Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Al Imran

Sementara itu, Pengerusi Biro Agama dan Ulama Majlis Veteran UMNO Kelantan, Prof Madya Mohd Noor Deris, berkata proses mubahalah ada dinyatakan di dalam al-Quran melalui ayat al-Imran ayat 61. 

“Perkara ini adalah kemuncak untuk mendapatkan kebenaran bagi mengelak tuduh menuduh... jadi mereka yang saling menuduh boleh bersumpah laknat untuk menyatakan apa yang dikatakan itu adalah perkara benar.
“Mubahalah dilakukan untuk menyatakan kebenaran dan menegakkan hujah terhadap sesuatu perkara yang tidak dapat dibuktikan dengan setiap individu berdoa bersungguh-sungguh dan bersumpah saling melaknat antara satu sama lain,” katanya. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Video T: Sam Ketot dan kuncu2 biol cemari masjid Bandar Baru Sentul

Ketua AMK, yang dikenali sebagai Sam Ketot, berjaya mencemari kesucian Masjid di Bandar Baru Sentul yang dikatakan tempat Datuk Eskay dan TS Rahim Thambychik akan bersumpah laknat.

Saya dan rakan blogger saya telah ke sana untuk meninjau keadaan dan meyaksi pertama kali orang Islam bersumpah laknat dalam masjid. Saya mengaku yang saya tidak pernah saksikan dalam hidup saya sumpah laknat sebegini.

Keadaan nampak tenang semasa kami sampai diruang luar masjid. Nampak beberapa orang pemberita sedang duduk bersama beberapa orang yang tidak dapat dipastikan mereka pengikut pakatan pembangkang, BN, atau Atas Pagar.

Yang nyata keadaan bertambah tegang selepas solat Jumaat bila tampak seorang pegawai masjid itu sendiri sengaja menhangatkan keadaan menjerit Takebeer dengan kuat dan disambut dengan penganut ajaran sesat dengan lebih kuat lagi.

Pengikut2 Sam Ketot ini bagaikan orang terasuk syaitan asyik meracau dan ada cuba memijak pegawai JAWI yang agaknya datang semata2 untuk memastikan acara Sumpah itu dijalankan dengan cara yang betul dan tidak menghina masjid sebagai ruang untuk orang Islam beribadah dan juga untuk membersihkan dirin mereka dalam hal2 yang tertentu.

Sam Ketot dan samseng2 masjid telah mengambilkan kesempatan dengan mengugut Pegawai Masjid dan JAWI. Apa lagi, jadilah hero ketot ini yang tingginya lebih sedikit dari Ibrahim Pendek.

Yang peliknya bukankah Sam Ketot pernah mengaku beliau ada simpan banyak Video Lucah yang kononnya membabit pemimpin tertentu. Beliau yang membawa dan mnegupah beberapa pelajar Universiti yang masih berhingus untuk membawa spanduk "Qazaf" yang sudah pasti mereka ini di 'kaldaikan' oleh PGayR dan sudah ternyata bahawa mereka sendiri tidak faham hukum Qazaf. Sudahlah itu, Pakatan Pembangkan nampaknya dapat hanya menarik minat orang gila yang seperti dirasukkan hantu yang asyik mengugut mana orang2 Islam yang datang untuk menyaksikan sumpah laknat ini yang nampak marah dengan tindak tanduk PGayR dan PAS yang sengaja mencermari ruang minbar dengan memaki hamun dengan perkataan "Puki Mak" dan lain-lain lagi.

Bedebar hati saya, kerana ini dalam masjid. Kita harus bersabar walau bagaimanapun. Ini tidak mereka asyik terpekik terlolong macam Allah sendiri tidak tahu yang NYA Maha Besar.

Ikut sesetengah pihak, darah mereka ini halal kerana mencemari masjid dan bertindak melarang orang Islam lain untuk menggunakkan masjid untuk membersihkan mereka dari tuduhan menfitnah. Ini adalah jalan yang sudah disediakan. Pernah juga Anwar Ibrahim bersumpat sekali semasa zaman reformasi dahulu kala semasa saya juga pernah tertipu dengan imej yang di bawakan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Saya akan post satu link yang menunjukkan Sam Ketot berucap dan mengugut AJK masjid dan Pegawai JAWI. Kalau kamu tak nampak Sam, sahlah dia itu ketot.
Update: Kami balik dalam pukul 3. Pada pukul 4 ptg, Dato' Eskay datang dan membuat sumpah laknat.

Lihat juga di blog APA dan Taiping Mali.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Anwar : saya lelaki X bukan Y

Mana boleh saya lelaki Y , saya lelaki X.

Kita konon Di gempari dengan berita X n Y.

Alo, ini berita dah basi dah tak payah nak Di wawarkan.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Polis mesti tangkap Viktor Wong kerana menghina Sultan dan orang2 Melayu

Takke Puki Mak (Faraj Bonda) Viktor Wong ni, pengurus blog DAP Bagan. Samada dia ni betul2 pendatang yang tidak tahu sejarah tanah melayu atau sengaja bertindak biadap terhadap Sultan Melayu. Atau terang2 nak persendakan yang Sultan Melayu tidak boleh buat apa.
Ataupun sudah sampai masanya kita amati apa2 yang mencetuskan trajedi 13 Mei?

Ini dia petikan dari blognya.
A Perak Umno state assemblyman for Slim Mohd Khusairi Talib had recently told the press that he felt so much offended and insulted by two DAP state assemblymen, A.Sivanesan (Sungkai) and V.Sivakumar (Tronoh) who wore their traditional Indian attires Jippa and Dhoti during the state legislative assembly sitting.

Just what the heck this racist Mohd Khusairi is trying to prove? Wearing a traditional cultural attire would insult you or the state legislative assembly? Which provision in the standing orders of the state legislative assembly or the state constitution says that state assemblymen are barred from wearing traditional attires or lounge suite during the state legislative assembly sitting?

No, nothing was mentioned at all pertaining the attires that are compulsory during the state legislative assembly sittings. It is just that Mohd Khusairi is a racist who belongs to a racist-based political party called Umno. Umno is the political party who started the May 13 1969 racial riots that saw thousands of people killed and murdered at that time.

On last Tuesday, another DAP state assemblyman Nga Kor Ming also went to the state legislative assembly sitting wearing a lounge suit instead of the formal ceremonial white uniform attire with a songkok. Nga's wear then came under fire from a number of state assemblymen particularly from Umno. The sole MCA state assemblyman Dr Mah Hang Soon kept a distant from his Umno colleagues and choose not to criticize Nga.

We understand that the Regent of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah also wore a traditional Malay attire, a yellow Baju Melayu during his address to the state legislative assembly opening ceremony, instead of the formal ceremonial white uniform attire (military type).

So, why is Umno keeping so quiet about this? As coward as a mouse! What about their own state assemblymen who also wore the Baju Melayu. The Penyimpan Mohor, Juruiring, Orang-Orang BesarDewan Negara also wore their traditional Malay attires. Are all these insulting the only Umno state assemblymen or the whole state legislative assembly? and members of the state

We want to ask all these extreme Umno state assemblymen, can any of the ethnic Chinese state assemblymen wear their traditional Chinese attire into the state legislative assembly during the sitting? We supposed you will also feel insulted, because of your racist and overly extremist characteristics.

Because these Umno leaders are racist, their minds are fully troubled all the time, filled with revenge, hate, hate, hate and nothing else but hate. By the way, having so much hatred and revenge onto other races is not the Islamic way. That means, most of the Umno leaders are not Muslims in actual fact.

