Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bagus lah kalau Zamani Slam merasa malu kerana ....

Kerana malu itu sebahagian dari iman.

Janganlah Zamani hanya malu bila orang lain menyuruhnya melakukan sesuatu yang hanya rasa memalukan apabila beliau dalam keadaan waras.

Tetapi tidak malu pula bila mengambil dadah depan khalayak ramai.

Nasihat kita semua agar Zamani akan terus merasa malu dan akan pergi memulihkan diri sendiri dari ketagihan dadah.

Ambillah ikhtibar dari Jamal Abdillah. Kita ini masyarakat penyayang dan akan memaafkan Zamani.
Semoga Zamani balik ke pangkal jalan. Dan kami amat sayang pada kamu.

Selebihnya baca juga di sini.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Adakah Otak Abby Abadi bekerja untuk BN dalam operasi menangkap blogger Milo Suam?

Mengikut teman baik Milo Suam, Kopi 'O' Ais Kosong Tak Ada Gula, perbuatan Abby dalam posting di facebooknya telah berjaya mengenal pasti blogger Milo Suam yang kini sedang menjalankan hukumannya kerana memfitnah kerajaan.
Syabas otak Abby Abadi, secara diam otak beliau mungkin bekerja untuk kerajaan Barisan Nasional dalam membenteraskan gejala fitnah pembangkang dalam internet.
Dengan beridentiti sebagai MJ, ramai lelaki yang mencuba  nasib namun akhirnya ada yang disebabkan cinta terhalang terjebak dalam mengpamirkan diri mereka ke kaca mata awam termasuk Polis.

Selanjutnya di sini:

Monday, January 19, 2015

FAT LEONARD Francis:dari Malaysia membawa kemahiran merasuah ke Tentera Amerika

SAN DIEGO: Seorang kontraktor warga Malaysia mengaku bersalah atas dakwaan melakukan penipuan dan rasuah terhadap pegawai rasmi Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Leonard Francis, 50, dari syarikat pembekal perkapalan Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA) membuat pengakuan itu di Mahkamah Persekutuan San Diego selepas didapati terlibat dalam dakwaan rasuah membabitkan puluhan juta dolar.

Dikenali sebagai "Fat Leonard" dalam kalangan komuniti kelasi Amerika yang berurusan dengannya, Francis dan pegawai tentera laut AS, Kapten Daniel Dusek mengaku bersalah atas konspirasi rasuah tersebut.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Latifah Koyak rabak: Saya bukan Charlie.atau Paul. Kenapa Saya tidak layak mencampuri hal JAKIM

Kenapa ya? Sonang ajo. Latifah Koyak tak pernah pergi sembahyang Jumaat.
Selanjutnya diSemut Hitam

PETALING JAYA: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dilihat senada dengan sekutunya, PAS apabila turut mengakui tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan peguam hak asasi manusia, Eric Paulsen mengkritik Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).

Ketua Penerangannya, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata, kenyataan Paulsen bahawa Jakim menyebarkan fahaman ekstremisme boleh dianggap sebagai penghinan kepada umat Islam.

"Saya tidak sepenuhnya bersetuju dengan kenyataan umum Eric yang boleh ditafsir menghina secara serkap jarang," katanya menerusi kenyataan pada Rabu.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mejar Zaidi: Kalau nak tiup wisel pun, jangan tiup wisel orang lain. Gunalah wisel yang telah di peruntukkan,

Ini dari Badut Rakyat.

Komen saya, kalau tindakan tidak diambil nanti tentera kita kan menjadi medan politik dan Negara tidak akan jadi aman dan damai.
'Whistleblower' kalau nak tiup wisel pun tiup la wisel yang organisasi itu bagi. Jangan tiup wisel orang lain.

