Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Selama Hari Raya Korban. Balik lah kampong yang masih ada ibu dan bapa

Selamat Hari Raya Korban

Yang ada bapa dan ibu , balik lah kampong.

Sebelum mereka tinggalkan kita selamanya.

Alfatihah kepada kedua ibubapa saya.

Bila sudah tiada orang tua barulah terasa rindu.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Jerman bermain wayang: Kenapa pelarian dari Syria dll tidak di benarkan masuk Hungari?.

Many Syrian Immigrant may be sent back if they fail to convince they are war refugees.
Blame it on the Dublin Regulation.
Masaalah yang timbul di sempadan Hungary adalah berpunca dari regulasi yang telah dipersetujui oleh Negara EU.
Hungary is stopping the Refugees entering or passing through the country since Germany is not responding responsibily they are accepting these refugees.
All refugees are needed to be properly processed before letting them through.
Kerajaa Jerman sekarang ini sedang bermain wayang dengan Hungary.
Croatia pun telah menutup sempadan mereka walaupun mereka bukan negara EU.

The answer is: Hungary is forced to act according to EU law and Germany refuses to apply an optional clause that would suspend this law.

The explanation in detail: To understand what is going on in Hungary, one needs to understand the Dublin Regulation.

The Dublin Regulation determines the Member State responsible for an asylum claim. It consists of two parts:
  1. The responsible Member State  will be the state through which the asylum seeker first entered the EU.
  2. Asylum seekers entering another Member State can be transfered back to the responsible Member State.
Due to the Dublin Regulation only Member States at the external borders (e.g. Italy, Greece, Hungary) of the EU can become responsible Member States. Germany, for example, can never become a responsible Member State, because all neighbors of Germany are also members of the EU.

The consequence of the Dublin Regulation is that non-responsible Member States like Germany refuse to process asylum applications from most refugees and legally transferred them back to the responsible Member States. As a result of this practice, structurally weaker and poorer Member States like Greece, Italy, and Hungary have been left alone with the burden of the increasing refugee influx for many years.

It is not surprising that the Dublin Regulation was primarily supported and enforced by Germany. The Dublin Regulation was extended to the Dublin II and then to the Dublin III Regulation.

According to the Dublin III Regulation and other  EU law, the responsible Member State has to operate reception camps, where they assess personal characteristics of the refugees (e.g. fingerprints) and where refugees have to apply for asylum.

Responsible Member States violate EU law if they allow refugees to pass through to another Member States without assessing  and submitting their personal characteristics into the European Data Directory. Such violation of EU law entail a contractual penalty.

Thus, Hungary is forced by EU law to first register refugees in reception camps. Refugees at the Keleti train station in Budapest can shout "Germany" as loud as they want, Hungary is not allowed to let them go without concession of Germany. The Dublin III regulation includes a sovereignty clause that allows any Member State to declare responsible for the refugees. Since Germany refuses to apply the sovereignty clause, refugees can't pass through.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

16 Sept, himpunan merah Mat Rempit dan Melayu Baruah Burit

Bila mana Melayu mahu bersuara maka adalah mula-mula Melayu yang berada dan kononnya pandai bersuara Melayu yang berbaju merah di beri jolokan Melayu merempit ingin menebus maruah bangsa.

Banyak Melayu ini sudah menjadi baruah tanpa mereka perlu mendapat sokongan bangsa asing.
Mereka ini adalah orang yang fikir mereka terhebat walaupun kedudukan mereka ini bukanlah dari titik peluh mereka tapi dari keringat mat-mat yang dalam majority  sanggup untuk meletakkan diri mereka dalam keadaan aman. Our strength is our sheer numbers. It doesn't matter if they are not smarter than you. Everyone has its own strength.

Dalam keadaan aman lah mereka ini mendapat peluang untuk mengaut laba perniagaan dan menyenangkan mereka secara pendirian. 
Adakah mereka ini memberi sumbangan untuk mempertahankan kemelayuan?
Tidak sama sekali. We are Malaysians.

Mereka ini bila ada masa akan mengutuk semua ciri-ciri melayu dan tidak akan sesekali menggunakan kekayaan mereka untuk mengembangkan kebudayaan dan kekuatan melayu dari segala sudut. Mereka ini self centred.

Bila mereka sudah berjaya mereka akan menjadi anglophilia dan lupa asal usul mereka.

Mereka mula mengutuk melayu walhal ada lah menjadi tanggungjawab kepada yang kononnya intellectual memperjuangkan nasib Melayu yang lain.

Saya merasa sedih dengan sikap mereka yang memualkan dan amat pathetic .

Ada yang telah menjadi warganegara dunia pertama namum masih mengutuk melayu konon semua melayu yang sokong kerajaan adalah bodoh, dan korup. Dan mereka ini warga British atau Amereka keturunan Melayu yang telah berjaya memburitkan wanita Eropah.

Kepada mereka ini kamu adalah sebenarnya baruah.

Tahu bercakap besar namun tidak tahu untuk menolong bangsa sendiri.

Kamu hanya tahu memuji bangsa asing yang asalnya datang untuk merompak harta kekayaan pribumi Malaysia.


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