Yet another 1Malaysia project by Umno...!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Khas untuk orang China.Menurut kajian Hugo, orang Melayulah mempopulasikan tamaddun China

Proto Malays

Proto Malay, also known as Melayu asli (aboriginal Malay) or Melayu purba (ancient Malay) are the mongoloids and austronesian speakers from mainland Asia who moved to the Malay peninsular and Malay archipelago in a long series of migration between 2500 and 1500 BC.[10] The Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Early History, has pointed out a total of three theories of the origin of Malay:

The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
The theory of Proto Malay originating from Yunnan is supported by R.H Geldern, J.H.C Kern, J.R Foster, J.R Logen, Slametmuljana and Asmah Haji Omar. Other evidences that support this theory include:
Stone tools found at Malay Archipelago which are analogous to Central Asian tools;
Similarity of Malay customs and Assam customs; and
the fact that the Malay language & Cambodian language are kindred languages because the ancestral home of Cambodians originated at the source of Mekong River.
The New Guinea theory (published 1965).
The Taiwan theory (published 1997). For more see Austronesian languages.
The theories presented above could be rendered false and in need of revision due to new scientific evidence presented by HUGO (Human Genome Organization) through genetic studies of the Asian races that points to a single Asian migration from South East Asia traveling northwards and slowly populating East Asia instead of the other way around which as popularly depicted above. From the scientific discovery which has been a silent evidence, it has pointed out that the South East Asian civilizations including the Malays are a much older civilization compared to the widely researched and well documented east Asians' anchient civilizations[11]

The proto Malays are believed to be seafarers knowledgeable in oceanography and possessing agricultural skills. They moved around from island to island in great distances between New Zealand and Madagascar, and they served as navigation guides, crew and labour to Indian, Arab, Persian and Chinese traders for nearly 2000 years. Over the years they settled at various places and adopted various cultures and religions.

Deutero Malays

The earlier Malays were later replaced by the Deutero Malays in the second wave of migration from mainland Asia around 300 BC.[12] The present day Malays of the peninsula and coasts of the Malay Archipelago are described anthropologically as Deutero Malays;[13] a combination of Proto Malays with Kambujas of Hindu-Buddhism faith, the Indo-Persian royalties and traders, southern Chinese traders, the aborigine Negrito Orang Asli, native seafarers, and traders from countries along the ancient sea trade routes.

The emergence of this new hybrid group indirectly forced some groups of Proto Malays and aboriginal people to retreat into the hill areas of the interior further upriver. Notable proto Malays of today are Moken, Jakun, Orang Kuala, Temuan and Orang Kanaq.[14]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Who should go first? Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz or Taib Mahmud?

I bet many of you will say LKS and Nik Aziz. Why? Because of their track records and their long tenure in politics?

LKS has been an opposition leader but he had never really achieved anything on subject to national issues. Most of the issues he raised were Chinese issues and none national.

Nik Aziz failed miserably. As a CM for 23 years in Kelantan, he failed to implement hudud and change the constitution to be more non-assobiyah (like owning of lands and properties which are currently only for Kelantanese , but not for other Muslims from other States) and also he failed to bring Kelantan progress despite many succesful Kelantanese who had been instrumental in the development of Malaysia.

Taib Mahmud may have been Sarawak CM for many years, but he has track records.

What he did for Sarawak is similar for what Tun Mahathir did for Malaysia, albeit he had some controversies issues .

At least he has the decency to announce his retirement. He did what Mahathir gave. A time period for us to adjust.

Abrupt changes for a multi racial country like Sarawak can be detrimental to the society and infrastructure Taib Mahmud had founded. Sarawak has now found a new mandate and that it is about time the Bumis to take control of their destiny fully and not to rely on others, the many Chinese, who may had immigrated from other places.

And then despite the tremendous help and the biasness Taib had shown to the Chinese community when come to timber concessions,palm oil leased lands, Petronas and SESCO projects, the Chinese had in fact 'swindled' and abandoned Taib merely for a chance of controlling Sarawak through Omega-led PKR and clergy-led PAS. To say that they are not showing gratitude to PBB President is the least of a shame, given that the Chinese controlled 90% of the economy in Sarawak. It is more than a tight slap on his face.This is good lesson Taib must learn.

Now with the emerging of Bumiputeras from the Dayaks the non-Dayaks Bumiputera who are now capable enough to take lead in all aspects of the economies. Sarawak has now enough proffesional Ibans, Bidayuhs,Melanaus, Malays etc that are the products of Taib Mahmud's policies and we are proud to acknowledge his policies had produced succesful Sarawakians like Effendi Nawawi, Idris Jala, and many.

So why should Taib Mahmud stoop so low to not offering the Ibanese and Bidayuhs the top DCM seats. It is time that the Sarawakians that the Bumis are good as any Chinese and they don't need them to progress.

LKS and Niki, dengan segala hormatnya.................................


Selesai sudah Pilihanraya Negeri Sarawak yang mana bermula pada 6hb April Penamaan Calon nya dan 16hb April tarikh pembuangan undi. Proses pilihanraya Negeri kali ini juga berjalan lancar walaupun terdapat beberapa insiden yang mencetuskan ketegangan.

Gomo sudah berada di Sarawak sejak 3hb April bersama rakan rakan Blogger GAP dan Pisau.Net dan sepanjang kami di Sarawak dalam mejalankan tugasan Pilihanraya ini kami dapati isu Taib Must Go tidak benar benar wujud sama sekali di kawasan kawasan luar bandar yang mana isu Taib Must Go sebenarnya hanya tertumpu di kawasan Bandar sahaja.

Kawasan Bandar seperti Kuching, Miri, Sibu semuanya di monopoli oleh Kaum Cina dan sentimen Taib Must Go ini di lihat hanya satu bentuk Modal pihak DAP dan PKR dalam kempen mereka pada Pilihanraya kali ini.

Dengan keputusan Pilihanraya memihak kepada BN dengan Majority 2/3 yang mana PBB parti yang di ketuai oleh Pehin Seri Taib menang besar menunjukkan bahawa sentimen Taib Must Go adalah tidak relevan sama sekali. Jika benar rakyat Sarawak menolak Pehin Seri maka sudah pasti PBB akan turut sama Karam bersama sama dengan SUPP pada PRN kali ini.

Apa yang Gomo lihat sebenarnya Kaum Cina bukan lagi memikirkan Ekonomi mereka sebaliknya Kuasa yang cuba di raih dalam menjadi Kerajaan di Negeri Sarawak. Kuasa yang DAP perolehi di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang menjadikan penyebab utama untuk Kaum Cina menyokong DAP agar Sarawak juga dapat di tawan dan menjadikan DAP kuasa Dominan dalam Kerajaan.

Tamat sahaja Pengundian dan keputusan di umumkan kita sendiri dapat lihat bagaimana ada mulut mulut Sumbang dari Pemimpin Kaum Cina di dalam Barisan Nasional yang menyatakan punca SUPP tewas dan kerusi Pembangkang bertambah adalah Faktor Taib yang tidak berundur. Apakah Logik kenyataan dari pemimpin Cina dari Komponen Barisan Nasional ini?

Sentimen Kaum Cina yang memihak kepada Pembangkang terutama DAP ini bukanlah baru ianya telah di tunjukkan sejak dari Pilihanraya Kecil Bukit Gantang lagi dan kemudianya ke setiap pilihanraya Kecil lain yang ada. Undi kaum Cina tidak pernah sama sekali memihak kepada Barisan Nasional dan ini memberikan gambaran sebenar bahawa Faktor Taib Must Go menjadi penyebab SUPP Tewas adalah tidak benar sama sekali.

Sepanjang Gomo di Sarawak Gomo telah pergi banyak tempat dan yang paling jauh adalah Kapit sebuah daerah pendalaman yang mana untuk sampai ke sana perlu menaiki Boat dalam masa perjalanan 2 jam 30 minit. Dalam perjalanan kami ini banyak pembangunan yang terbina dalam pentabdiran Pehin Seri dan menunjukkan tempoh 30 tahun beliau menjawat jawatan Ketua Menteri adalah amat berbaloi buat rakyat Sarawak.

Jauh benar jika nak di bandingkan Kejayaan Pehin Seri dengan Nik Aziz Nik Mat Menteri Besar yang mentadbir Kelantan selama 20 tahun lamanya. Itu merupakan satu contoh jelas bahawa Pehin Seri amat Komited dalam memajukan negeri Sarawak berbanding Nik Aziz yang di lihat hanya inginkan kerusi Empuk Menteri Besar semata mata.

Sewajarnya Pehin Seri Kekal sebagai Ketua Menteri sekuruang kurangnya sehingga ke PRU 13 nanti bagi menjalankan tugasnya sebagai Ketua Menteri rakyat Sarawak. Bukan senang untuk mentadbir Sarawak yang luasnya mengalahkan Semenanjung dan muka bumi nya yang tidak menentu. Belum di tambah lagi dengan karenah adat adat sesuatu bangsa yang perlu di perhalusi dalam membuat keputusan.


