakang bagi mengelak dari melalui pilihanraya.
Begitu jelas sekali bahawa sokongan terhadap Pakatan Haram tidaklah sekuat laungan fitnah yang mereka lemparkan terhadap kerajaan.Malah,perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 yang ditaja oleh zionis,di mana peserta-peserta diberi bayaran juga hanya mampu mengumpul lebih kurang 25,000 orang sahaja.Itupun setelah dicampur dengan kumpulan penentang Lynas dan penyokong LGBT yang menyasarkan musuh yang sama iaitu UMNO.Justeru,di manakah yang dikatakan kekuatan Pakatan Haram ??? Di dalam laman sosial di internet sajakah ??? Kenapakah penyokong-penyokong tegar di internet itu tidak mampu dikumpulkan secara tersusun untuk turun berdemonstrasi ketika BERSIH 3.0 ??? Apakah mereka tidak cukup bersemangat ??? Atau tidak cukup keyakinan ??? Atau pengecut ??? Atau bayaran yang diberi oleh pihak Pakatan Haram /BERSIH terlalu rendah ???
Jawapannya ialah kerana penyokong mereka tidak seramai mana.Segelintir yang ada itu pula pondan-pondan,pengecut dan pak-pak turut belaka Yang kononnya ingin berjuang tetapi terhegeh-hegeh meminta simpati apabila cedera.Kerana itulah BERSIH 3.0 gagal dan kerana itulah juga pembangkang bakal kalah lagi dalam pilihanraya kali ini.Walaubagaimanapun,saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pakatan Haram kerana saya percaya,semangat yang memuncak dan kesedaran yang meningkat di kalangan golongan atas pagar yang diterjemah dalam sambutan ulang tahun UMNO adalah sedikit sebanyak berpunca dari sikap dan kelemahan Pakatan Haram sendiri,terutamanya dalam penganjuran BERSIH 3.0.
Sesungguhnya,sifat Pakatan Haram yang sentiasa bergelumang dengan skandal dan suka melakukan kerosakan,memudahkan kerja UMNO.Jika Pakatan Haram perlu melakukan penipuan dan memfitnah seperti memalsukan gambar dan mereka-reka cerita tentang keburukan pemimpin UMNO,UMNO pula tidak perlu berbuat begitu.UMNO hanya perlu tunggu dan lihat sahaja bagaimana Pakatan Haram ‘membunuh’ diri mereka sendiri secara perlahan-lahan.
Itulah bezanya parti yang berjasa dengan parti yang hanya tahu bercakap.Manusia yang banyak bercakap selalunya akan lebih banyak berbuat silap. Begitu jugalah dengan pembangkang yang saban hari kerjanya adalah bercakap,berkempen dan berceramah.Semakin lama semakin banyak yang mereka tersasul dan semakin teruk mereka merapu.UMNO pula tidak perlu bercakap banyak dan hanya bercakap bila perlu. Selebihnya UMNO bekerja untuk rakyat dan untuk negara. Hari ini, kita bertuah dapat menyaksikan UMNO bangkit kembali dari kecederaan dan terus mara menuju pilihanraya demi agama, bangsa dan negara !!!
Hidup UMNO !!! Hidup Melayu !!! Allah selamatkan Malaysia !!!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Bila Buku bertemu ruas, don't get mad, get even with BERSIH organisers
Syabas kepada persatuan peniaga yang sanggup memberi pelajaran yang berguna kepada AMBIGA ketua BERSIH 3.0 bila mereka memberi pendokong LGBT ini 'a taste of her own medicine'.
Bak kata orang putih, Don't get mad, get even.
20 orang peniaga ini mengadakan perhimpunan aman ditempat yang mereka pilih sendiri, iaitu didepan rumahnya sendiri.
Saya minta semua penentang BERSIH pergi ke warung burger ini untuk membersihkan semua burger ini dan kalau boleh kita majukan perniagaan mereka ini dan harapkan peniaga akan terus berniaga didepan rumahnya. Kemungkinan, Ambiga akan menyuruh jirannya untuk memaksa PDRM menutup warung sementara ini. Dan kita minta agar DBKL jangan akur dengan permintaan AMBIGA.