Umum telah mengetahui bahawa Mej Zaidi Ahmad TUDM telah diberhentikan dari perkhidmatan kerana didapati bersalah melanggar 2 Perintah tetap pengkalan Udara Butetrworth dengan :


Apa yang saya faham,pihak mahkamah telah menjelaskan bahawa keputusan tersebut TIADA kaitan dengan agenda politik/isu dakwat kekal tetapi ia dibuat kerana Mej Zaidi melanggar PERINTAH TETAP,gagal mempamerkan contoh tauladan yang baik kepada anggota bawahan dan mencemar imej TUDM.Mengapa beliau ENGGAN membela diri dan membuat rayuan setelah 2 kali diminta untuk berbuat demikian ??? Kenapa masih ada pihak terus memesongkan pendapat masyarakat dengan mengaitkan isu berkenaan dengan isu politik ??? Adakah BERSIH terdesak sangat sampai menjadikan Mejar Zaidi sebagai HERO SEMENTARA ??? di bawah adalah akta ketenteraan

PMAT 1972, Bahagian 3; (secara rengkas dan mudah difahami) : Bah 3,

1- Warga tentera TIDAK BOLEH menjadi ahli sebarang parti politik.

2 - Tidak boleh menjadi calon pilihanraya.

3 - Tidak boleh memegang jawatan di dalam mana-mana parti politik,tidak boleh berucap bagi pihak mana-mana parti politik,menyiar atau menyebarkan bahan-bahan tulisan bagi mana-mana parti politik.

4 - Tidak boleh hadir mana-mana perjumpaan politik dengan berpakaian seragam,kecuali diarahkan untuk melakukan tugas.

5 - Tidak boleh menyampaikan apa jua maklumat samada secara sulit atau terbuka melalui sebarang media berkaitan politik atau sebarang isu yang menjadi perbalahan politik yang menyentuh Angkatan Tentera.


a. Mengambil bahagian di dalam mana-mana kerja politik atau membantu pilihanraya untuk mana-mana parti politik,perjumpaan mana-mana parti politik atau merayu undi ATAU;

b. Mempamirkan mana-mana pelekat politik di dalam kawasan kem atau kenderaan tentera/kerajaan. Warga tentera TIDAK BOLEH menjadi perayu undi mana-mana parti politik

7. Ia BOLEH HADIR di perjumpaan atau perhimpunan politik DENGAN SYARAT bahawa;

a. Bukan pada masa bertugas.

b. Berpakaian `preman' atau Awam (Tidak rejimental mufti) .

Jadi apakah perbuatan mejar tersebut telah mencemarkan nama baik angkatan tentera kita ??? Apakah mejar tersebut tidak tahu akan akta ini atau dia sememangnya tidak tahu langsung ??? Ini boleh saya ketegorikan sebagai masalah disiplin dan juga sebagai tidak memegang amanah yang telah diberikan kepadanya.



Monday, January 12, 2015

Masaccre in PARIS: A western take on "I am NOT Charlie" Charlie Hebdo sudah jangka peritiwa pembunuhan beramai2 itu akan berlaku

I am NOT Charlie

By The Saker

January 08, 2015 -   Okay, let's be clear.  I am not Muslim.  I oppose terrorism.  I don't even support the death penalty.  I loathe Takfirism.  I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point.  I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor.

But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie.

In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the murders in France.  Here is why:

Charlie Hebdo for the Darwin Awards ?

The folks at Charlie Hebdo had it coming. Here is what I wrote about them in September 2012 when they published their famous caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed: Worthy of the Darwin Awards, if you ask me.  Excellent, the “gene pool” of the French “caviar-Left” badly needs some cleaning".  Today I fully stand by my words.

Just a stupid dare?. Let me ask you this: what would be the point of, say, taking a nap on train tracks?  You don't have to "agree" with the train which will run you over, but it still will, won't it?  What about taking a nap on train tracks specifically to make a point?  To prove that the train is bad?  To dare it?  To make fun of it?  Would that not be the height of stupidity?  And yet, that is *exactly* what Charlie Hebdo did.  I would even argue that this is how Charlie Hebdo made it's money, daring the "Muslim train" to run them over.  You think I am exaggerating?  Check out the caricature which one of the folks who got murdered yesterday had just posted.  The text reads: "Still no terrorist attacks in France - Wait, we have until the end of January to send you our best wishes".  The crazy person shown in the drawing is packing a Kalashnikov and wearing an Afghan "Pakol" - the typical "crazy Muslim" in Charlie Hebdo's world.  Talk about a stupid dare...