Kerusi Jamban brand Omega untuk logo baru PAS

The new logo is apt for the kind of politics PAS is also famous for. OMEGA issues.
New logo for PAS that reflects the kind of issues they are bringing now!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dengan segala hormatnya, Nik Aziz perlu letak jawatan. SOLAT HAJAT KAMU SEMUA SUDAH DI MAKBULKAN ALLAH

ALLAH telah menunujukkan lagi sekali kepada PAS siapa yang salah, bila PAS kalah teruk


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Setelah GARU GIAN menang pilihanraya negeri Sarawak di Ba' Ka Lalang dengan majoriti tipis, GARU  akan berjumpa Anwar Ibrahim  untuk menerima angkat sumpah marhaballah Anwar Ibrahim sambil GARU kepala.

Masyarakat LumBawang perlu menasihat Baru Bian agar bertaubat dan lompat pagar ke Barisan Nasional. Dan ketahuilah ALLH telah bersuara yang ALLAH adalah SATU tidak diberanakkan dan tidak beranak. DAN tiada sekutu dengan makhluk cipataanNYA. AMIN.

DAP ada kata kalau dia menang, Melayu dan Melanau akan diusir keluar dari Bumi Sarawak. Kalau BN menang, apa pula patut di buat agar adil dan saksama

DAP ada kata kalau dia menang, Melayu dan Melanau akan diusir keluar dari Bumi Sarawak. Kalau BN menang, apa pula patut di buat agar adil dan saksama?

DAP ada kata kalau dia menang, Melayu dan Melanau akan diusir keluar dari Bumi Sarawak. Kalau BN menang, apa pula patut di buat agar adil dan saksama?

DAP ada kata kalau dia menang, Melayu dan Melanau akan diusir keluar dari Bumi Sarawak. Kalau BN menang, apa pula patut di buat agar adil dan saksama

PAS Menang OMEGA Tahniah

Barisan Basional Menang 56 Kerusi

DAP Menang 11 Kerusi

PKR Menang 3 Kerusi

BEBAS Menang 1 Kerusi

PAS Menang  ........

Masih Sempat undi Barisan Nasional, kalaulah ini kabinet baru Sarawak

Kalau inilah kabitnet baru Pakatan Rakyat makna kaum Dayak dan Bumiputera akan dikencing hangit oleh Baru Bian. Bumioutera akan jadi pengemis di bumi sendiri.
Masih tidak terlambat untuk UNDI BARISAN NASIONAL.Jangan di tipu oleh PKR dan DAP, habis bumi Sarawak di beri kepada kumpulan Tiong Hwa. Jangan sesia2kan hak mengundi kita.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Wahai orang2 Sarawak, dah terang lagi bersuluh. Isu antara Kritian dan Islam memang dari dulu di rancangkan oleh puak Pakatan Rakyat PKR, PAS dan DAP.
Mereka ini lah yang sentiasa menjadi batu api pada isu2 yang sensitif dan mereka sengaja mencetuskan rasa tidak puas hati antara ugama demi talianhayat poltik mereka.

Jadi di seru orang Sarawak bertindak dan tendang mereka keluar dari Bumi Sarawak kerana Orang Sarawak adalah pencinta keamanan dan kedamaian yang telah diukir sekian lama sejak merdeka lagi.

Anwar dan Teresa Cock adalah pendusta ugama yang amat besar mereka ini lah yang 'instigate' di Alkitab controversi dengan harapan orang kristian Iban akan berpaling dari kerajaan sekarang.
Walaupun undi itu adalah hak kamu, kali ini rakyat sarawak mesti menolak mereka2 ini kerana mendalangi konsep benci antara kita.


PEHIN pun dah nak bersara, jadi UNDI Kerajaan BN yang baru yang lebih progresif dan maju.

KUCHING, 14 April (Bernama) — Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Persatuan Gereja Sarawak hari ini melahirkan rasa kesal atas tindakan pakatan DAP-PAS-Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) mengadakan sidang media berhubung perjumpaan mereka serta

menimbulkan isu kontroversi mengenai kitab Injil di sebuah hotel di sini.

Setiausaha Agung persatuan Ambrose Linang berkata perjumpaan itu hanyalah majlis sarapan yang diadakan pagi ini secara tertutup dan pembangkang telah bersetuju dengan permintaan persatuan agar tiada sidang media diadakan berhubung perjumpaan itu.

"Persatuan kami menerima jemputan daripada Pengerusi PKR Selangor Teresa Kok semalam untuk bersarapan bersama-sama, dan kami bersetuju dengan syarat tiada perbincangan berkenaan politik dilakukan, kerana kami adalah non-partisan.

"Sejurus tamat majlis tersebut kami terus beredar. Namun saya kesal kerana diberitahu bahawa mereka (pembangkang) telah mengadakan sidang media, walhal perkara ini (tidak mengadakan sidang media) telah dipersetujui bersama," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Ambrose berkata pihaknya akan meneliti perkara itu, dan jika didapati kenyataan yang dikeluarkan pakatan pembangkang mempunyai unsur politik serta berkait dengan perjumpaan itu, pihak gereja akan mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi.

"Sebelum kami buat pertemuan, saya telah bincang dengan Teresa bahawa kami ahli gereja tidak mahu membuat sebarang sidang media, dan kami juga harap mereka tidak akan mengadakan sidang media, sebab kami tidak mahu ada pihak putar belit," katanya.

Namun, sejurus tamatnya majlis bersarapan itu, pakatan pembangkang telah mengadakan sidang media.

"Kalau nak jumpa untuk berkenalan sahaja, itu tidak menjadi masalah kerana kami adalah ahli gereja, non-partisan. Kami bersedia duduk semeja dengan mana-mana pihak termasuk seperti perjumpaan semalam dengan Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak)," katanya.

Perjumpaan itu dihadiri lapan ahli jawatankuasa persatuan dan pemimpin kanan pakatan pembangkang seperti Presiden PKR Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, bapanya yang juga veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang. – BERNAMA


Benarkah PHD Dr Marzuki Ibrahim pengganti Shuib Lazim itu bogus?

Tengah kesibukan kes Video T, tiba2 boleh DatuT Shuib Lazim letak jawatan sebagai Bendahari PERKASA disebabkan kesihatan. Bukan ini sahaja isunya iaitu sebenarnya, dia letak jawatan kerana di paksa oleh segrombolan mereka dalam PERKASA(Alo brother2 PERKASA, kita bukan budak-budak). Tapi itu tak po. Strategi kerana PERKASA Tidak boleh nampak terlampau sangat menyokong UMNO . Kita paham.

Tapi tutup satu isu, buka pulak satu isu yang lebih besar, kononnya Dr Marzuki Ibrahum itu doktor tipu kerana dapat bogus PHD dari CAMDEN University. Iyo Ko?

Ini isu bogus doktor nampaknya bukan sahaja menular dikalangan artis dan Unit Trust Agent CIMB kini sudah pula menular dikalangan NGO. Apo ni? Tak do kojo lain ajo nak monipu kaum. Kalau tak layak tu, tak payah la nak eksyen eksyen kek orang kampong.
Usoho botol2, bukannyo susah nak dapek PHD.

Taubat jangan terlambat, 
kek facebook dah ramai kawan2 hang dah dok bantai.

Bogus Doktor Siamangbukit Antarabangsa
Gomoncih University

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Permintaan Katolik di Malaysia dalam penggunaan Istilah Allah adalah satu penghinaan besar kepada Melayu Islam.

Banyak point yang di bawa oleh seorang penulis yang bukan Islam berkenaan isu AlKitab dan penggunaan Allah yang pada pendapat saya agak baik.

Untuk melihat komen2 yang agak menarik sila layar ke:

Yang menjadi pelik kenapa hujah seorang (Gopal Raj Kumar) yang bukan  berugama Islam ini tidak diguna pakai oleh Attorney General Chambers dimana majoritinya berugama Islam?