Dan jangan berhenti disitu sahaja. Lepas ini buat didepan A Samad Said pulak dan seterusnya didepan mereka yang medokong BERSIH di Dataran Merdeka tempuhari.
Barulah padan muka si Ambiga dan barulah dia tahu. Bila dah terkena batang hidung sendiri terdedahlah pula perangai sebenarnya ketika sekumpulan 20 peniaga mewakili Pertubuhan Ikatan Usahawan Kecil dan Sederhana Malaysia (Ikhlas) berhimpun di hadapan kediamannya di Jalan Setia Kasih 1, Bukit Damansara.
Mereka ni mendesak agar pengerusi Bersih 3.0 si Ambiga meminta maaf secara terbuka kerana menganjurkan perhimpunan tersebut dan menjelaskan pampasan kerugian yang dialami para peniaga pada perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 dan terbaru Bersih 3.0 di sekitar Kuala Lumpur.
Dah jadi macam orang biol lah pula. Mana tak nya, si Ambiga memang lantang mengkritik dan sering mempertikaikan kewibawaan Polis Diraja Malaysia menjalankan tugas mereka.
Si Ambiga ibarat menjilat ludah sendiri apabila mendapatkan bantuan pasukan keselamatan itu semula untuk melindungi dirinya. Tempohari si Ambiga ni memperjudikan keamanan negara, mengutuk, mencerca dan mengancam keselamatan pelbagai pihak ditengah jalanraya.
Sekarang si Ambiga ni membuat laporan polis pula setelah merasakan keselamatan diri terancam.
Pertubuhan bukan kerajaan itu bertindak sebegitu untuk mendesak Ambiga meminta maaf secara terbuka kerana menganjurkan perhimpunan tersebut dan jelaskan pampasan kerugian yang dialami para peniaga pada perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 dan terbaru Bersih 3.0 yang lalu.
Pertubuhan ni mahu Ambiga merasai bagaimana sukarnya untuk menjalankan aktiviti harian apabila bantahan dan perhimpunan diadakan di hadapan rumahnya sendiri. Biar si Ambiga ni rasa bagaimana sukarnya untuk keluar rumah, menghantar anak ke sekolah ataupun terlibat dengan kecemasan apabila laluan dihalang dengan peserta perhimpunan.
Kata salah sorang dari mereka, "Hari ini baru permulaan, kalau Ambiga masih tidak mahu bertanggungjawab, kita akan himpunkan lebih ramai peniaga di hadapan rumahnya," tegasnya.
Barulah padan muka si Ambiga...!!!
Sumber: KLBOYZ
Monday, May 7, 2012
Yayasan Selangor di Rogol.: Ilham Marzuki dilembu atau di kuda oleh Pembangkang
Sejak kebelakangan kita sedikit sedikit dapat berita pasal Yayasan Selangor. Mula-mula, kes kemurkaan Sultan tentang pembaziran dana dalam majlis meraikan keputeraan baginda. Lepas tu, dana untuk menolong anak Bumiputera Selangor miskin dari pendalaman dari segi bantuan tempat tinggal dan biasiswa yang YS hapuskan atas desakan Exco DAP kononnya YS tidak mampu.
Rupa2nya atas desakan DAP, YS yang telah banyak membantu orang Melayu kurang berkemampuan, kini sedang hebat diserang oleh DAP.
Tanggungjawab untuk menjaga kebajikan anak2 Selangor telah di berhentikan ole Ilham Marzuki dan kononnya ini adalah tanggungjawab Kerajaan Pusat. Selama 5 abad YS berbakti kepada rakyat miskin Selangor dengan bantuan biasiswa, kini YS telah memberhentikan program ini dengan alasan ia tidak berduit untuk meneruskan program .
Alasan apa ini kalau kerajaan negeri Selangor bangga dengan pemberian air percuma tetapi tiada pula duit untuk mengisi dana ini.