"Spitting in people's souls"

There is an expression in Russian: spitting in somebody's soul. It
fully applies here.  Muslims worldwide have been unambiguously clear about that.  They take blasphemy very, very seriously, as they do the name of the Prophet and the Quran.  If you want to really offend a Muslim, ridicule his Prophet or his Holy Book.  That is not a secret at all.  And when Charlie Hebdo published their caricatures of the Prophet and when they ridiculed him the a deliberately rude and provocative manner, they knew what they were doing: they were very deliberately deeply offending 1.6 billion Muslims world wide.  Oh, and did I mention that in Islam blasphemy is a crime punishable by death?  Well, it turns out that of 1.6 billion Muslims exactly three decided to take justice in their own hands and kill the very deliberately blaspheming Frenchmen.    You don't have to be Muslim or to approve of the death penalty for blasphemy to realize that this was inevitable and that this has nothing to do with Islam as a religion.  Offend any group as large as 1.6 billion and sooner or later you will find 1-5 folks willing to use violence to make you pay for it.   This is a statistical inevitability.

Are some victims more equal then others?

So 12 deliberately "soul spitting blasphemers" were murdered and all of France is in deep mourning.  The media worldwide does such a good job presenting it all as a planetary disaster that many thousands people worldwide say "I am Charlie", sob, light candles and take a "courageous" stance for freedom of speech.

Crocodile tears if you ask me.

 The Empire's freedom fighter. The fact is that the AngloZionists have carefully and lovingly nurtured, organized, armed, financed, trained, equipped and even directed the Takfiri crazies for decades.  From the war in Afghanistan to Syria today these murderous psychopaths have been the foot-soldiers of the AngloZionist Empire for decades.  But, apparently, nobody cares about their victims in Afghanistan, in Bosnia, in Chechnia, in Kosovo, in Libya..

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Machine gun is mightier than the Sword.Kenapa mahu bergaduh dengan orang gila?Free Speech is not entirely free. It may costs you your life.

It is a bit of irony that the English words  "The pen is mightier than the sword" first written by novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, in his historical play Cardinal Richelieu, is being used to response against the recent Paris massacre.
While majority of the Muslims around the world condemned these as an act of terrorism and against Islam, many sees the chosen words used to response to defend the free speech fail to see the grievances of many Muslims and that the West has chosen to see this unfortunate event but to support a war against Islam.
It has been always known to these cartoonists that while you can write against the religious concept of Islam as a religion, you should learn how to respect their believes but not portraying a caricature of 'Prophet Muhammad' with the purpose of mocking up a dead man with sole reason of insulting the Muslims .
While the Muslims always had no means of hitting back with a caricature of Jesus, Moses and all the other prophets, which against the religion of Islam this act of using caricatures to portray any Prophets or Religious Heads should not be allowed at all, merely because no Muslim can control over the extremists who will get seriously offended. How can you reason with an amuck running guy?
If extremism can be equate with unstable followers of a cult, why choose to argue with a mad person after all.
A Malay proverb says it all , "Kenapa mahu bergaduh dengan orang gila? Memang cari pasal" (Why would want argue with a mad person, you would only be looking for trouble,
Sendir buat sendiri tanggung. In the first place, one must learn to self control. Free Speech is not entirely free. It may costs you your life.

Tribute cartoons to the journalists at Charlie Hebdo compare pencils with guns, writers with fighters - it's also why some demonstrators are holding pens and pencils in the air. Many assert that "the pen is mightier than the sword". But where does this idea originate?

The English words "The pen is mightier than the sword" were first written by novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, in his historical play Cardinal Richelieu.

Richelieu, chief minister to King Louis XIII, discovers a plot to kill him, but as a priest he is unable to take up arms against his enemies.

His page, Francois, points out: But now, at your command are other weapons, my good Lord.

Richelieu agrees: The pen is mightier than the sword... Take away the sword; States can be saved without it!

The saying quickly gained currency, says Susan Ratcliffe, associate editor of the Oxford Quotations Dictionaries. "By the 1840s it was a commonplace."

Today it is used in many languages, mostly translated from the English. The French version is: "La plume est plus forte que l'epee."