Adakah peguam2 kerajaan kita ini tolol dan buta sejarah? Atau adakah mereka ini BODOH SOMBONG.

Antara di kupas:
1. Interference dari Vatican terhadap undang2 dan kedaulatan perlembagaan Malaysia
2. Penghinaan persatuan katolik di Malaysia terhadap orang2 Melayu
3. Hipokrasi Vatican yang pernah satu dulu anggap perkataan ALLAH itu sebagai satu yang jijik yang hanya dibenarkana kalau Injil itu di tulis dalam bahasa Arab
4. Perebutan antara mazhab2 Kristian dalam memenangi hati penganut Kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak. Kristianiti sendiri ada banyak mazhab.
5. Pempolitikan isu AlKitab oleh orang2 seperti Kota Kinabalu church activist Ronnie Klassen .
6. Kes sebenarnya perihal AlKitab bukan lah kes 'Allah' sahaja tetapi penghantaraan buku2 itu ke Pelabuhan Kelang menunjukkan perasaan tidak hormat dan deliberate instigation oleh Sidang Injil Borneo sebagaimana disuruh oleh Vatican. Tujuan AlKitan di P Klang menunjukkan aktiviti Sidang Injil Borneo sedang berjalan untuk tujuan mengkristiankan orang2 Melayu di Semenanjung.
7. Instigation ini adalah susulan dari Perang Salib yang dilancarkan oleh NEO Nazi Amerika Syarikat yang dipelopori oleh kawan2 Anwar Ibrahim atas nama "War Against Terrorism"
8. The Catholics had got the name of One God wrong again. Originally, the word YAHWEH was used for Hebrew before the latin DEO.
9. Should all the Bibles in the world rewrite with the word ALLAH rather than the word in Malay Bible only.
10. The Catholic shoudl realize that using the word ALLAH may backfire them since the word comes with the meaning of not only God but GOD with an supreme being concept, separated from and above Jesus and above the tradional trinity concept.


Posted on January 2, 2010

by grkumar

The High Court of Malaysia’s decision in the Catholic Herald’s fight to use the word Allah is quite clearly provocative, contentious, inflammatory and suspect.


I wonder if Malaysia’s legal fraternity, who together with the Catholic Church in Malaysia, once so willing to condemn the judiciary, will be consistent in their opinions held of the judiciary and now also condemn this decision as being the work of that same incompetent and corrupt institution for which they have nothing but contempt.

Or does incompetence and corruption have a different interpretation when they are the beneficiaries of decisions by the same ‘corrupt and incompetent’ judges?


At the core of this argument is the controversial and provocative use of a word Muslims have for centuries in countries like Malaysia adopted, as their unique and inalienable right to reference God. Christians including the Catholics used Deo or God equally for centuries in places like Malaysia to refer to the almighty. Never Allah, for the perceived fear it would corrupt their spirituality.

Interestingly Catholics eschewed even the English language in Malaysia for centuries till Vatican 2. In its place on prescription was Latin. A language alien to many of its faithful who never quite understood a word of it at all.

The use of Latin as prescribed by the Vatican for centuries had been the subject of debate and irritation, let alone ridicule to many of the faithful.

Observing masses of illiterate Indian and Chinese peasants bowing before an alter, Latin chants and hymns playing out in centuries old rituals originating from their own cultures now distorted in a European Mid Eastern form and imposed on them as worship was as much entertainment as it was faith.


At a time of much uncertainty and political upheaval, the Church an arm of the sovereign state of the Vatican has seen it fit to enter into the divisive domain of multi racial and religious politics.

One might legitimately argue that the church does have a role to play in defence of its faithful. But it would be hypocritical and unnecessary a point when, one considers the shifting positions of the Catholic church, an undemocratic and unresponsive theocratic state, interfering in matters that concern the internal affairs of another sovereign state, Malaysia.

The Church for centuries had a prohibition on the use of any other language than Latin. It eschewed anything remotely relevant to its many diverse adherents in an elitist totalitarian domination of the world and in what is often described as an extension of the Holy Roman Empire.

Their argument in this case is that the word Allah had been used for decades in many places including Malaysia and that therefore gives them a constitutional right to continue to use it in reference to God regardless of the illogical circumstances and contexts to which it is applied today.

Why does the Church seek to only use the word Allah in its teachings and interpretation of the Bible? It is justly perceived by mainly Muslims as a sinister and deceptive exercise when applied particularly to Muslims from rural areas who could very easily be fooled into believing there is a nexus to Islam within the Church through its use of the word Allah?

Why would the Catholic Church not convert the language of the entire liturgy into Arabic from where the word Allah originates? Or perhaps the language of Malaysians, Bahasa Malaysia?


For centuries under European domination of the peninsula, Malay was treated contemptuously as a lesser and therefore unworthy language limited in its use in its broken form when addressing the original inhabitants of the peninsula, the Malays. It was relegated to a level of insignificance at missionary schools and never was given any prominence till around 1968 for the same reasons the Church now seeks to capitalise on the use of the word Allah. A form of nationalism. In the case of the Catholic Church Vatican Nationalism.

The church equated and associated the use of the Malay language in its proper form as a bridge to Islam and therefore actively discouraged its use till now. Suddenly they appear to have fallen off their horses and seek to embrace A word “Allah” common to Malays but not to Catholics. Why?

The Pontiff, in the form of Nazi, former Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict not long ago called Islam evil and joined the west in an unholy chorus of anti Arabic (inspite of it having a relatively large constituency amongst Arabs) anti Islamic sentiment. Why now the backing for selective use of the dispised evil Arabic Allah? What is his real motive?

The Pope’s anti Islamic rhetoric we must recall was driven by the Vatican’s unquestioning support of American foreign policy however flawed it was and for its support of its other sychophant, its new convert to Catholicism, Britain’s Tony Blair.

Sadly that anti Islamic campaign now associated with the Catholic Church and its western allies turned out to be a campaign of mass murder with no justifiable cause, unprecedented in its savegery, contempt and disregard for human life in modern history. It turned out to be something reminsent of a modern day hi tech Spanish inquisition another holy, unjustified and bloody campaign run by the Catholic church.

Ratzinger and his ambassadors cannot now simply wash their hands of so much blood with a simple publicity campaign of “Reaching out to Islam“. They must repent with deeds. When will the Church’s politics and interference in the affairs of other states stop? When will Catholics become an example for others to emulate?


There is a political battle being fought out there for control of the hearts and minds of a large population of Sabahans and Sarawkians being engineered by both the Catholic Church and their rivals for souls. The American style evangelical Christians.

They collectively, one not to be oudone by the other, will apply every Amway style of multi level marketing, sinister political and economic tools and bait, to rope in as many disgruntled Malays and Muslims and to galvanise them into a vote bank for the next general elections.

This practice is not much different to what they did to Indians in the rubber plantations and poorer Chinese offering them the incentives of a good Catholic school education of they did convert during the time of the British. That practice endures to this day in India where it is meeting with stiff and violent resistance and quite rightly so.

Catholics often frown and campaign against Malays or Muslims proselytizing. At the same time suprisingly the Catholic Church appears terribly oblivious, insensitive and ignorant of the pain this same phenomenon and “virtue” inflicted by them on Muslims feels like. It is a practice equally offensive to Malays and Muslims.

This would have been a different argument if the Catholics were seeking to use Bahasa Malaya in the entire liturgy to make it relevant to “Malaysians”. The question of language and identity so often and so unconvincingly argued by non Malays as being at the root of their grievances, their ”heritage and identity as Malaysians” when it suits them, appears lost here to the Church and its non Malay supporters.

What Catholics appear to be seeking here is an extension to that form of racism. That whatever non Malays and non Muslims wish to do in the name of religion has to be tolerated in the name of a half written constitution. On the other hand arguing against everything that the Malays as a majority in a democracy do as being wrong and racist.


Catholics must learn to reciprocate in kind to a people in whose country they have been treated with much reverence, dignity and respect over centuries. Tolerance is a two way street. Malaysia although fundamentally a Muslim state has, advocated for and advanced Catholic (and other religious causes and purposes) without the let or hindrance or religious intolerance like that imposed officially by the Thais, Burmese, Philippines, Australians, Chinese and more recently the Swiss on their migrant communities.