Adakah ini akibat dari pengurusan yang rabun dekat. Sudah tentu kalau air tidak diberi secara percuma, duit ini mungkin boleh digunakan untuk tujuan tabung ini. Selama 50 tahun kerajaan BN tidak ada masaalah menguruskan biasiswa YS, mengapa hanya 4 tahun sahaja PR memerintah YS sudah tak de duit. Podah!
Rupa2nya atas desakan DAP, YS yang telah banyak membantu orang Melayu kurang berkemampuan, kini sedang hebat diserang oleh DAP.
Tanggungjawab untuk menjaga kebajikan anak2 Selangor telah di berhentikan ole Ilham Marzuki dan kononnya ini adalah tanggungjawab Kerajaan Pusat. Selama 5 abad YS berbakti kepada rakyat miskin Selangor dengan bantuan biasiswa, kini YS telah memberhentikan program ini dengan alasan ia tidak berduit untuk meneruskan program .
Alasan apa ini kalau kerajaan negeri Selangor bangga dengan pemberian air percuma tetapi tiada pula duit untuk mengisi dana ini.
Adakah ini akibat dari pengurusan yang rabun dekat. Sudah tentu kalau air tidak diberi secara percuma, duit ini mungkin boleh digunakan untuk tujuan tabung ini. Selama 50 tahun kerajaan BN tidak ada masaalah menguruskan biasiswa YS, mengapa hanya 4 tahun sahaja PR memerintah YS sudah tak de duit. Podah!
Kini tanah milik YS di Kelang pula ingin di rampas untuk diberi kepada DAP, untuk selanjutnya klik di sini.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Nak habiskan dana Amerika-Israel BERSIH dijalankan jua
Kita tahu dana dari Amerika dan Israel lah yang digunakan (adalah dana Negeri Selangor yang disonglapkan untuk program mesra rakyat konon) semasa kebanyakkan program pakatan.
BERSIH juga ada banyak dana yang datang dari Amerika, lebih2 lagi selepas lawatan Ambiga ke Amerika.
Dengan disamarkan pemberian anugerah kepada Ambiga, dana juga disalurkan.
Selalunya, Dana ini perlu dibelanjakan. Kemana lagi kalau tidak program2 anti kerajaan seperti LGBT dan BERSIT3.0 dan juga untuk menukarkan agama islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia.
Program2 ini semua boleh mengundang rusuhan dan kepala2 mereka dibedal. Ada yang akan ditangkap dan perlukan khidmat guaman yang kononnya percuma tetapi dsalurkan pembayaran dari Dana Amerika yang sama.
Bacalah lagi disini bukti saluran Dana dari Amerika dan sini
BERSIH juga ada banyak dana yang datang dari Amerika, lebih2 lagi selepas lawatan Ambiga ke Amerika.
Dengan disamarkan pemberian anugerah kepada Ambiga, dana juga disalurkan.
Selalunya, Dana ini perlu dibelanjakan. Kemana lagi kalau tidak program2 anti kerajaan seperti LGBT dan BERSIT3.0 dan juga untuk menukarkan agama islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia.
Program2 ini semua boleh mengundang rusuhan dan kepala2 mereka dibedal. Ada yang akan ditangkap dan perlukan khidmat guaman yang kononnya percuma tetapi dsalurkan pembayaran dari Dana Amerika yang sama.
Bacalah lagi disini bukti saluran Dana dari Amerika dan sini
BERSIH3.0 dan Video 'Azmin Ali': Masyarakat Malaysia suka membuat khabar angin
Masyarakat kita memang nombor satu suka membuat khabar angin. Kenapa?
Mungkin mereka ini memang suka dengar khabar angin. Bagaikan hidup mati mereka adalah diatas pembohongan.
Dari media utama sehingga ke blog utama.
Walaupun dari segi Islam dilarang mengaibkan orang, namun orang-orang diaibkan ini masih berlagak seperti tiada apa2 yang berlaku. Maka jadi lah proses saman menyaman. Dia kata dia difitnah. Blog ini kata dia ada sumber dan tidak mahu tunjuk kerana tidak mahu mengaibkan.