Read bere:
464 gray line

Thursday, January 8, 2015

AirAsia QZ8501: Aktiviti menjaga bontot masing2 bermula

Memang Pelik bin Ajaib. Nampak2nya bapak2 kalian sedang cuba mencuci tangan dan mulai menjagain buntutan masing maseengeeen.

Di katanya penerbangan tidak disapprove namun flight plan disapprove sesaat sebelum ia berlepas dan setelah 1 bulan penerbangn.
Ini mesti ada kong kali kong.
SURABAYA 6 Jan. - Empat pegawai kawalan trafik udara di Lapangan Terbang Juanda, Surabaya dipecat selepas Kementerian Pengangkutan Indonesia mengambil tindakan keras ekoran kejadian pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 terhempas di Laut Jawa, baru-baru ini. Laman web melaporkan, Pengarah Keselamatan AirNav Indonesia, Wisnu Darjono berkata, tindakan itu diambil terhadap mereka kerana gagal memeriksa kebenaran jadual penerbangan untuk AirAsia Indonesia. - Agensi - See more at: utusan

ULAR PUTIH: Fool For Your Loving ...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

SUDAN VS KELANTAN: Bising pasal Najib tak tengok mangsa banjir walhal yang duk terpekik terlolong itu tak ambil port pasal ibubapa dan saudara mara.

Dari Wassap:

Overheard a heated conversation during lunch... between a Kelantanese young man and a Sudanese man. It was ironic that I was seated too close to these two when all I wanted was to stay away from heated argument of this nature.

Sudanese: "So, have u visited your kampung? How bad is it?"
Kelantanese: "The water reached the waist level. I haven't gone home since boats can't even get to the house."
Sudanese: "Sorry about that. I hope your family is doing ok. But seriously, I'm amazed that you have not tried to at least go back earlier. When do you plan to go see your mom?"
Kelantanese: "Tomorrow inshaaAllah."
Sudanese: *paused*..... "You don't think it's a little ironic, that you are having lunch with me today... eating salmon steak with mashed potato... while your mom and dad aren't eating anything till today?"
Kelantanese: "What's that supposed to mean? I told you already, no point even trying to go back.... I can't even reach those areas."
Sudanese: "I don't know about your culture... but when Sudan had a big flood last year.... everyone tried their level best to go home. But here you are, eating lavishly.... enjoying food. At the same time you condemned your own Prime Minister for playing golf when the country is hit by flood."
Kelantanese: "He is the Prime Minister... he has responsibility towards his people, his country... his states."
Sudanese: "And you are NOT a leader of your family? Your sisters, your brothers do not need you in moments like this when you are enjoying salmon steak?"

 Kelantanese: "I have my other brothers to help my family members."
Sudanese: "And your Prime Minister does not have his other ministers to manage the flood? He has to come back and try to get into the water even though he knows he cannot get to these areas, while people like you, who are responsible for your own family are eating salmon in this classy cafeteria? Isn't it like the pot calling the kettle black?"

Interesting conversation, which eventually left the salmon steak cold... with one walking away, and the other looking pissed. Yours truly gawked.

 The irony of life:

1.We want everyone else to do their job well.... but we do not know our own responsibilities.

2. We forget our duties to our husbands / wives / mothers / fathers / children, but expect others to take care of their needs when we are not around.

3. We believe leaders are selected by the people and carry with them hell load of responsibilities, but we forget that we are leaders in our own unit.... our own little family and we have hell load of responsibilities too.

4. We want things changed, but we are not changing ourselves.

How ironic.... really.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Jom tengok hits 2014 sambil makan mee banjir Masjid Tanah

Kalau sesiapa yang tidak tahu apa itu Mee Banjir datanglah berlibur di Pekan Masjid Tanah.

Tidur di Chalet Comel pengkalan balak yang baru lepas di ubahsuai. Kalau mahu diskaun, guna kekunci "Kaptain Dion", insyaallah akan diberinya diskaun sedikit. Tapi tak gerenti. Mungkin anak juga pembaca blog ini boleh bagi.
Untuk makan seisi keluarga, boleh ditempah 'best' assam pedas Melaka dari 'London' :)
Ingat Masjid Tanah tiap2 hari banjir.

Sementara makan apa jua juadah yang saya sebut diatas hiburkanlah hati anda dengan lagu ini :

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