Much of the reason we are able to debate such issues and to read and write about it today it is often argued, is the result of a good Catholic education. Wrong! It is equally the result of Malay Muslim generosity in allowing the propagation of the faith, vernacular schools and other institutions to thrive and the general tolerance of the values of non Malays. A cursory glance off the streets of Malaysia’s cities bears testimony to this indiputable self evident truth.

It is a pity that in return for this generosity, all that the Catholic church is capable of and all that it has to offer its Malay Muslim hosts in return is an insult to the Malays and Malay Muslims in pursuing such a worthless and insensitve policy of religious provocation.


There is a flawed perception that the constitution provides blanket freedoms to religious practices and interpretations of religious doctrines. It clearly does not do. The state always has residual powers in preservation of its sovereignity, to amend or to ignore aspects of the constitution when it offends or becomes irrelevant. It happens everywhere, everytime in the commonwealth and elsewhere in the inerests of self preservation and as an expression of sovereignty.

In this particular case, we have a foreign state in the Vatican, by its local operatives, the Church, seeking to undermine national policy (however objectionable it may appear to some) through the sinister use of the constitution of its host state to undermine racial and religious harmony.

The Catholic Church unlike Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and other religions, is unique in that its directives come from a foreign government, that of the Vatican. This provocation therefore is effectively state (or foreign) policy of the Vatican.

The Church cannot therefore be arguing that some constitutional religious freedoms (which are not theirs as a foreign state), inconsistent with its own behaviour over the centuries, has been violated here. It may not argue that using the word Allah alone is therefore somehow a constitutional right or a religious practice because it is neither. This is the Malaysian constitution and not the Roman or Vatican constitution. And neither of the latter have currency in Malaysia.

Continued pursuit of the subject matter of this action is clearly a provocation. The Church knows full well there is resistance from the majority, Malaysia’s 60% Malay Muslims and is a breach of convention.

A valid counter argument to the Church’s position in this matter is, that this entire exercise is an unlawful interference by the Vatican in the affairs of another state by a foreign government, the Vatican. Additionally the Church in adopting its controversial position on the use of the word Allah, may inadvertantly be acknowledging the truth of the Quran which, if it is consciously doing may not be such a bad thing after all.

The Catholic church itself is not paragon of virtue nor the best example of a protector of its many faithful when one considers it conduct in favour of the rich and powerful against the abused in South America for centuries.

Closer to home its backing of Lee Kuan Yews attacks against a former priest (Fr. D’Souza) who had the courage to stand up for the rights of the oppressed in Singapore a decade or two ago. It is but one of many examples of the politics of expediency the Catholic church practices at the expense of the teachings of Christ.

The constitution in such cases must be read down and not up as appears to have been the case with the Catholic Herald (for want of a better description of the case) insistence on the provocative use o the word Allah.


In all of this one cannot help but wonder if the justices who decided this matter were of the same calibre of one retired justice NH Chan. NH Chan’s history of judicial incompetence and the embarassment of his analysis demonstrated in the Perak Constitutional Crisis, his record of illogical and substandard judicial decisions are sadly hailed by many leading lawyers (in Malaysia) including the much celebrated Appeals court judge Sri Ram Gopal as being exemplary and creditable.

Chan remains an icon to the defiance of the laws of reasoning, when one reads his decisions, his capacity for argument and his grasp of legal issues apart from his embarassing inability to articulate himself with any form of conviction in English or Bahasa.

The constitution of Malaysia does not give license under the pretext of guarantees of religious freedoms to mischief or covert undermining of the peace and stability of the state. It is neither implied nor is it expressed in any form within the constitution. Yet this is clearly what the decision in this case implies.


In a demonstration of good faith, a belief in its own credo of Good Christian Charity and goodwill, the Catholic Church ought to withdraw the ridiculous and provocative demand now legtimised by a flawed decision and do so without further stretching tolerance too far. It should demonstrate that it ought not to be allowed the sinister use of one Arabic word Allah which is clearly a thorn in the side of its Malay majority hosts.

The Church may do so without any embarrassment to itself if it acts immediately. On the contrary with one fell act of goodness and respect it would build a bridge of understanding likely to last forever as a monument to its credo, rather than for the blemishes in its record of insults, abuse, its betrayal of Malaysia to the colonials and the undermining of the cultural and religious sensitivities and heritage of Malaysia’s majority.

If this matter were to be put up for reviewe independently or, in the event the government chooses to exercises its rights as a sovereign state, exercising its reserve powers, the Church may likely find itself with a pyrrhic victory in its hands designed for fools by a constitution constructed by Christians.

Gopal Raj Kumar

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Video terbaru Skandal Seks Pemimipin PKR

Video Terbaru ini lagi memgemparkan:
Susunan Babak :
1. Seorang wanita yang keseorangan didatangi oleh Pemimpin   untuk beromen.
2. Sedang beromen, mereka didatangi pula oleh seorang lelaki mungkin boyfriend atau suami wanita (ESKAY?)
3.Jadi adegan bergaduh antara pemimpin dengan boyfried wanita itupun bermula
4. Walaubagaimanapun keghairahan dan nafsu mereka, menyebabkan pemimpin dan boyfriend tak jadi gaduh.
5. Kedua2 lelaki itu belasah sama sendiri sebelum masing2 gang bang wanita itu. (Scenes missing)

Temasek Review mungkin ditutup selepas diugut PAP. Kalau DAP, anak PAP, perintah Malaysia , sudah tentu tiada press freedom!!

Kalau DAP, anak PAP, perintah Malaysia ,  inilah akibat nya, Malaysia akan tiada press freedom, ramai orang akan bankrap dan Malaysia akan menjadi negara yang diperintah secara kuku besi.
Temasek Review adalah satu portal berita yang menarik ramai pembaca yang kritikal terhadap kerajaan PAP Singapura. Sejak kebelakangan ini , TR sudah banyak 'slow down' kerana di 'ugut' oleh pegawai dari ranting khas (Special Branch).
Adakah ini kerajaan DAP yang di nantikan oleh mereka yang mengundi Pakatan Rakyat.?
Mak Lampir YB Zuraidah adalah mantan rakyat Singapura dan sudah tentu YB zuraidah tahu betapa seriknya rakyat Melayu di Singapura yang dizalimi oleh kerajaan LKY dari segi hak Bumiputera yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan Singapura ketika merdeka dari British pada tahun 1963.


Since the news broke about the impending “demise” of the The Temasek Review (TR), we have receive hundreds of emails from well-wishers offering everything from financial assistance to suggestions for TR to prolong its operation.

We must say we are very touched by the encouragements from all our supporters and wish to offer our assurance that everything possible is being done and considered to keep the “spirit of TR” alive to the best of our abilities.

Given the precarious position that TR is in and us being privy to information which our supporters do not presently possess, we would like to urge our supporters to please refrain from speculating but concentrate on the important issues at hand and not be distracted by TR’s impending “demise”.

Again, financial issue is not the main consideration for the intended “demise” of TR and there are other factors which we promise will be revealed at an appropriate time in the future.

Not wanting to sound like a disaster in the making due to the intended “demise” of TR but we need to appeal to our supporters to “please stay clam” and not be alarmed by any action or announcement taken by TR from now on (no, we are not asking for donations).

TR has one last battle to “fight” and it has to be fought alone (by our team) if THe ‘enemy’ comes knocking on TR’s door. Until then, we will just sit tight, act blur and stupid.

To quote Singapore’s future $15,000 a month ‘Parliamentary Stomper’, “[We] don’t know what to say [for the time being]”

Amanda Tan

for Temasek Review

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pilihanraya Negeri Sarawak: Undi PAS Sama macam bagi ANJING YANG GIGIT TANGAN YANG BERINYA MAKAN

Bacalah ulasan dari blog Darul Ehsan Today. Anjing ini bukan sama macam anjing salak bukit (macam biasa dengar, sekurang2 anjing ini Tanahpun boleh runtuh dibukit antarabangsa) Ini anjing lagi teruk. Ini Anjing, Anjing makan tuan. Kalau undi PAS samalah macacm beri makan pada Anjing yang akan gigit tangan tuan yang beri makan.