Dey, hakikatnya kalau orang2 ini tidak makan diaib kenapa tunggu lagi? Kita harus tunjuk aje kerana kalau kita ada kebenaran dan amaran telah diberikan kalau sipolan tak mahu berundur maka tidakkah harus bukit dipaparkan. Kerana kita dah bosan dan muak dengan kerjaan saman menyaman dan yang akhirnya kaya media kerajaan dan pembangkang utama. Dan mahkamah juga terpaksa membuang masa.
Sama juga dengan BERSIH 3.0, ada yang kata dua orang polis yang berada dalam kereta dan merempuh, walaupun dari video2 hanya satu. Samada si polis itu pengsan, kita tidak tahu hendak membuktikan. Yang terang itu, Mana bukti video ada dua orang polis? Elek!!! Polis provokasi maka huruhara. Bukti? Elek!!!
Dan yang kononnya polis dibunuh, mana dia buktinya? Zilth. Ada tembakan? Bukti? Elek!
Saya pernah ditahan oleh seorang penduduk dikawasan Bukit Antarabangsa yang saya tahu mereka ini pernah mengundi pembangkang. Apa yang dikata pasal pendemo ini? "Bunuh sahaja. Mereka ini hendak terikut menjadi Mesir konon. Menyusahkan! Ingat kami tak boleh nak turun kalau perlu menentang orang bangsat macam BERSIH". Bang, rileks bang. Walaupun ini baik untuk UMNO, tetapi UMNO tidak akan sampai ketahap itu.
Kita pecaya masih ramai yang pernah mengundi Pakatan sebenarnya masih menyayangi UMNO. Mereka lebih cerdik dari perusuh2 yang otak lembu sudah masuk dalam kepala. Duduh Bantah? Dua Jam? Semua itu tak menjadi. Bila sudah sampai bersurai. Surailah jangan berlegar2. Itu bukti pendemo yang aman, Undang2 hanya memberi hak untuk berhimpun secara aman, bukan bersurai secara merusuh.
Mungkin mereka ini memang suka dengar khabar angin. Bagaikan hidup mati mereka adalah diatas pembohongan.
Dari media utama sehingga ke blog utama.
Walaupun dari segi Islam dilarang mengaibkan orang, namun orang-orang diaibkan ini masih berlagak seperti tiada apa2 yang berlaku. Maka jadi lah proses saman menyaman. Dia kata dia difitnah. Blog ini kata dia ada sumber dan tidak mahu tunjuk kerana tidak mahu mengaibkan.
Dey, hakikatnya kalau orang2 ini tidak makan diaib kenapa tunggu lagi? Kita harus tunjuk aje kerana kalau kita ada kebenaran dan amaran telah diberikan kalau sipolan tak mahu berundur maka tidakkah harus bukit dipaparkan. Kerana kita dah bosan dan muak dengan kerjaan saman menyaman dan yang akhirnya kaya media kerajaan dan pembangkang utama. Dan mahkamah juga terpaksa membuang masa.
Sama juga dengan BERSIH 3.0, ada yang kata dua orang polis yang berada dalam kereta dan merempuh, walaupun dari video2 hanya satu. Samada si polis itu pengsan, kita tidak tahu hendak membuktikan. Yang terang itu, Mana bukti video ada dua orang polis? Elek!!! Polis provokasi maka huruhara. Bukti? Elek!!!
Dan yang kononnya polis dibunuh, mana dia buktinya? Zilth. Ada tembakan? Bukti? Elek!
Saya pernah ditahan oleh seorang penduduk dikawasan Bukit Antarabangsa yang saya tahu mereka ini pernah mengundi pembangkang. Apa yang dikata pasal pendemo ini? "Bunuh sahaja. Mereka ini hendak terikut menjadi Mesir konon. Menyusahkan! Ingat kami tak boleh nak turun kalau perlu menentang orang bangsat macam BERSIH". Bang, rileks bang. Walaupun ini baik untuk UMNO, tetapi UMNO tidak akan sampai ketahap itu.
