Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Friday, February 19, 2016

Benarkah Freemason itu sama macam Illuminati? Arman kena check betoi fakta ini

Kita kini dibentangkan satu bantahan dari Saudara Armand exco pemuda terhadap Freemason dan Illuminati pada 24hb Feb ini.

Sebelum sesiapa ingin turun padang adalah baik kita buat kerja rumah sebelum isu ini akan ditembak dirinya sendiri.

Apa saya lihat bantahan ini bukanlah sangat mahu mencari kebenaran tetapi ada lah cubaan untuk mengkaitkan Freemason ini dengan pemimpin2 yang tidak sebulu dengan Pro-PM sekarang ini.

Ada banyak rujukan berkenaan teori conspiracy Illuminati dan Freemason. Baca di sini. Namun pengakaitan antara kempimpinan Illuminati diatas Freemason hanya tuduhan yang tidak dapat disertakan dengan bukti.

Saya ada lihat ada satu posting FB dari seorang ahli Freemason di Malaysia serta seorang Muslim yang juga mengaku pada saya bahawa mereka ini masih ahli Freemason dan tidak pula mereka cuba pun menyembunyikan keahlian mereka.

Apa yang di nyatakan Freemason ini macam kumpulan fraternity, menolong sesame sendiri dalam kerjaya dan kesusahan perjalanan hidup dan bukanlah satu kumpulan yang ingin menguasai dunia seperti kumpulan Illuminati. Walau bagaimanapun kita tidak menafikan mungkin ada ahli Illuminati yang telah menyelusup masuk kumpulan Freemason dan juga kumpulan2 lain termasuk dalam Parti2 dinegara kita seperti PKR , PAS , DAP dan juga UMNO.

Kita pun tahu ada blogger2 yang pernah menuduh TDM adalah seorang freemason. Jadi tidaklah mustahil akan ada  pulak blogger yang termakan benda2 yang meyedapapkan dan menyelasakan yang akan menuduh pemimpin2 ini kononnya ahli Freemason.

No kelas lah, bro. Carilah isu lain.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Titanic is gonna hit the iceberg real soon

I supposed it is an idiom used by an UMNO man who feels he must be silenced and talk in riddles and 'kiasan' when he wants to convey the imminence of a collapse of an empire.
Another UMNO man says that an empire always shall collapse at its greatest heights. I don't know what empire he was talking now. But I have a guess. The other empire I know is the Melaka Empire. Did it collapse at its greatest height?
The  Real Pungok Kicker (RPK) is now turning his guns to the man who we owed a lot of our pride with his vision of a modern Malaysia. Will these people who has so many fond memories of him had been recently given a paint of a monster who had trillions of monies? What will these people feel when one tells them they had eaten duit haram during those 22 years. The doctor is now a monster himself,  worst than his own creation. Some wise men said, the monster created was a reflection of his inner self. Hang nak percaya ke?

The titanic is actually a submarine already gone down underwater but has gone undersea with a full of radar but surprisingly some icebergs can now be controlled to aim towards the submarine.
How clever a squirrel is, it will still fall down to earth. The laws of gravity was actually discovered by the Malays long time ago.

Our politics are actually shaped by some clash of personal interests in the past so it is no  surprise  to some of the elites who themselves had been in those circles of network.

I am not surprise a quip from a friend of mine who lately has seen a good turn of fortunes.
"Masa ni kalau kita dapat, kita samun lah, especially from those penyamuns." 

Like the pirates who thief amongst the ever thieving pirates. And some had been kings.

Even amongst them they have a code of honour.

I left the table feeling disoriented about our real objective of our perjuangan.

Some will lose and some will win. But I know what we going to lose for sure is our DIGNITY.

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