Nasihat pada rakyat sarawak lain kali dengar aje nama PAS, anggaplah Lipas (atau Lapes dalam bahasa sarawak) hambat keluar dari rumah. Kitak dah lama tahu pasal gelagak orang PAS,pengotor, dan bagi betis nak peha. Lebih sudu dari kuah.

Macam biase, pas tak akan mengaku silapnya walau pun kesilapannya itu terang-terang nampak depan mata, seperti yang berlaku di santubong semalam, petugas pas untuk calon dun tanjung datu di halau keluar oleh tuan rumah yang depa sewa tu.

Ceritanya bergini, aku dah pergi jumpe tuan rumah tu petang tadi, pas pada mulanya bersetuju untuk menyewa rumah itu dengan harga sekitar rm 1000 untuk masa dua minggu, rumah itu cantik, lengkap dengan perabot tv lcd dan kawasan luarnya ada taman yang ditanam dengan pokok-pokok bunga, sepatutnya sewa rumah itu lebih tinggi dari harga yang pas dapat, tapi tuan rumah kesian dengan petugas pas yang telah berhari makan tidur, berak dan kencing di masjid, maka tuan rumah dengan berat hati menyewakan rumah itu tapi bersyarat.

Apa syaratnya? syarat tuan rumah cukup mudah, rumah itu hanya untuk tidur, makan dan berehat sahaja, aktiviti lain seperti ceramah tak di benarkan buat, memandangkan kawasan luar rumah itu cukup cantik dengan pokok ditanam segar-segar. tapi seperti biasa, pas memang parti munafiq, kalau berjanji jangan harap la depa nak pegang pada janji, jadi mereka pun buat lah ceramah kat rumah tu, sekali, dua kali, tuan rumah pejam mata, tapi kalau dah sampai roboh pagar rumah orang, siapa boleh tahan ye tak?

Maka dengan baik tuan rumah tu mintak petugas pas keluar dari rumah itu, korang tau apa yang tuan rumah tu dapat? dia kena maki kaw-kaw dengan petugas pas, macam-macam kata kesat yang petugas keluarkan kat tuan rumah tu, kata tuan rumah pada aku, dia tak sangka orang pas boleh berperangai macam ni, berang dengan perangai petugas pas, dia memulangkan semula duit sewa rm 1000 kepada petugas pas di samping dia terpaksa menangung kos baik pulih pagar dan barangan elektrik dalam rumah yang rosak.

Jadi untuk tutup cerita yang petugas pas tidak berakhlak ketika menyewa rumah orang, lalu pas divertkan isu tu, kononnya bn desak tuan rumah tu halau petugas pas, walhal cerita yang sebenarnya, tanyalah petugas pas yang duduk rumah tu....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dr Wan Azizah masih bersama DSAI kerana masih belum pasti berapa banyak harta pencariannya bersama suaminya

SiamangRadio berkata:

  1. Mana isteri tak sayangkan suami walaupun berapa berat bahu memikul bebanan mendengar khabar berita yang tidak menyenangkan perihal kelakuan suami
  2. Lebih-lebih lagi ada anak2nya yang masih bergantung kepada pendapatan ibu  dan bapa
  3. Khabarnya, si ibu masih belum ketahuan dimanakah datangnya duit bapa yang dikatakan berbillion
  4. Ada yang katakan kebanyakkan duit adalah dari dana ABRAR dahulu kala saat kuncu2nya melarikan diri termasuk saudara Ezam, Saiffudin Nasution dan seorang lagi yang lari ke Jakarta. Termasuk juga dana dari Amerika yang disimpan di Jerman
  5. Besar kemungkinan ibu masih belum lagi bersedia kerana dia jugak berhak kepada kekayaan suami yang dianggarkan berbillion2.
  6. Jadi tidak hairanlah, si ibu masih bergantung kepada tali perkahwinan walaupun sudah jelas rapuh hanya menanti masa.
  7. Tidak ada jalan lain melainkan si ibu hanya bersabar.

Isu AlKitab: Kenyataan Mufti membelasah Putrajaya buktikan Peranan Persatuan Ulamak Malaysia Lumpuh dalam senario politik semasa

  1. Ramai blogger telah sedikit sebanyak mempersoalkan keputusan kerajaan pusat dalam isu menanda tangani tuntuan Persatuan Kristian perihal penahanan Al-Kitab, dan tidak kurang juga menghentam Putrajaya.
  2. Apa yang kita tahu isu ini agak lama. Dalam masa itu yang menjadi kemusykilan, mengapa pihak2 ulamak tidak sendiri mencuba menyelesaikan masaalah ini dengan menghubungi Pihak yang berugama Kristian.
  3. Kita lihat ulamak2 kita lebih utama memberi fatwa bilamana seseorang pemimpin islam itu membuat sesuatu yang dilihat boleh melepas batas Ugama mengikiut tafsiran masing2.
  4. Dan yang menjadi sedih kita mendengar, sebutir sebutir peluru di keluarkan dari hanya beberapa ulamak seperti Harusani dan Mufti Selangor . Peluru itu lebih menghentam dari merapatkan jurang perbezaan persefahaman antara masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan ugama
  5. Apakah sebenarnya peranan kewujudan Persatuan Ulamak Malaysia? Adakah Persatuan ini hanya untuk mengeluarkan fatwa sahaja?
  6. Saya berpendapat bahawa Persatuan Ulamak mesti mengembangkan peranan mereka, seperti mengwujudkan perhubungan antara ugama agar pihak bukan Islam lebih mengenali isu semasa yang boleh mengugat keharmonian masyarakat disebatkan Ketua Ugama ini tidak faham akan perkara yang sensitif dalam keugamaan. Sebab itu Persatuan Ulamak harus menerangkan sebab2 dengan lebih jelas.
  7. Bukan sahaja Ulamak2 kita boleh mendakwah ketua2 Ugama yang lain pasal Islam, ini juga boleh mengurangkan apa jua ketegangan yang disebabkan oleh salah faham yang remeh.
  8. Bebanan keputusan dalam konteks politik boleh di ringankan sekiranya , Ulamak2 kita dapat memberi keterangan kepada yang bukan Islam perkara2 yang mereka tidak faham dan semoga mereka mendapat hidayah memeluk Islam.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Omega Watch Wanted: We pay high price for 'not-so-old' watches.

We are looking for second hand 'not-so-old watches'. Requirements:
  • Must be authentic and with certification from original manufacturer. (Jam mesti Tulin, Video Tulin walaupun end-client terlebih Tulin)
  • No etching with owners' name except if name is labelled as 'Anwar'
  • Black Colour (We actually don;t know what colour our client want, but anyhow we will get it identified it by our client, who is old enough to be your father)
  • Price can be negotiated. (Harga boleh bincang, double the original price also no problem).
  • Genuine sellers only.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apakah nama baru SPRM?

AlFatihah kepada Allahyarham Penolong Pengarah Kastam yang jatuh tingkap . Semoga rohnya dicucuri Rahmat Nya.Amin.

Dengan satu lagi kes terjun tingkap, banyak persoalan kepada SPRM timbul mengenai apa yang berlaku dalam sessi soalsiasat pegawai institusi terhadap mereka yang Di tahan reman. Apakah teknik yg digunakan lagi teruk atau lagi effektif dari pegawai PDRM sampai yang ditahan reman berfikir tidak ada jalan keluar melainkan terjun tingkap.

Atau mungkin, bangunan/premis yg digunakan kini sudah di hantui oleh Teoh Beng Hock

SPRM- Satu Persatu Reman Mati atau .....

"OmeGay Man has split personality". Apa perlu kita buat jika kita masih sayangkan dia?

Saya postkan kali ini adalah dasar belas kasihan terhadap Anwar.  Saya pasti bukan saya dan rakan2 saya di CravenCafe sahaja berasa simpati kepadanya. Jutaan rakyat Malaysia mungkin merasa sedemikian.

Menurut Nallakarupan, mantan teman tennis Anwar, pernah satu ketika dahulu Anwar mengakui bahawa dia ada split personality; Yang Alim dan Yang Rascal.

Sebelum kita ambil apa2 tindakan eluklah kita kenali apa itu "Split Personality". SIla lihat posting dibawah yang saya petik dari sebuah blog.