Kita pecaya masih ramai yang pernah mengundi Pakatan sebenarnya masih menyayangi UMNO. Mereka lebih cerdik dari perusuh2 yang otak lembu sudah masuk dalam kepala. Duduh Bantah? Dua Jam? Semua itu tak menjadi. Bila sudah sampai bersurai. Surailah jangan berlegar2. Itu bukti pendemo yang aman, Undang2 hanya memberi hak untuk berhimpun secara aman, bukan bersurai secara merusuh.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Pakatan rakyat sudah main kotor, UMNO/ BN bila lagi?
Semakin hari kena sudah nampak demonstrasi satu demonstrasi diadakan dengan ramai peserta telah turut, dan pihak menyokong kerajaan telah menunjukkan restrain dengan tidak juga menurunkan kegelanggang yang sama.
Kita telah perhatikan bagaimana mereka ini mengambil kesempatan dengan kelemahan KDN dalam menangi isu ini.
Sudah sampai masanya UMNO dan BN main dengan apa cara sekalipun. Ada yang mengatakan kotor? Tetapi binatang tidak tahu apa Erti kotor.
Kalau ada 'peluru' jangan disimpan2 lagi, keluarkan apa jua yang terang lagi bersuluh kepincangan pemimpin mereka yang biadap. Kita tidak perlu menjadi gentleman kerana semboyan telah pun dibunyikan. 'No holds barred' kerana binatang tidak akan faham undang2 manusia yang dicipta oleh Allah. Mereka hanya faham undang2 binatang yang diciptakan oleh ALLAH.
Benarkah ada pegawai Polis mati semasa bersih?
Ada mendengar desas desus mengatakan ada satu kematian dikalangan anggota POLIS semasa BERSIH3.0 yang tidak diwar2kan atas sebab tertentu.
samada ini hanya satu khabar angin, adalah baik sekiranya PDRM comes clean, kerana sebagai rakyat marhaen kita kena tahu.
Salah satu blog ada melaporkan samada kematian ini akibat dari ancaman BERSIH atau tidak PDRM harus mengadakan satu Royal Commisiion untuk menyiasat kenapa berlaku dan bagaimana untuk menghindarkannya dari berlaku lagi.
Suruhanjaya diRaja ini perlu ambil kira samada demonstrasi sebegini yang mencecah kepada 150000 ini patut diadakan memandangkan PDRM tidak berkemampuan untuk mengawal di kawasan Dataran Merdeka yang agak sempit dengan bilangan anggota yang terhad.
Juga, adakah Penganjur mesti mengambil tanggungjawab diatas segala kerugian oleh DBKL Dan Peniaga2 di sekitar kawasan Ground Zero. yang kita tahu banyak kawasan pelancung telah rosak dan perlukan kos untuk dibaik pulih seperti mahkamah lama.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Benarkah Polis menembak kepada perusuh? Kenapa Ambiga mengatakan BERSIH 3.0 berjaya sebelum PRU 13 diadakan?
Saya telah ke blog tukaq tiub yang pernah satu dulu melutut nak baik ke Malaysia setelah larikan Diri ke UK atas Nama Suaka politik.
Yang Ingin saya Tanya benarkah Ada tembakan dikeluarkan Oleh Polis Kerana dia telah melaporkan susasan jadi getir bila pendemo di tembak. Saya telah berkali2 mencari bukti tapi tidak jumpa. Yang hanya saya tahu adalah satu lapuran ada tembakan tapi ini hanya sekadar lapuran yang mungkin tidak betul dalam kekeliruan. Dan Kalau betul ada, mengapa tembakan ini dilepaskan.?
Saya juga hairan mengapa Ambiga menyatakan demonstrasi kali ini berjaya walaupun PRU belum dijalankan. Setahu saya, tujuan demo ini adalah untuk memastikan PRU yang adil dan ini hanya boleh di pastikan seasa dan selepas PRU kali ini. namun Ambiga telah merumuskan terlalu awal seakan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dari segi objektifnya.
Adakah Ambiga tahu bahawa rusuhan akan berlaku dan demo ini adalah semata2nya untuk menyediakan ruang untuk mengwujudkan ketidaktentuan dan tidak setabilan agar kejadian untuk merusuh dan menyalahkan pihak polis sejurus ya pihak BN dan kerajaan.
Kenapa perlu ada pemerhati 'bebas' dari pihak Australia pada saat demo ini diadakan? Yang sudah tahu apa yang akan dilapurkan sudah pasti 'bias' kerana pihak Austaralia sudah lama bengkek dengan Malaysia.
Saya juga tertanya kenapa polis yang memandu seorang diri dalam kereta menjadi 'threat' kepada Pendemo2 dan adakah beliau menbuat ancaman sehingga kereta beliau boleh dipijak2 begitu mudah? Semua ini tidak masuk akal.
Saya kira, berita yang dilaporkan oleh BBC berkenaan tembakan itu sengaja diadakan oleh orang2 tertentu untuk memberi satu gambaran yang tidak baik atau alasan kepada media asing.
Kita boleh ambil lapuran seorang budak China, salah seorang ketua demonstrasi "Occupy Dataran Merdeka" Yang mempersoalkan Dato seri Anwar Ibrahim yang sengaja hijack demonstrasi BERSIH kali ini. Dan benarlah rusuhan adalah terancang untuk menyalahkan PDRM dan sebagai alat kerajaan Tuanku dan BN.
Sherlock Homes pernah berkata bahawa sekiranya kita menolak kesemua bukti yang tidak masuk akal maka yang tinggal adalah yang benar.
Yang Ingin saya Tanya benarkah Ada tembakan dikeluarkan Oleh Polis Kerana dia telah melaporkan susasan jadi getir bila pendemo di tembak. Saya telah berkali2 mencari bukti tapi tidak jumpa. Yang hanya saya tahu adalah satu lapuran ada tembakan tapi ini hanya sekadar lapuran yang mungkin tidak betul dalam kekeliruan. Dan Kalau betul ada, mengapa tembakan ini dilepaskan.?
Saya juga hairan mengapa Ambiga menyatakan demonstrasi kali ini berjaya walaupun PRU belum dijalankan. Setahu saya, tujuan demo ini adalah untuk memastikan PRU yang adil dan ini hanya boleh di pastikan seasa dan selepas PRU kali ini. namun Ambiga telah merumuskan terlalu awal seakan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dari segi objektifnya.
Adakah Ambiga tahu bahawa rusuhan akan berlaku dan demo ini adalah semata2nya untuk menyediakan ruang untuk mengwujudkan ketidaktentuan dan tidak setabilan agar kejadian untuk merusuh dan menyalahkan pihak polis sejurus ya pihak BN dan kerajaan.
Kenapa perlu ada pemerhati 'bebas' dari pihak Australia pada saat demo ini diadakan? Yang sudah tahu apa yang akan dilapurkan sudah pasti 'bias' kerana pihak Austaralia sudah lama bengkek dengan Malaysia.
Saya juga tertanya kenapa polis yang memandu seorang diri dalam kereta menjadi 'threat' kepada Pendemo2 dan adakah beliau menbuat ancaman sehingga kereta beliau boleh dipijak2 begitu mudah? Semua ini tidak masuk akal.
Saya kira, berita yang dilaporkan oleh BBC berkenaan tembakan itu sengaja diadakan oleh orang2 tertentu untuk memberi satu gambaran yang tidak baik atau alasan kepada media asing.
Kita boleh ambil lapuran seorang budak China, salah seorang ketua demonstrasi "Occupy Dataran Merdeka" Yang mempersoalkan Dato seri Anwar Ibrahim yang sengaja hijack demonstrasi BERSIH kali ini. Dan benarlah rusuhan adalah terancang untuk menyalahkan PDRM dan sebagai alat kerajaan Tuanku dan BN.
Sherlock Homes pernah berkata bahawa sekiranya kita menolak kesemua bukti yang tidak masuk akal maka yang tinggal adalah yang benar.
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