Yang amat menarik adalah kes 1, dimana seorang pesakit lelaki itu ada pelbagai personaliti termasuk:

"10. For the last tenth personality, Adarana, nineteen years old, quiet, lesbian, female."
(Personaliti sebagai seorang perempuan Gay/Lesbian yang berumur 19 tahun.)

Jadi tidak mungkin Anwar juga boleh mempunyai personaliti sebagai seorang 19 tahun homosexual atau ACDC.

Dan kalau benar DSAI berpenyakit split personality, apakah tindakan kita selanjutnya sekiranya kita bernar kasihankan dirinya?

Apakah kita akan biarkan dia begini atau kita mesti membawanya kedunia nyata?
Kalau kita biarkan Anwar begitu sahaja, kita akan menjadi zalim.
Sekiranya, kita dan lebih2 lagi pengikut Anwar masih sayangkan Anwar sebagai orang Islam yang berpenyakit, seharusnya kita menarik dia ke dunia realiti, iaitu tolak Anwar seadanya dengan jangan kita sokong Pakatan Rakyat .
Bila DSAI kalah dalam apa jua yang dia percayai akan menang, maka Anwar akan merasakan bahawa dunia ini tidak akan membiarkan dirinya dibelenggu kejahatan dalam kegiatan homoseksual. Dan dia akan merasakan dosa2 yang dibuat sebelum ini dan akan mempunyai rasa untuk bertaubat.

If Anwar thinks he can get away with murder, we as Malaysians will suffer, while Anwar will  be living in the evil Jekyll-Hyde mode iaitu dalam satu dunia yang dia tidak sedar bahawa apa yang dia buat itu adalah satu kejahatn.

Sekiranya anda pengikut Pakatan Rakyat yang sayangkan Anwar, kali ini janganlah undi Pakatan Rakyat. Kalau tidak hendak undi BN, undilah Bebas atau jangan pergi ke Pusat Buang Undi.


In this world of todays', there are a lot of implausible diseases; one of them is the disease of human's mind, which is called as split-personality disorder. Not many people around the world believe if this disease really exists or not, or they rather think that the person is acting.

I was on my way from Bangalore, India to Mumbai, India and during the journey I was just chatting with the person sitting next to me and during the process of our conversation we begin to discuss on "Split Personalities".

I distinctly remember that when I was in college, I had one very good friend of mine and his name was Mr. T. Kiran Kumar. The uniqueness of our relation was our compatibility and depth of understanding. Whether we were with kids, or classmates or elderly people or uneducated people or females or highly intellectuals, hardly mattered; how we might behave, was entirely based on the type of group that we were part of. Believe me or not but our attitude, approach, behavior, and our way to react to a given situation was based on the type of group we were into. Does that imply that we were having split personalities? If that is the case then every one of us are having split personalities. We behave differently with our family members, with our friends, our spouse, and unknown people, right?

Let's see.

Let us understand the term "Split Personality".

Definition of Split Personality: "A relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge".

Explanation: There is no category or phenomenon in psychiatry called split personality. The term is commonly used in popular language to indicate an ambiguous or radically and spectacularly alternating type of behavior of the "Jekyll and Hyde" type. It is often bewildered with the medical illness of schizophrenia because the etymology of the latter (from the Greek schizein, to split + phren, mind) suggests, misleadingly, that schizophrenia is a type of split personality. In schizophrenia, however, the splitting is within one single personality as the individual's thoughts, feelings and emotions are seriously and confusingly disconnected from each other in a chaotic and random fashion. Schizophrenic individuals, far from having split or multiple personalities, actually have a great struggle maintaining the coherence and integrity of even a single self.

Before proceeding further let's try and understand as what we mean by term "Personality".


There are three distinct meanings for the term "personality," two of them general and popular and the third technical and philosophical. The first and most general meaning is that personality is the sum of the characteristics, which make up physical and mental being. These include appearance, manners, habits, tastes and moral character. The second meaning emphasizes the characteristics that distinguish one person from another. The two meanings overlap or merge into each other, as the first considers all characteristics pertaining to the individual, without comparing him with others, while the second sees the same facts in relation to the outside world and fixes attention mainly upon the features that distinguish the subject from his fellows. This second meaning is equivalent to individuality. It represents a widely prevalent conception of the term.

But the third meaning is the most important, and is the only conception of any value to the psychic researcher and the philosopher or psychologist. This conception of personality is concerned only with mental characteristics; it makes no distinction between common and specific marks. In fact it connotes mental processes rather than fixed qualities. The capacity for having mental states, or the fact of having them, constitutes personality for the psychologist and the philosopher. Personality is thus the stream of consciousness, regardless of the question whether any special state is constant or casual, essential or unessential. Physical marks will have no place in this conception, unless they may serve as symbols of mental states. It abstracts from them and denotes only the stream of mental phenomena.

This third meaning is so radically different from the other two that it gives rise to perpetual misunderstandings between the philosopher and the public. These misunderstandings arise particularly in the discussion of survival after death. The layman with his conception of personality looks for physical phenomena of some kind to illustrate or prove it. Consequently, if interested in psychic phenomena at all, he prefers materialization, which best satisfies his conception of personality. He cannot take the point of view of the psychologist or the philosopher, who neglects these purely sensory characteristics, and fixes his attention on mental states as the proper conception of the personality, which may survive. Materialization would supply the very characteristics, which the layman fixes upon to represent personality. But precisely the fact that mental states are not presented to sense, leads the philosopher to conceive of immortality as possible.

If the layman's conception were correct the philosopher and psychologist would deny the possibility of survival with entire confidence, as a necessary implication of bodily dissolution. The day could be saved only by the doctrine of a "spiritual body," an It astral body," or an "ethereal organism," supposedly a replica of the physical organism in its spatial and other characteristics. These represent personality after the manner or analogy of the physical body. The real spirit may indeed have a transcendental bodily form; but the stream of consciousness remains the same whether there is any "spiritual body" or "ethereal organism" or not. This is the fundamental element in all conceptions of spiritual reality. It is not necessary to decide the question of a "spiritual body" or "ethereal organism" as the condition of believing in the existence of spirits. That is another and perhaps a secondary problem. What we need to know is, whether the stream of consciousness survives, whether the personal memory continues, not how it continues. The fact of survival is to be considered first and the condition of it afterwards.

Historical Review of "Split Personality"

Possible cases of split personality have been reported in the medical literature since the early 19th century, and the condition was formally defined in the first years of the 20th. But until recently it was considered extremely rare--fewer than 200 cases were described before 1980. The diagnosis became much more common in the 80s for several reasons. One was the phenomenal popularity of Flora Schreiber's 1973 book Sybil, which told of a woman with 16 personalities. Stories of "multiples," fictionalized or otherwise, were nothing new--The Three Faces of Eve dates from 1954, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" from way back in 1886--but Sybil made a crucial innovation, introducing the idea that multiple personalities stemmed from trauma during early childhood. Around the same time, child protection advocates and feminists began arguing that child abuse, especially sexual abuse, occurred far more often than previously supposed. And in the late 70s, in a phenomenon thought to be linked to the resurgence of Christian fundamentalism, reports of so-called satanic ritual abuse first captured the public's imagination.

Presented with, on one hand, allegations of an unrecognized epidemic of crimes against innocents and, on the other, a simple mechanism to explain why their troubled patients couldn't remember any abuse (i.e., the personality divides in order to shield itself from horrific memories), a small but devoted group of therapists began diagnosing multiple personality disorder with alarming frequency--more than 20,000 cases had been reported by 1990. Under the influence of hypnosis and other techniques, subjects reported dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of "alters" whose behavior, age, sex, language, and occasionally species differed from that of their everyday personas. Alters were coaxed into revealing bloodcurdling stories of abuse by family members, or of sacrificing their own babies to shadowy cults. One prominent multiple personality specialists claimed that the satanic network programmed alters into its victims, which it could then trigger to act in certain ways by sending them color-coded flowers.

By the early 1990s it began to dawn on rational folk just how preposterous the whole business was. Having investigated more than 12,000 accusations over four years, researchers at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Illinois at Chicago determined that not a single case of satanic ritual abuse had been substantiated. A 1992 FBI study arrived at the same conclusion: overeager therapists had planted horror stories in the minds of their patients. In 1998 psychologist Robert Rieber made a convincing case, based on an analysis of audiotapes, that even the famous Sybil had confabulated her multiple personalities at the insistence of her therapist. The bubble burst, and diagnoses of multiple personalities subsided.

Some real Life Examples of Split Personalities


The first patient is a man named William S. Milligan, he was caught by the charge of rape in Ohio at 1977. As police and the psychologists examined him, they found the unbelievable fact that he had several personalities. Here are the first ten personalities they found. In The Minds of Billy Milligan;

1. The first personality is the main personality, Billy, twenty-seven years old, blue eyes, brown hair.

2. The second personality is Arthur, twenty-two years old, British. This personality and the next one are the keeper of the "Spot", where they can have the control of the body, or become themselves open to the outer world through the body of Billy.

3. The third personality is Leigen, twenty-three years old, Yugoslav, who knows how to fight and can use gun and other dangerous stuff, controls the hate.

4. Fourth personality is Allen, eighteen years old, talkative, only one who smoke and right handed.

5. Fifth personality is Tommy, sixteen years old, knows how to unlock chains or handcuffs, and the specialist of the electricity.

6. Sixth personality is Danny, fourteen years old, always scared to something especially man, blond hair, blue eyes.

7. Seventh personality is David, eight years old, controls pain, red-brown hair blue eyes.

8. Eighth personality is Christine, three years old, cannot talk, blond hair, female.

9. Ninth personality is Christopher, thirteen years old, brother of Christine.

10. For the last tenth personality, Adarana, nineteen years old, quiet, lesbian, female.

Those were the main ten personalities of the William S. Milligan. As if you wonder how they know their outlooks, William Milligan, Billy has a hobby of painting, or some of the personalities do. Therefore, they draw each other on the painting and that is how they get to know their outlooks.


The woman's name is Claudia Ellen Yascow. She was arrested by the charge of killing four people, which they found later that she was not the suspect. However, it was not unnecessary for the police to think that she was the suspect, because she had information of the scene that cannot be known unless the person has been there. Even though the information was confusing and messy because of her mental disease, police believed her and thought that she was the suspect, for she knew even where the pot and other little detail was at when the crime occurred. She was caught once but let go after few month with the check of psychologist that she has a incubation type of split minds, and the lie detector found her answer to the question that she was not at the scene when the crime happened showed what she said is true, "No, I did not."

Her trouble is brought up mainly because of her mental disease, incubation type of split mind. Claudia is different, as she can always be herself even she is in a great pressure, but she will be losing a collect criterion to judge what kind of situation she is in. For example, when she was caught in jail, she truly thought that she was in a middle of movie taking and she was playing her rolls of main heroine. "Suddenly she put the smile on her face and said 'I never thought that I could have a great chance like this,' She leaned her head on the wall.'I've always thought of having a chance to do a big act like a big actress. I do have some experience of acting in few films as a supporting player, but if I play this murderess act, maybe I can be very famous.' Dye stared at her and asked, 'You think we are making a film right now?' She slapped his hand softly, smiling, 'Oh Dye, you have seen all those cameras at the corridor and those of TV's. I hope I can have a deal with a lot of money coming in, you know it is kind of hard to act.'

As you can see above, by the shock she got from been captured by police, her mind had made an escape way from pain by believing that all the stuff going is an act and not a real deal. This is very close to what Billy has done to himself; only the difference is that fortunately, Claudia was not getting shocked when she was before teenager, but after she became an adult. I think that this is the reason why she was quite right in condition even though she had some mental problems since she was fourteen and had been looked after by a psychologist. Her case is still, with a great trouble, that in such a hard circumstance like in the police office, she would be nervous and will not be able to say what she really wants to.

As she says in Unveiling Claudia, "If I am lying to you right now, that is anything but my will. She is telling the truth here that her mind is trying to protect herself by not telling the truth about the matter, and she cannot help it. It is rather an act of her instinct, to let the shock coming above her because of telling and remembering the truth softer in order to not breakdown for it.

This has been appearing in the way of making the book. As she was making the confession about the murder, she always kept telling a one big story with half lie and half-truth. As you will find later that the truth was such a hard one that it was too much for her to remember it and telling it to the person who you met one or two years ago. This can be seen in Unveiling Claudia, " 'Claudia, I don't know what I should believe in you.' She put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eye. 'I'm sorry Dan. I do trust you more than before. But not enough.'" This conversation was held more than two years past after they have met, and as you can see that she is very careful about telling the truth and that is why she kept telling lie, or something that she believed it was a truth and unfortunately it was not. Although she is always careful about telling the truth, she is always an easy person to make believe. If someone tells her that she has a superstitious power, she believes it and so on. This has prevented her from stopping the murder, because she had known that the real suspects of the case had planned to proceed the crime week before the murder. However, she was busy and also her weak mind was scared with the pressure what if she tell it to the victim and the what if the suspects would know about it and come after her? In the way of her mind escaping from the reality, she started to believe that it was an oracle, and she could not stop the crime. This story was one of the reason she was arrested once by the story told by her friend that she knew that the crime is going the happen a week before, and the truth was different.

The shocking truth was told on the end, and it was shocking enough for her mind to look for some escape way. On the night when crime has occurred, she was forced to go to the place with a gay, right after the murder had happened. The man was gay but he had a gun in his hand and she could not refuse to go there with him. Their car came in front of the house just in time when two suspects where killing the victim, and after they had gone away, they went to the house's garage where there was a one dead body of a man and one body of woman laying on the floor. Claudia was forced to put her hand into the dead woman's genitals and find a bag of drugs. Now, this is a real hard and sick experience for the twenty-six years old woman, or any other person in the world. She was shocked and her mind could not stand it and she has lost her memories in order to prevent the breakdown.

After few days she found herself knowing about that crime but could not find out why she knows so much about it. She shared that story with police and they misjudged her as a criminal and put her in jail.

What they have to say

Article analysis by Joshua Burke

"My father is a metal health counselor here in the US. He has seen only 2 multiple personality disorders in his 20+ years of private practice. In both cases patients were former participants in covens. One was a willing participant and the other was supposedly the unwilling offspring of a "breeder" program.

Neither my father nor I are generally prone to believe such things for the very reasons that you put forth in your article but never-the-less both patients exhibited classic multiple personality disorder symptomology. In the case of the unwilling participant he came to the conclusion that the majority of the damage to her psyche had been done by a previous therapist, when he met with the therapist and watched him work with her he was then certain that this was the case... Perhaps this fits with your theory of therapists putting ideas into people's heads.

Unfortunately, this leaves a difficult problem to solve... Whether or not the problem is caused by a therapist or by some other external force, what is to be done with these people? Regardless of *how* they got that way they still deserve to be whole persons who will probably require further therapy... The *cause* of multiple personality disorder is not so important to determine for these patients as healing is.

The process used by my father in his therapy sessions is called re-integration where the personalities are not taught how to *co-exist* but rather how to re-integrate with the main persona or the core identified "true self" as discovered in therapy. This re-integration can be very simple or complicated depending on the strength of a particular personality.

For instance, if a person has one major alternate and several minor ones the minor ones would be integrated first before the major etc. The difficulty arises because for each personality present there is a tremendous loss of individuality for each one and in each case this loss of an individual "persona" is often felt as a grief or loss of a friend for the true self. As each personality is re-integrated the true self becomes more in tune with its own emotions and feels this grief more keenly. For this reason it is important to take things slowly and to address only personalities that emerge rather than force anything.

In many cases a person's sense of self may be so buried under all of these layers of 'others' that finding the true self may be the most difficult part of the therapeutic process. Often this self is so weak and lacking in will that it presents as a smaller, other personality. It takes caring, sensitivity and insight to help these people since this true self is often a very young child.

It might sound strange and eerie and it is... The problem with your argument of is it all in their head is that of course it is... Does that make it any less real for the people who suffer from it? It is very similar to people who experience vivid hallucinations, are those things real? No. Do they cause them grief and pain? Yes".

Stay in touch and yes, do take care of your good self because you are precious.


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